The foundation, as everyone knows, is the underground part of the house, bearing the load from all its structures. In the construction of private houses, several types of foundations are used. It can be a columnar, tape, slab or pile version.

The most acceptable is usually a strip foundation. This type is distinguished by the optimal combination of high reliability, ease of construction and low cost. Such a base can be used on almost all types of soil, except for very wet and subject to movement.
It must be said that the installation of a strip foundation is a fairly simple process. This is a continuous strip of brick, stone or concrete, passing under the building along its entire perimeter. A prefabricated strip foundation made of prefabricated blocks is also used.
A brick foundation won't be cheap. The base of the finished blocks is arranged very quickly, but this is a rather expensive option. Therefore, the construction of a monolithic is usually the most acceptable solution.
Preliminarily conduct geodetic surveys. Based on researchdetermine some features of the construction technology, the depth of the foundation and other parameters.
The device of a tape monolithic foundation also involves preliminary preparation of the site and careful marking. Marking is carried out using pegs and twine. Pegs are driven into all corners of the future building, then twine is pulled between them. All corners should be perfectly straight, and opposite sides should be parallel and the same length. Mark both the inner and outer perimeter of the future concrete tape.
Begin the strip foundation by digging a foundation pit.

The depth of it may depend on many factors. Usually it is about 50-70 cm. The bottom is leveled and a pillow of sand is laid on it. The thickness of the sand cushion should be 12-20 cm. After that, the formwork is mounted. Wooden shields and spacers are used for it.
Simultaneously with the formwork, reinforcement is installed. Usually the bars are mounted in two rows and fastened with horizontal bars. It is best to use not welded reinforcement, but tie up the rods with a special wire. The installation of a strip foundation with such reinforcement reduces the likelihood of its corrosion, and, consequently, increases its service life.

Concrete is poured in small layers, about 15 cm each. Each layer is rammed. Sometimes the device of strip foundations involves the addition of rubble stone to concrete. In this case, the layers are stacked alternately. Layer firstconcrete, then stone, then another layer of concrete.
Finish the strip foundation with waterproofing work. After the concrete tape has stood for a week and a half, the formwork can be dismantled. As a waterproofing material, bituminous mastic and roofing material are used. The outer walls of the tape are covered with mastic and ruberoid is glued onto it. Do the same for the top of the foundation. Then you need to fill up the gaps between the walls of the tape and the pit. Sprinkle them with sand, in small layers, which are rammed with water. The foundation is ready.