How to pour the foundation of the basement?

How to pour the foundation of the basement?
How to pour the foundation of the basement?

Foundations of various types can be erected under suburban and multi-storey residential buildings. And one of the most popular types of bases are socle. In this case, under the building, in fact, one more floor is being arranged, which can later be used as a cellar, garage, basement, etc.

What is

The foundation of the basement floor is more complex than conventional foundations. Accordingly, the technology for the construction of such structures differs in some of its features. It is such a foundation, in fact, one of the varieties of slab foundation. In cross section, such a support under the building looks like an inverted letter P. At the base of this type of foundation, a solid monolithic slab is poured. Further along its perimeter, walls of the required height are erected.

Ground floor of the house
Ground floor of the house

Of course, the construction of such a structure is more expensive than a conventional slab, strip, and even more so a columnar foundation. When pouring the foundations of houses of this type, all the required technologies in any casemust be observed exactly. Otherwise, the basement will be inconvenient to use, and the building itself will not last too long.

What are the SNiP standards

When erecting basement foundations, it is imperative to adhere to the following rules:

  • go underground such a base should be deep enough - below the level of freezing, and ideally - 200-220 cm;
  • the basement floor should not be more than 2 meters above ground level.

Establishing foundations with a basement is allowed only in those areas where groundwater is deep enough. Otherwise, the basement in the house will be flooded or it will turn out to be very damp.

What tools and materials will be required

The foundation of this type is being built in the foundation pit. It is, of course, unlikely to dig a hole with an area equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe house on your own. A pit for a basement foundation is usually dug using special equipment. Therefore, a shovel and a garden wheelbarrow, as when pouring ordinary tape or column bases, are not needed in this case.

The foundation is being built for a house with a basement using materials such as:

  • reinforcing bar 8-10 mm;
  • tie wire;
  • waterproofing material.

In addition to the basic materials, for the construction of a basement foundation on the site, it will also be necessary to prepare OSB, boards and burs. They will be needed for arranging the formwork. All parts of such foundations are poured with ready-made purchased concretemix.

Construction of the basement
Construction of the basement

Digging a pit

The foundations of the basement floor are being erected with their own hands, like any others, of course, with preliminary marking. Perform this procedure using a building level, pegs and an inelastic cord. On the site chosen for the construction of the house, all the garbage is preliminarily removed, the bushes are uprooted and the turf layer is removed. Then, in fact, the markup itself is performed according to the method of the Egyptian triangle or two curves.

After the cords are taut and the angles between them are checked, special equipment is called. Digging a pit for a basement foundation will cost the owner of the site, most likely, not too expensive. For 2018, such a procedure, for example, costs about 250 r/m3.

Preparing the pit for pouring the slab

In the hole dug under the foundation with the basement floor, first of all, you need to carefully level the bottom. Further, a sand-gravel cushion is poured into the pit. This layer will subsequently play the role of drainage and cushioning. The thickness of the sand in such a pillow, according to the standards, should be 20-40 cm, crushed stone - 15-20 cm. Both layers, of course, should be carefully compacted. For crushed stone, you need to use a vibrating plate. Sand is most easily compacted by laying in 5 cm layers and hosing thoroughly with water.

Formwork installation

The monolithic foundation of the basement floor is being erected, of course, using formwork. The form for the base plate should be assembled from sufficiently thick boards (at least 2.5cm). On the walls of the formwork, when pouring the slab, there will be quite serious spacer loads.

The thickness of the base slab is calculated depending on the type of soil on the site, the material of the walls of the house, the size of the latter, etc. But usually, when pouring low-rise private buildings, this figure does not exceed 300 mm.

Arrangement of the basement
Arrangement of the basement

To make a formwork for such a slab, the boards must first be connected into panels (two in one plane). Further, the resulting structures with the help of supports deeply driven into the ground should be placed along the perimeter of the pit and fastened together along the length and in the corners. In order to make it easier to remove the formwork from the finished slab, it is advisable to cover its inner walls with polyethylene.

Reinforcement of base

During the operation of the building, a serious load will fall on the basement slab. Therefore, it should be mounted in such a way that it is as strong as possible. Of course, the basement slab must be poured with reinforcement.

The frame for such a base is usually purchased ready-made. But, of course, if you wish, you can tie it yourself. In any case, before installing such a structure at the bottom of the pit, a footing 3-5 cm thick should be poured.

The frame can, of course, be installed on such a substrate only after the cement mortar has set and hardened well. Usually the reinforcement is mounted in the pit a week after pouring the footing. In this case, the bottom of the pit is preliminarily closed with twolayers of roofing material with an overlap on the walls.

The fabricated frame of the slab after its installation in the pit should be increased along the edges with reinforcing bars. This part will subsequently strengthen the walls of the basement.

