Pachistachis is a very beautiful flower. It is impossible to pass by this plant at the moment when it blooms. It seems that it is very difficult to grow such beauty at home. Any florist will refute this statement and say that pachistachis can be easily maintained even by a beginner.
What pachistachis looks like. A photo. Care
Pachistachis is a tropical plant. It is native to southern and central America and eastern India. On average, there are 12 plant species. Pachistachis yellow is grown as an indoor flower. It is very rare to find red pachistachis. Home care is not difficult. The main thing for him is light, heat and humidity. And during active growth and flowering, you need to provide the plant with additional feeding.

Pachistachis has elongated dark green leaves. It attracts attention with its yellow inflorescences, reminiscent of golden ears or candles. They are often mistaken for flowers, but they are only pre-flowers. Blooms pachistachis inconspicuouswhite flowers that grow perpendicular to the pre-flowers, moreover, they quickly fall off. But the yellow spikes last a very long time and give the plant an elegant solemn look.

Where to place?
A flower needs good lighting and warmth. The ideal place would be windows facing west or east. For pachistachis, bright, but at the same time diffused lighting is necessary. You can also place a flower on the south window, but then in summer the plant needs to be shaded.
The most comfortable temperature in spring and summer is 200C heat for pachistachis flower. Care at home at temperatures above 240C requires increasing humidity. In summer, pachistachis can be taken out to the balcony and placed in the shade. In autumn and winter, you need to maintain the indoor temperature within 16-190C. Pachistachis is sensitive to drafts. Also, it is undesirable to put a flower near the battery.
Pachistachis requires maintaining a sufficiently high humidity. For spraying, it is better to use soft water, filtered or settled. In winter, the flower needs to be sprayed every day. During flowering, care must be taken when spraying and not fall on the inflorescences.
Pachistachis Irrigation and Fertilization Requirements
In summer, the plant needs abundant watering. The soil must always be moist. It is recommended to water the flower once every three days. Do not allow excess moisture, especially stagnation of water. In winter, watering should be reduced. It is required to moisten the soil about once every 2 weeks or a little.more often when its top layer dries. The soil must not be allowed to dry out.

During the summer flowering it is necessary to feed pachistachis. Home care allows the use of both mineral and organic fertilizers. The flower responds especially well to complex fertilizer for flowers. Top dressing is applied at the time of watering 1 or 2 times a month. As organic fertilizers, you can use chicken manure or cow dung. Both mineral and organic top dressings have a good effect on the plant, so the choice should be guided by personal preferences and capabilities.
Crown formation
As you know, there are plants that require extra attention to the branches and foliage. One of them is the pachistachis indoor flower. Caring for the crown of the plant must begin early enough. As soon as the flower grows to 10-15 cm, you need to carry out the first pruning. It is also necessary to pinch the side shoots. To do this, it is enough to remove the 3rd pair of leaves. You need to pinch pachistachis up to 4 times a year. As a result, by the beginning of winter, a small plant will form about 8 cm tall with a large number of tops. After wintering, the flower must be cut again or pinch the shoots. No need to be upset that in the first year the plant will not bloom. It is better to devote this time to crown formation, and enjoy flowering next year. Each branch that blooms will independently divide into two, which will also bloom. Next spring, you need to pinch the shoots again in order to again enjoy whathow the houseplant pachistachis blooms. Flower crown care is essential. The plant starts branching only after it has grown to a height of 80 cm to 1.5 m. The result is a long bare trunk and one flower at the top, which does not look very attractive.

Reproduction and transplantation
Propagated by cuttings. They appear during flowering. To propagate pachistachis, you need to cut a cutting 10-12 cm long and put it in water for rooting. After 2 or 3 weeks, when the roots appear, the plant can be planted in a small cup. As pachistachis grows, it is transplanted into a pot 12-13 cm in diameter, and then into a large flower pot. It should be 2.5 liters in volume and low. The roots of a flower love space. You also need to take care of drainage. This may be a layer of expanded clay or clay shards 1.5 cm high. Frequent transplantation causes pachistachis to bloom actively.

You can immediately plant the cuttings in the ground. In this case, the soil is mixed with sand. If you cover the cutting with polyethylene or a glass cap, it will grow faster. With this method of reproduction, it is necessary to open the soil 2 times a week for 2-3 hours for ventilation.
The air temperature in the room during the rooting of the flower should be at least 200С and not more than 260С. It is also necessary to constantly maintain high humidity.
Pests, flower diseases
Pacistachis pests canbe:
- mealybugs;
- spider mite;
- aphid;
- shields:
- whiteflies.
You can deal with them with the help of special tools that are sold in stores.
In addition to pests, a flower can infect diseases:
- Powdery mildew. The disease looks like a white coating on the leaves and stem. To get rid of it, you first need to remove the affected areas of the flower and spray it with special preparations. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizer to the soil.
- Twisted leaves appear due to insufficient watering and moisture. If the earth lump is dry, it needs to be soaked. To do this, pour settled water at room temperature into a container and place the plant in it for 10 hours. Then increase watering and spraying frequency.
- Yellowing tips appear due to lack of moisture.
- Wilting leaves. If there is enough moisture and watering, then you need to feed pachistachis. Care at home requires the introduction of organic or mineral top dressing into the soil. In this case, most likely, nitrogen fertilizers will be needed.
- Leaf fall in summer - lack of watering and moisture, in winter - low temperature. Drafts can also be the cause.
- Elongated small leaves appear when the flower lacks light.
- Root rot occurs due to low temperature and its fluctuations. If the roots are severely affected, then you need to root the top.
- Slow growth indicates a clear lack of nutrition. In this casethe plant needs mineral and organic nutrition.
Where else can you find pachistachis?
This plant is grown not only at home. In the middle lane, you can see how pachistachis indoor flowers are used in landscape design. Caring for them in these conditions is not much different. In early February, the cuttings are pruned, then they are planted in small containers for seedlings. The flower also needs good lighting, top dressing and pinching of shoots. In order for the plant not to die on the street, it must be hardened. At a temperature of 150C seedlings should be taken out once a day to fresh air. Start the procedure from 20 minutes and gradually bring up to 3 hours. The cuttings are planted in the ground in the spring, when there are no more frosts.

It must be remembered that pachistachis flower care is not difficult, but at the same time it cannot be left unattended. If you do not create favorable conditions for the plant to live, then it will quickly die. And in order for pachistachis to please with lush flowering, you need to pinch, cut and replant it in a timely manner.