If you often work with wood, then you must have encountered the problem of planing a lot of it to even out the thickness, get a smooth surface and cut to size. Processed blanks of this type can be used for flooring, interior decoration and furniture manufacturing. This problem can be solved by purchasing a thicknesser.
This equipment is compact and has automatic feeding. The design usually includes three knives (or less) made of HSS or carbide steel. The 1st is for softwood, while the 2nd is for hardwood. This technique increases productivity, ensures safety and ease of use, as well as high quality workpieces.
Quite quickly and without much effort, you can process a large amount of material with the help of a thicknesser. And if it takes an hour for an electric planer to solve this problem, then a thicknesser is able to cope with this in a few minutes. Using such a device, you are unlikely to get injured. But this is only if you follow the safety rules.
When choosingmachine must take into account the budget, the intended location and technical characteristics. Among the latest:
- depth of cut;
- cut width;
- power;
- shaft speed;
- weight.
Among other market offers, we should highlight the thickness gauge "Corvette". It will be discussed below.
Description of thickness gauge brand 21-90210

You can purchase this machine for 19,700 rubles. It is an equipment for planing blanks in thickness to size. The equipment allows processing boards, bars and furniture boards. The device is equipped with a powerful collector motor, which provides for a thermal relay.
Gauge gage "Corvette 21" uses a belt drive, which makes the work quiet and helps protect against overloads. The design is quite simple, besides, it provides easy maintenance.

This thicknesser provides a working width of 318mm maximum. The device provides two knives. The speed of the cutter shaft reaches 8000 rpm. The maximum planing depth is 2.5 mm. The maximum thickness of the workpiece used is 153 mm. The overall dimensions of this Anchor Corvette thicknesser are 610 × 370 × 470 mm.
The bed in the device is a team. The design weighs 39 kg. The speed of movement of parts reaches 8 m per minute. The minimum workpiece thickness is 6 mm. Desktop sizeis equal to 295 × 318 mm. You may also be interested in the depth of planing, which is 2.5 mm. Power consumption is 1500W.
Reviews about the model
The above-described thicknesser "Corvette", according to consumers, has many advantages. First, it is easy to use. Secondly, it has a protective system. Thirdly, it guarantees ease of use. As for convenience, it is provided by a reclining table extension. Together with additional rollers, this allows for convenient unloading and loading.
Consumers are also advised to pay attention to the presence of an engine protection system. It will work longer because it will not be overloaded thanks to an automatic relay, which is also called a power breaker. It is important for consumers and ease of use. Top rollers make it easy to return material for reprocessing. This thickness gauge "Corvette", according to buyers, is also convenient because it has a soft start. There is a key to protect against unauthorized activation.
For the correct installation of knives, a special tool is included in the kit. Giving of preparation forced, automatic. When disabled, dynamic braking occurs. Customers also like the fact that the work shaft assembly is moved by 4 screw pairs.
Description of thickness gauge brand 22-330

This model costs 23,900 rubles. It is a machine in the form of mobile equipment. It is used for processing wooden blanks in a carpentry workshop or constructionvenues.
The device has an electromagnetic starter. This guarantees safety. Knives have double-sided sharpening, and their rotation speed reaches 8500 rpm. This indicates a high quality of processing.
Machine specifications

Thickness gauge "Corvette 22" has a maximum processing width of 330 mm. The maximum planing depth is 2.4 mm. The cutter shaft rotates at 8500 rpm. The cutterhead diameter is 50mm.
Maximum workpiece thickness is 152mm. The bed is cast. The device weighs 33 kg. The part moves at a speed of 7 m per minute. The desktop has the following dimensions: 330 × 235 mm. The planing depth is 2.4 mm. Power consumption is 1500W.
Consumer Reviews

After reading the reviews about the Corvette thicknesser, you can understand that they are only positive. Buyers emphasize that the device described above has the following advantages:
- quick setting;
- compact design;
- vibration resistance.
Quick set-up provided by ergonomically shaped handle. As for compactness, the machine is very small, but if you need to process an impressive workpiece, you can use the desktop extension.
Considering the thickness gauge "Corvette", consumers also note its resistance to vibrations. For fixing the unit to a surfaceThe manufacturer has provided mounting holes. This guarantees an even distribution of vibrations.
Description of thickness gauge brand 27-1/1/1/8

This equipment is a woodworking machine for working with joinery and adjusting it in thickness and size. The design provides for a digital indicator that allows you to choose the height of the workpiece as accurately as possible. The thickness gauge "Corvette 27" has a low weight, which makes it convenient for transportation and allows you to install it anywhere.
Model specifications

The above machine has two blades, and the maximum planing depth is 3mm. The minimum workpiece thickness is 5 mm. The part moves at a speed of 6 m per minute. The equipment weighs 40 kg. Planing shaft diameter - 48 mm. The cutterhead moves at 9000 rpm. The suction hole has a diameter of 102 mm.
Equipment Reviews
Before you make the final choice, you should read the opinions of consumers. They claim that the machine marked "27" has the following advantages:
- convenience of transportation;
- high precision;
- wide opportunities.
As for high accuracy, it is provided by a perfectly readable scale. You can use it when planing. It eliminates the need for preliminary measurements, which increases productivity.
The table can be extended. It has rollers and allows you to work with workpieces of different sizes. Customers also like the fact that the workpiece can be fed at one of 2 speeds.
Cost of knives
Perhaps, in the process of work, you will need knives for the Corvette 21 thicknesser. They will cost you 1200 rubles. These parts come with a one year warranty.
Some knife problems
In the process of work, you may encounter some malfunctions of the thicknesser. For example, if the car does not start, this may indicate that the engine has failed. Sometimes such a problem is indicated by a violation of contact connections. If a power failure occurs, causing the engine to stop, this may be indicated by the blunt knives of the Corvette thicknesser.
The surface after processing may be chipped, torn and have scuffs. This is also indicated by blunt knives. Another problem can be encountered if the knives cut against the fibers. Incorrect installation may result in damage to the part. You may notice that the surfaces of the opposite sides are not parallel. This is caused by the uneven height of the knife.
Maintenance Features
If sawdust or resin has accumulated on the feed rollers, it may cause loss of equipment accuracy. In this regard, it is recommended to carry out periodic cleaning, which is a prerequisite for accurate work. Dirt and resin must be removed from the work table and rollers from time to time. For this, they are usednon-flammable solvents.
Use the brush to clean the planer blades, shaft and pressure bars. After that, the nodes are installed at the attachment points. Light lubrication is required. Knife sharpening should be done regularly. Otherwise, you may experience poor material handling, breakage of sprockets, overload of the electric motor and breakage of the roller chain. Both knives should be sharpened the same way. Otherwise, overloads cannot be avoided.
In closing
Thickness thicknesser may not be the most essential tool in your workshop, but it is definitely indispensable if you often have to work with wood. Even for personal use. When choosing such equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to the power that is responsible for performance. But it also affects the cost of the device.