Self-installation of drainage systems

Self-installation of drainage systems
Self-installation of drainage systems

The drainage system is an important part of the design of the house. It is necessary to drain water in bad weather or in spring from the walls of the building and its foundation. There are three types of such structures - from galvanized metal, plastic and metal, finished with a polymer layer. The first type is considered budget, the latter is the most expensive. Installing a plastic gutter system is no different from installing a metal one. The principle is the same for all structures. Let's take a closer look at this technology.

installation of drainage systems
installation of drainage systems

The first thing to do is mount the gutter. Its length should be equal to the length of the roof slope. Usually it has to be composed of several separate elements. In this case, the segments of the gutters made of PVC are glued together. Metal - with the help of special fasteners. Installation of drainage systems begins with the installation of brackets. A gutter is laid on them in the future. These elements can be mounted both on the crate and on the wall of the house. The step between them should not exceed sixty centimeters. If this condition is not met, the chute during operationmay sag, and therefore begin to leak. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints, it is best to install two brackets - on both sides of the seam. The same applies to the exit points of the funnels and the turns of the gutter.

installation of a plastic gutter system
installation of a plastic gutter system

Installation of drainage systems involves the observance of some recommendations of experts. The gutter is laid in such a way that the edge of the roof covers its width by no more than a third. In this case, water will not fall on the facade and overflow over the edge. In addition, this element is mounted in such a way that there is a slope towards the drain of the order of 2-3 mm per p / m, depending on the instructions. Its diameter depends primarily on the area of the slope. For roofs over 100 m2, choose the widest one.

The next step in carrying out such work as the installation of drainage systems is the installation of a storm drain. The first fastener is installed just below the elbow, at the top of the wall, where the pipe bends towards the gutter. The rest - down with a distance of 1 m. Once the downpipe is installed with a vertical check by means of a level, it is necessary to fix a turn in its lower part and insert a short piece of pipe into it to drain water away from the building.

gutter system installation price
gutter system installation price

At the last stage of such work as the installation of drainage systems, a storm water inlet is arranged. The most economical option is a pit 60 cm deep and approximately 40 x 40 cm in size, the walls of which are filled with concrete. From the bottom of the recess, a ditch is dug with a smallslope. On its opposite side, a filter well 100 x 100 x 100 cm is arranged. You can also simply take it outside the site. A pipe is laid in the ditch in such a way that it enters the storm water inlet by about 5 cm, and into the well by 50 cm. Then it is covered with crushed stone and soil and rammed. The storm water inlet is covered with a grate on top.

Sometimes the owners of country houses prefer not to waste time and hire specialists to perform such work as installing a drainage system. The price in this case can be about 500 rubles. per running meter.
