Marble is one of the most beautiful and expensive materials that is used for various coatings. But floors, countertops and other products made of this stone need proper care in order to please the owner with their beautiful view. And first of all, we include here the polishing of marble. In the article we will analyze all aspects of this necessary procedure.
Grinding and polishing marble - what is it?
In the sub title - the two most important components of stone care. Grinding is a procedure that is used when various defects appear on the surface: chips, scratches, bumps.
Marble polishing is a simpler, easier and more pleasant procedure. Helps to improve the appearance of the surface, make it a mirror. This gentle action affects only the top layer of the material, making it smoother. Passes the process by surface treatment with a special tool.

Varieties of polishing
Marble polishing is divided into two varieties:
- Primary. Carried out after laying marble slabs with fillingseams. Here, not only shine is achieved, but also the solidity of the surface, which further eliminates the accumulation of contaminants in the seams between the plates. Also at this stage, the marble can be given an anti-slip effect, as well as protection from liquids and various compositions.
- Secondary. Produced as needed during the operation of the coating. Most of all, the procedure is relevant for loss of shine.
Polishing equipment
We have a very dense material. Therefore, its processing is carried out with the help of special machines for polishing marble. A special tool is also used:
- Diamond flexible wheels. For grinding and polishing hard to reach surfaces.
- Cutters. For a smooth marble surface.
- Fiber circles, cups, brushes. Abrasive tools for detailed manual processing.

Marble care products
But that's not all. You will need products for polishing marble - the following range:
- Two-component glue. Used to fill scratches and cracks. It is matched to the color of marble and even to match its inclusions. Glue is also needed in the case when dirt is clogged between the plates. Then the seams expand, and the spaces between them, after cleaning, are filled with this glue or grout.
- Operational polishes. In the composition - liquid wax or special anti-slip wax. The tool protects stone coatings from mechanical damage, helps them stay shiny for a long time. Anti-slip polishes are ideal for marble floors.
- Liquid crystallizer. This universal product that forms a protective layer is used after the marble has been polished. Why do you need a crystallizer? It protects the surface from moisture and mechanical damage. Giving a mirror shine and anti-slip effect is also his task.
- Polishing paste. May be thick, liquid or creamy. The paste restores an attractive appearance, gives shine. It can be called a wear-resistant polish, which also has a moisture-repellent effect.
- Powder for polishing marble. It is characterized by simple use: the product is poured onto the surface, after which the latter is polished to the desired degree. The powder is then quickly washed off by hand with a sponge or machine to prevent staining. For this, it is advisable to process small surfaces.
Note that the care of polished and unpolished marble is fundamentally different. In the first case, it is important to give maximum shine, in the second - to emphasize the texture of the stone. Also, pasty formulations are considered more suitable for machine processing, and liquid formulations for manual processing.

Do-it-yourself polishing
We note right away that do-it-yourself marble polishing without special equipment is a rather laborious process. First of all, everything you need to care for the stone is prepared:
- sand;
- paraffin;
- sandpaper with different grainssize;
- pumice;
- grinding wheels;
- soft fabric;
- special equipment we listed above.
But, even with all this at hand, do not expect dizzying results from manual processing. With deep damage this method can not cope. Hand polishing removes only minor imperfections and helps restore shine.
The procedure goes as follows:
- Grinding with sandpaper, pumice, sand. Thus, you need to remove up to 3 mm of the top layer of the stone.
- Then it is polished with wax-based products. Can be replaced with paraffin. Means fill microcracks, protecting marble from moisture and dirt. After application, they are rubbed with a soft cloth until a shine appears on the surface.
- The final stage is the application of protective substances. Which ones - depends on what you want to see in the end: shine, highlighted structure, wet stone effect, toning, accentuated color.

Homemade polishing machine
Professional marble polishing equipment is indispensable for processing large spaces. The cost of such machines varies from several to tens of thousands of rubles. It all depends on the manufacturer, power, brush speed.
Of course, for an apartment with marble floors, it is unprofitable to buy such equipment. Therefore, many people use an ordinary grinder (angle grinder) and flexible diamond discs for polishing. To successfully remove a layer of marble 2 mm thick, you need to use a devicepower 700-800 W, designed for a disc diameter of 125 mm.

