Krupenichka amulet doll: history of occurrence, manufacturing procedure, photo

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Krupenichka amulet doll: history of occurrence, manufacturing procedure, photo
Krupenichka amulet doll: history of occurrence, manufacturing procedure, photo

Video: Krupenichka amulet doll: history of occurrence, manufacturing procedure, photo

Video: Krupenichka amulet doll: history of occurrence, manufacturing procedure, photo
Video: Кукла Крупеничка. Мастер-класс 2024, April

In the old days, in almost every hut you could see a homemade doll. The well-to-do or Vesnyanka, Bereginya or Plantain - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that each of them, including the most revered Krupenichka, or Zernovushka, was called upon to protect the home and household. And therefore, a motanka - that was also called any home-made doll - was always given the most honorable place in the hut.

Why Krupenichka?

Peasants were very sensitive to the processes of sowing and harvesting grain. After all, her well-being and how she survived the harsh winter depended on what kind of crop the family received. For this reason, since pagan times, the Slavs came up with the idea of sewing a doll, which was tightly stuffed with cereals. Initially, it was the breadwinner of buckwheat, then oats, rye, and peas, which were most in demand among peasants, were added to it. It was with them that ordinary people usually sowed their fields and fed on them all winter. Although we althy families also had more expensive wheat or rice, which, respectively, made up the inside of Zernovushka.

krupenichka doll
krupenichka doll

The mostA common version of why they called this amulet doll Krupenichka is the legend about the appearance of buckwheat in Russia. Allegedly, the Tatar-Mongols took the hard-working daughter of the Russian prince into captivity. But the girl refused to marry their khan, who, in retaliation and out of a desire to break the pride of Krupenichka - that was the name of the beauty - sent the captive to work in the fields. From morning to night she did not straighten her back. And just like that, a pilgrim passed by. She took pity on the girl and turned her into a buckwheat seed so that she could hide it safely. And returning to the Russian lands, she threw the grain into the fertile soil. It sprouted and turned into a bush of grains, i.e. buckwheat. The wind blew and carried 77 grains in all four directions. This is how buckwheat appeared in Russia, which became the main food for many families. It was she who was originally supposed to fall asleep in Krupenichka. Later, a tradition appeared to fill the amulet with any other grain that was grown in the family. And along with Krupenichka, other names for this motanka began to be used - Zernovushka or Zernushka.

What was the meaning of the doll?

The Krupenichka amulet had a clear purpose - to attract prosperity to the house and provide its residents with a well-fed life. At the same time, several grains stuffed with different cereals could be stored in the hut. Accordingly, each of them had an additional meaning:

  • buckwheat was known as a source of prosperity and abundance;
  • oatmeal - he alth and physical strength;
  • barley - satiety;
  • rice - we alth.
doll amulet
doll amulet

One was poured into the Grainthe type of cereal or several at once - first of all, everything depended on the we alth of the family. It was believed: the more Krupenichek in the hut, the more prosperous the life of the household would be. Moreover, they certainly tried to keep one of them intact until spring - this symbolized the protection of the house from troubles and the evil eye.

When was Krupenichka made?

Traditionally, the doll was made in autumn after the harvest. It was tightly stuffed with fresh, selected cereals - preferably obtained from the first sheaf - and left until spring, when it was time to sow the fields. It was believed that the first handful thrown into the ground should be taken from the Krupenichka doll. This promised a good harvest in the future and renewed it, bringing prosperity to the family. The motanka itself was betrayed by the elements - earth or fire - or taken apart into shreds and stored until autumn, when it was necessary to assemble a new amulet doll.

making grains
making grains

Krupenichka could be opened in winter. This happened if the house ran out of cereal. It happened that it was Zernovushka who saved the household from starvation. By the way, a stranger could immediately determine whether the family lives richly: Krupenichka is tightly stuffed - everything is fine, emaciated - trouble is in the hut.

If several coils were kept in the house, the groats were taken from them and just to add it to the brew. It was believed that such food has healing properties and improves he alth. For the same reason, from time to time, the Grain was given to children - playing with it, they were allegedly charged with energy and strength.

What does the amulet look like

According to legend, any motanka, includingKrupenichka should not have a face. This is due to the belief of Christians that an evil spirit can move into a doll with a face. Otherwise, everything depended on the imagination of the craftswoman and the possibilities of the family.

