Domestic invention - shovel "Mole"

Domestic invention - shovel "Mole"
Domestic invention - shovel "Mole"

The shovel as a tool did not appear yesterday and will not disappear soon. Any person, speaking or remembering a summer cottage, immediately imagines not the easiest work with a shovel and the back pain that accompanies it. Of course, there is a mass of agricultural equipment designed to facilitate work on the ground, but small plots and gardens, as they were the realm of shovels, remain so to this day. Is it possible that the human genius for so many centuries has not come up with anything that could make the work of a gardener easier? It turns out he figured it out. This is a garden shovel "Mole". She, of course, does not dig herself, but she is able to significantly facilitate and speed up the cultivation of the land. So, what is it and what are its advantages?

Design description

The shovel "Mole" is a simple design consisting of a fork on a long handle and a harrow attached to them with the help of hinges. The principle of operation is also extremely simple. The forks are stuck into the soil, and then, using the handle as a lever, they are turned outward. The fork tines pass through the tines of the harrow, the soil lifted by them is crushed, and the weedsthrown out.

shovel mole reviews
shovel mole reviews

Minimum physical effort

After working with a shovel, the lower back always hurts. This is because you need to constantly lift and turn over a shovel filled with earth. All these manipulations are mainly performed by the muscles of the back. Moreover, it must be borne in mind that the handle is a long lever, and each time the back has to lift more than the earth weighs on the shovel. In turn, when working with the "Mole" you do not need to raise anything. It works solely due to the weight of the human body. We stick (helping with the foot) the pitchfork into the soil, and then with our weight we press on the handle - and it turns the pitchfork with the ground out. As you can see, almost no physical effort is required. A person gets tired less, and accordingly, works faster and with pleasure.

Work efficiency

The Mole shovel is two to three times more efficient than a regular garden shovel. First of all, this is achieved due to the large working surface of the tool. For each cycle of actions, an order of magnitude more land is processed than can be done with a bayonet shovel. In addition, dense soil is much less resistant to thin fork fingers than to a wide shovel blade. Add here the ease and speed of work described above - and doubts that the Mole shovel allows you to process three acres of land in two hours will completely disappear.

Optimal depth

As experienced gardeners and gardeners know, it is not advisable to turn over a layer of soil more than ten centimeters deep, since below thisThe layer often contains clay, which, once on the surface, contributes to the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to stick a shovel correctly at an angle, and not perpendicular to the ground, which complicates an already difficult job. The shovel "Mole" cultivates the earth strictly to a given depth, without any control from the gardener.

mole garden shovel
mole garden shovel


Garden shovel "Mole" receives extremely enthusiastic reviews. This domestic "know-how" is gaining more and more popularity among amateur gardeners who appreciate the efficiency and ease of working with it.