Pouring the slab

For this procedure, as already mentioned, in the vast majority of cases, the owners of suburban areas hire special equipment. A ready-made concrete solution will cost, of course, more expensive than a self-made one. But the work in this case will be carried out as soon as possible. When using special equipment, the slab will be filled in at once, without interruptions. And consequently, it will turn out to be the most reliable, strong and durable.

Humidity in the basement
Humidity in the basement

Filling walls

This part of the foundation structure with the basement floor is also unlikely to be manually erected. The height of the base wall of this type is usually significant. Filling them, of course, is also worth it at the same time as supplying the solution from the tank.

This part of the foundation is being built using the same technology as the strip foundation. On the basement floor, it will subsequently serve as walls. For the construction of a tape of such a foundation, the formwork is pre-mounted. It is installed in such a way that the reinforcing cage removed from the slab subsequently ends up in the thickness of the concrete. The distance from the extreme rods to the walls of the formwork should be approximately 5 cm.

It is easiest to mount the mold for the basement tape from timber and OSB. In this case, lumber is first constructedlattice frame. Further, it is simply sheathed from the inside with OSB sheets.

Recommendations from pouring experts

To carry out the laying of the concrete mix during the construction of the basement foundation, of course, you need to do it right. During the supply of the solution, it should be leveled and pierced from time to time with a shovel. This will remove air bubbles from the concrete mixture and make it more homogeneous. As a result, the foundation slab and its walls will be as strong and durable as possible.

After the formwork is removed from the poured base, the structure should be covered with polyethylene. Subsequently, the foundation should be watered from time to time for two weeks. This will prevent surface cracks from forming on it.

FBS basement foundations

Most often, foundations of this type under houses are poured on the spot using the technology described above. But sometimes such foundations are also built using ready-made FBS blocks. In this case, the installation of the base of the house is more expensive. But at the same time, block foundations are being built much faster than flood foundations. In addition, the owners of a suburban area using this technology do not have to wait for the concrete of the base to mature in order to start erecting the building box.

FBS blocks are stacked when assembling the basement foundation in a checkerboard pattern. That is, with a shift, so that the seams between them do not converge at one point.

Block ground floor
Block ground floor

Assembly of the floor

So, we figured out how to pour the foundation of the basement orcollect it from blocks. At the final stage of the construction of such a base, a ceiling is mounted, which is the ceiling of the basement.

A variety of technologies can be used to assemble such structures. Most often, the overlap on such a basis is laid, of course, reinforced concrete. But if desired, on the basement floor, you can also assemble a regular ceiling on beams with planking.

Hydro and thermal insulation

In order for the basement to subsequently turn out to be dry and warm, these two procedures should be carried out without fail. This operation is usually started immediately after the assembly of the floor. Basement floors are insulated and waterproofed as follows:

  • on the walls in a checkerboard pattern using plastic dowels, foam polystyrene plates with a density of 45-50 kg / m are glued 3;
  • cover the foundation with roofing material or coat the insulation with two layers of bituminous mastic.

Waterproofing the foundation of the basement floor should be done as efficiently as possible. Failure to comply with the technology for performing this procedure will lead to a significant reduction in the service life of the entire building as a whole. At the final stage, the foundation is backfilled with coarse river sand.

Basement waterproofing
Basement waterproofing

Ventilation of the basement floor

So that in the future it would not be too damp in the basement of the house, when building such a foundation, among other things, it is supposed to make ventilation. That is, leave holes in the walls. For 2-3 meters of the foundation tape there should be onesuch an outlet (of course, above ground level). The natural ventilation area, according to the regulations, should be approximately 25 cm.

In large country houses on the basement floors, forced ventilation can also be equipped. In this case, most likely, only one intake hole will have to be provided in the foundation. Subsequently, a supply air duct sleeve will be led into it through the branch pipe.

At the final stage of arranging ventilation in the basement, among other things, it is recommended to install an alcohol thermometer and a psychrometer designed to determine the relative humidity. According to the regulations, the air temperature on the basement floors should be kept at the level of 16-21 °С all year round. In this case, the humidity indicators in the basement should be equal to 50-60%.

Basement ventilation
Basement ventilation

Final stage

After the basement foundation of a country house is erected and backfilled, a fairly wide blind area (preferably 1 m) should be equipped around it. To do this, follow:

  • remove the soil from the foundation to a width of 1 m and a depth of 30 cm;
  • install the formwork in the resulting pit;
  • pour a small amount of clay (5 cm) into the bottom of the pit;
  • lay a 5 cm layer of sand on top of the clay with a rammer;
  • pour crushed stone with a layer of 10 cm;
  • put a reinforcing mesh on the rubble.

At the final stage, the formwork is poured with concrete with a slight slope away from the foundation. The blind area is being equipped, ascould be seen quite easily. At the same time, it will be very effective to protect the foundation from rain and melt water in the future.
