Plumbing appeared exactly when a person began to lack the convenience of nearby bushes and the coolness of streams and wells, and he wanted a little more comfort. So various devices appeared, which, with the development of mankind, and especially with the growth of industry, turned into a real engineering miracle. Modern plumbing is the best that a person has come up with for their own needs.

Basic definition
Everyone is familiar with the concept of "plumbing" and approximately knows what is meant by this term. In the kitchen, this is a sink, in the bathroom - a bath, sink, toilet. This is household plumbing, the very minimum that is in every apartment. There may also be various showers, bidets, urinals and tens of thousands of other items, depending on the needs.
Plumbing is an abbreviation for the phrase sanitary equipment, that is, these are those products that allow you to maintain sanitary conditions at the proper level. And this cannot be underestimated, because largely thanks to the observance of elementary hygiene and the maintenance of a good sanitary situation, humanity has almost got rid ofsome specific diseases, people began to live longer, and the quality of life has increased significantly.

Engineering plumbing or plumbing equipment
Engineering plumbing is a variety of components for the sewerage and drainage system, that is, all appliances and fittings. These include pipes and tubes, gauges and faucets, seals and water leakage control devices, filters and fittings, faucets and valves, pumps and gearboxes, inlets and hoses, as well as couplings, cuffs, fasteners and hardware.
The most famous household engineering plumbing is siphons and gaskets. The former are often clogged, so even some housewives and most men can clean them. Replacing pads in our country is also considered a simple men's duty that does not require calling a specialist.
What else is related to the term "plumbing"
Household plumbing is the whole set of technical systems at home. That is, not only sewerage and water, but also heating, heat and gas supply, as well as ventilation. Boilers, heating boilers and hoods, air conditioners - all this is also designed to ensure a comfortable existence of a person in the room. Theoretically, underfloor heating can also be classified as plumbing, although it is installed by electricians.
Don't forget about industrial plumbing - a wide variety of cleaning systems, kilometers of underground pipes, giant filters, chambers and sedimentation tanks.

The price of comfort
Replacing a faucet is expensive, a toilet is even more expensive, and it’s better not to remember about the bath, because such work can eat up most of the salary, and sometimes all the money set aside for vacation. Of course, not every breakdown requires an urgent replacement, sometimes a visit by a good master is enough, but if you have to call a plumber 3-4 times a month, then a one-time large financial injection and new plumbing equipment are more preferable.
We must not forget that new pipes, a toilet bowl or a shower cabin are installed not for a year or two, but for 10-20-30 years. Quality equipment will require only proper care and minor repairs, but in general, such purchases, taking into account the service life, are quite justified.

The most male speci alty
Plumber is a profession that shows how economic a man is, which means that in the eyes of potential brides he earns a lot of points. And at the same time, the plumber is the hero of a mass of jokes, an eternally tipsy man with “crooked” hands. This situation has developed because of the attitude of some representatives of this craft to their work.
In fact, plumbing speci alties are quite complex and require attention, knowledge, and diligence. In order to be convinced of this, you only need to go to a specialized store and evaluate the assortment. But the master must be able not only to select the necessary items, but also to mount and install them correctly. To assess the level of complexity, it is also worth looking at the types of materials, fromof which sanitary equipment consists are porcelain and faience, natural stones and precious metals, steel, bronze, brass, plastics and polymers, rubber. And all this must be connected correctly in a variety of ways - threaded connections, adhesive, welding, etc.
So being a plumber is quite an honor, and besides, such specialists almost never face a shortage of jobs.
Plumbing is a kind of marker by which you can evaluate the room as a whole. It is not for nothing that people at interviews can evaluate the employer, including the state of the service toilet, which can partly demonstrate how employees are taken care of here. And when visiting, we immediately understand the degree of well-being of the owners by one glance at the bathroom. But in general, the state of plumbing shows the level of culture, because the mess, as a well-known literary character said, “is not in the closets, but in the heads.”