Christmas valves are quite often used when laying pipelines, as well as when performing work of this kind that takes place in various areas where drilling is necessary. This type of equipment should be considered in more detail.

Fountain fittings can have the following purpose. It is used for tying one or a number of pipelines, for monitoring and controlling the flow of the medium in wells. With its help, it is possible to carry out work on sealing wells, as well as to make branches for flow lines. The use of this type of equipment greatly affects the productivity of work related to the laying of pipelines.

Christmas valves are usually used in certain conditions, for example, in conditions of overpressure created by large loads. It is also used when there is a possibility of impact in wells.aggressive environments. Quite often it is used for significant abrasive loads, when there are a large number of fractions of different rocks in the water. The use of X-mas trees should be made taking into account the fact that this type of auxiliary equipment must have high strength and durability. This equipment is used in gas production and oil pipelines.

The X-mas tree has certain characteristics. It can be of different types, since GOST provides for its use in different conditions. The design of this type of equipment includes such elements as a fountain tree and pipe-type piping. Binding is carried out by directly tying one or more pipelines. The tasks of piping are to control and control the environment in the well, as well as in the space between the pipes. The fountain tree controls its downhole flow, and it is placed on the piping.
The fountain valve has a design feature to prevent and protect against any spillage of the contents of the pipeline into the soil, thus protecting the environment. This type of equipment is equipped with various locking devices, as well as chokes. The pipe head is another structural element of the X-mas tree.
The design of the X-mas tree allows several rows of pipes belonging to the compressor-pump type to be suspended from it. With the help of such a fastening, free access tospace behind the pipe. Christmas tree fittings are of the cross or tee type, each of which has certain advantages. Tee fittings allow repair work on the structure without stopping the entire flow. Since such a design is asymmetric, the possibility of overturning is not excluded. The positive qualities of cross reinforcement are a high level of stability, compactness. However, there is also a drawback here - it is impossible to make repairs during the operation of the well.
Plumbing fittings have the same properties and characteristics as fountain fittings, with the difference that the working medium can only be water.