The design of the ceilings in the hall is a way to transform the living room

The design of the ceilings in the hall is a way to transform the living room
The design of the ceilings in the hall is a way to transform the living room

Ordinary whitewash has long looked like an anachronism. Modern materials provide almost limitless possibilities to transform the space. As a result, after the repair, you simply will not be able to recognize your apartment. And this is not an exaggeration: the original design of the ceiling in the hall can completely transform the entire space. Photos of his most successful decisions are amazing. It's hard to recognize standard meters of living space in these chic living rooms.

hall ceiling design
hall ceiling design

But in order not to break firewood, it is necessary to approach the development of the project very carefully. Any mistake will turn into the strongest disappointment. Therefore, think over exactly what materials will be needed to implement your ideas, sketch out a lighting scheme, decide on a color scheme.

The design of the ceilings in the hall can be thought out in one plane or combine several levels at once. The latter approach allows you to model the space of a room through visual tricks. Most often, this method is used when it is necessary to divide the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room into functional zones.

designceiling in the hall photo
designceiling in the hall photo

A multi-level structure is created using drywall or by ordering a special design of stretch ceilings. In the hall, of course, the height will decrease slightly. Drywall will “eat” about 13 centimeters, but the second option is more gentle (about 5 centimeters). But in the end, you not only enjoy the magnificent interior, but also reliably hide all kinds of technical communications and uneven floors from prying eyes.

At the same time, drywall constructions are quite capable of being built independently. For beginners, there are even step-by-step video tutorials posted on the World Wide Web. In them, professionals almost “on the fingers” explain the intricacies of the process.

If you chose the design of the ceilings in the hall, which is based on the use of PVC film, then you can’t do it on your own. Installation of tension systems is too complicated. The technology requires special equipment, knowledge and skills. In addition, the works are considered, and not without reason, to be extremely fire hazardous.

design of stretch ceilings in the hall
design of stretch ceilings in the hall

Regarding the color scheme: there are no hard and fast rules. Usually, most settle for light, neutral shades. But the presence of bright color spots will not spoil the design of the ceilings at all. In the hall, they just do not recommend betting on a green tone. Such discrimination is explained quite simply: this tone is too demanding of its environment. Therefore, many, fearing the difficulties with choosing harmonious interior details, prefer not to work with such a capricious color.

Tension structures are often decorated with painting, decorative inserts. In addition to smooth surfaces, you can experiment with different textures. Unusual visual effects are provided by the use of mirror elements that skillfully distort the space. True, having decided on such a move, you need to arm yourself with a sense of proportion so as not to overdo it.

The design of the ceilings in the hall is not complete without a detailed layout of the fixtures. A lonely hanging chandelier is a long-obsolete retro. Now it is customary to individually select lighting for each zone, combining several types of devices in one project at once: spotlights, sconces, LED strips.