Now for the turtles. This is sometimes called flexible diamond discs for grinders. You will need several discs for the whole job:
- 800;
- 600;
- 400;
- 200;
- 100;
- 50.
You should start polishing from the coarsest - No. 50. In the course of work, change it to No. 100, etc. This sequence will help remove cracks and, when you reach the last disk - No. 800, polish the marble surface to shine.
There is another secret. To get a mirror shine, at the end of the treatment, apply a little silicone to the felt circle, and then walk over the surface again. Dazzling shine guaranteed. But you need to understand that this is a temporary result - it will disappear as soon as the silicone layer is erased.
Now let's look at the polishing of marble and granite in stages.
Preparatory work
We've covered the necessary tools and equipment. Now start the process:
- Carefully inspect the surface for defects.
- Fix cracks with cement-lime, resin fill. As an alternative - liquid glass.
- If the marble has chipped somewhere, the pieces should be put back in place with a synthetic resin adhesive.
- Cracks are sealed with special mastics based on perchlorinated varnish or synthetic glue. Additionally, for protection, it is worth using a bond fromcopper staples or stainless steel elements.

Surface grinding
It is important to carry out this procedure immediately before polishing if it is important to you that the marble coating serve for many years. Work is carried out as follows:
- Prepare the surface carefully - clean it with a vacuum cleaner, detergents, organic solvents and plain water with a rag.
- If there are significant irregularities on the marble, remove them with sanding bars and wheels. A smooth surface is created with fine grit sandpaper.
- Directly grinding consists of three stages - rough, normal and fine-tuning. Each uses a progressively smaller grinding wheel number.
- As we have already said, you need to remove a layer no thinner than 3 mm.
- If marble is polished on a special machine, it is best to use a wheel made of cast iron, copper or lead.
- Pumice stone, fine sand, fine-grained sandpaper are used as auxiliary materials.
Marble surface polishing
Before this procedure, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned. One popular way to polish marble at home is to use abraded fine sulfur oxide and iron oxide. The powder is applied to the surface, which is rubbed to a shine with a piece of leather. The marble is then sprinkled with paraffin. Now rubbing is done with a soft rag. This adds both shine and environmental protection.
Polishing on the machine
If polishing takes place on the machine,then the first step is to remove the plastic case and faceplate from the mechanism. They must be washed and then returned to their place. A polishing wheel is fixed, on which the powder is poured. The latter is moistened with water and rubbed over the disc.
As a powder, you can use diamond dust, aluminum, zinc, chromium oxide. It is not bad to use cloth, felt or felt. Circles 1-2 cm thick are cut from the materials. They are glued onto a cast-iron faceplate using sealing wax or shellac.

Rubber sheet is placed between the material and the metal. Circles of matter are wetted before the procedure. The material is carefully brought and pressed during operation. It is important to move your hand against the rotation of the circle.
In conclusion, the marble surface is treated with a polymeric substance for additional protection. It is considered more desirable than wax because of its durability. Before applying polymers, it is important to thoroughly clean the surface. After all, even a drop of fat can cause the coating to peel off in the future.
You can choose a chemical type of polishing, the essence of which is the impregnation of marble with crystallizers - weakly acidic substances that “heal” damage and generally strengthen the surface. Another good effect is a mirror shine. Processing with molds makes it possible to obtain a very durable coating, which is not inferior in hardness to marble. In addition, it can be cleaned with traditional detergents without fear.
For a home procedure, you need a rotarysingle disc mechanism and speci alty concentrates and powders. The floor must be cleaned before the procedure. From the compositions, a paste is kneaded, which is applied to the surface. Processing is carried out until it is completely dry.

Thus, for the proper effect, it is worth walking the car over one area about 15 times. At the end of the procedure, the paste will look more like sour cream. If you are processing a large marble area, then it is best to divide it into sectors. In the future, in order to maintain the gloss of the surface, it is enough to periodically clean it with ordinary detergents.
Polishing marble at home is quite laborious, but possible. The most important thing is to stock up on the necessary compositions and tools in advance. An ordinary grinder with diamond floppy disks will help you in your work.