Traditionally, the guardian doll Krupenichka - the photos confirm this - tried to make plump and smart. Over the bottom shirt - a sundress and an integral part of the peasant woman's clothing - an apron. A shower jacket and a scarf completed the outfit. In addition, the doll was decorated with a warrior - a ribbon that pulled hair together. Small spoons, keys, etc. were put into hands. Bright beads were hung around the neck.

big guy and rich man
big guy and rich man

In some families, next to Grain, you could see her friend - the rich doll, who was also tightly stuffed with grain. In general, the better and more elegant the amulets were, the more prosperous the family lived.

Where was the doll kept?

The best place for the Krupenichka amulet doll has always been the Red Corner. It was next to the icons that she turned into a real protector of the hearth. If there were two rooms in the hut, a small Red Corner was arranged near the table and shelves for utensils. Amulets were also placed here.

In modern homes and apartments, Krupenichka can often be seen in the kitchen, next to cabinets that store supplies.

Making Krupenichka

In the old days it was a whole ceremony. Moreover, it was important not only how to make the Krupenichka doll pretty and eye-catching, but also how to endow it with magical powers. So, in order to charge the doll with positive energy, it was supposed to read prayers during its manufacture, which shouldcome from a pure heart. Another option is to hold the finished Krupenichka in your hands and tell her how you want to see your house.

krupenichki dolls
krupenichki dolls

Now about how Russian women traditionally made a charm doll.

First of all, they prepared a canvas or linen bag for cereals - in the end it was the torso and head of Krupenichka. The first option is to fold a flap of the desired size in half and sew the sides together - you get a kind of pipe. Tie the bottom edge of it from the inside with a strong thread and turn it to the front side. Now the resulting bag can be filled with cereals. It remains to tie the upper edge of the doll. Then carefully tuck the resulting frill inside the bag and fasten it well so that grain does not spill out of Krupenichka. The second option is to roll a roll of thick paper and wrap it with a cloth in several layers. You get the same pipe, but without stitching. Further, you can make a bag out of it in the same way.

do-it-yourself krupenichka doll
do-it-yourself krupenichka doll

The next step is to select Krupenichka's head. To do this, you need to tie up the upper part of the bag filled with cereals with a thread. The doll has a body and a head. You can decorate it.

  • At the level of the neck with the help of a red thread, wind the lace, which in length should reach the legs of Krupenichka. The result is an undershirt.
  • In a similar way, dress the doll in a sundress, over which fasten the apron. The latter may consist of several shreds of various fabrics, for example, plain cotton and guipure. To make the apron look natural,it must be applied to the top of the doll with the wrong side up, tied to the body at neck level and then lowered down.
  • For a caftan, prepare a long piece of fabric and cotton handles folded into narrow tubes (preferably flesh-colored). Attach the latter to the opposite edges of the shower jacket and wrap it in fabric, moving towards its center. Fasten the caftan on Krupenichka, making sure that the handles are on the sides. Secure the shower jacket with red thread.
  • Put an openwork warrior from a strip of fabric on your head and tie a large scarf, which should hide all the working threads.

To remember this

Craftswomen who started making the Krupenichka amulet doll, described above, must follow several important requirements.

  • Only natural fabrics and threads were used. The use of scissors and other sharp objects, including a needle, was excluded. All the shreds were torn by hand, and the details were tied to Krupenichka with a red thread. Hence the name of all Slavic amulet dolls - motanki.
  • The craftswoman should start making the amulet exclusively with pure thoughts and a calm soul. Preferably no one is around. The exception is a close relative or friend.
  • It was impossible to interrupt the work on the doll, it was supposed to be done within a few hours and with the rising moon.
  • A coin was placed at the bottom of the bag. Then the Krupenichka doll, made with her own hands and according to her own project, brings not only we alth, but also good luck.

Krupenichka these days

Since ancient times, it was customary to give such a talisman for Carols and all Christmas holidays, as they are associated with fertility and a good future harvest. Nowadays, the doll is often brought to new settlers and newlyweds - after all, both of them need the help of a talisman at first. Although any person will surely be happy with such a gift. Especially if the donor makes a Krupenichka amulet doll with his own hands and puts a piece of his soul into it.
