Aubrieta is by far the best option for creating flowering carpets. The varieties of this amazing plant differ from each other in only one thing: the structure of the flower and the length of the pistil - otherwise the aubrations are absolutely identical.

- Original title - Aubrietia.
- Homeland - Asia and Europe.
- Growing difficulty is easy. Ideal for beginner gardeners.
- Growing place - bright light, but partial shade is also possible.
- Temperature conditions - sufficiently resistant to both high and low temperatures.
- Irrigation - with a long absence of rain and strong overdrying of the soil.
- Flower - April, May, June.
- Height - from 5 to 30 centimeters. This factor depends on the variety of aubration.
Evergreen, falling and hardy plants also belong to the genus Aubrecia. The most popular in our area is Aubretia deltoid, it is like a carpet covering the ground or lawn. From her wereNumerous types of Aubrieta have been bred: Barker Double, Dr. Mules, Lavender Queen, Tauricola and more.
Aubration: growing from seeds. Photo of properly grown flowers

Sowing seeds of aubration should be done in September or May, first sprinkle the soil with a sand mixture. Seeds should be planted in beds, otherwise the plants run the risk of getting lost in the weeds. In addition, aubration grows well indoors - feel free to plant it on balconies and loggias. To do this, the seeds are planted in a pot two months before the last winter frosts, then covered with a film and allowed to germinate. After the seeds sprout, the film must be removed, and the seedlings should be transplanted to a permanent place. Abrecia is an unpretentious plant, but before planting, you should familiarize yourself with some of its features. It's no secret that for the successful germination of any representative of the flora, the soil should be fertilized from time to time. Such manipulations should be carried out so that the earth is saturated with useful substances that it cannot take from nature. However, aubration will grow even in soil without fertilizer, but it must be mixed with ash, lime or chalk. If you are a beginner gardener, your first flower should be an aubretia. Growing from seeds can be called the easiest way to plant. You can do this together with children, thereby instilling in them a love of beauty and contributing to their overall development.
Aubration, growing from seeds at home which is not difficult,- a fairly beautiful plant, in addition, you will have the opportunity to constantly observe the magnificence of flowers. The aubration is resistant to various diseases, but the leaves should be systematically checked for any changes.

As previously mentioned, obrieta is an unpretentious plant. This also applies to temperature. If it gets too cool, you should cover the plant with cling film and put it in a warmer room. In the case of a hot climate, the flower should be taken indoors or covered with non-woven fabric.
Ideally, aubration should be planted on the sunny side, but it will easily tolerate partial shade. This is evidenced by the reviews of experienced gardeners.

Moisten the ground only after complete drying. No extra care is needed, you run the risk of flooding the aubration, right up to its death.
Transplant this plant should be done every 2-3 years, in the spring. When transplanting to another container, use the same soil in which the flower grew before.
Care is that you have to remove dry leaves and flowers. Another proof that the ideal flower is aubration. Growing from seed may seem like a daunting task to some, as this species requires special care. But this is only at the initial stage of plant development, then it will be much easier.

Propagation by cuttings
Aubration is propagated by cuttings, it is advisable to do this in summer or spring. Cuttings should be about 5-7 centimeters, then it will be easier for you to plant them. These cuttings must be placed in a container with a special solution of sand and peat. The container should be placed in a well-lit but cool place.
Pests and diseases
In some cases, a change in the color of the leaves from green to brown may occur - these are, perhaps, all the diseases that aubration can suffer from. Growing from seeds should not bring any diseases. Also, do not forget about timely watering and fertilizing the soil. Then you will not have any problems, and obrieta will become your favorite plant. Naturally, if you completely forget that you have plants in your house, then all the flowers will hurt, not just aubration.
Growing from seeds: reviews of experienced gardeners
Beginners, as well as experienced gardeners, say that there are no problems in growing this plant. Some have adapted these flowers for borders. Gardeners arrange aubration along the borders: when it blooms, a beautiful alley is formed that pleases the eye.
Types and varieties
Aubretion there are only 12 species: A. pinardii, A. alba, A. gracilis, A. olimpica, A. parviflora, A. canescens, A. glabrescens, A. columnae, A. deltoidea, A. olimpica, A. gracilis. We will consider only the most popular of the varieties.
Aubrieta Columca (Aubrieta columnae) is relatively tall - 12 centimeters. Can be distinguished by large flowers that reach within a radius of about 3-5 centimeters.
Aubrieta cultural (Aubrieta cultorum). Has castings with serrated edges. Small flowers (about 1 cm in diameter). The flowering period is about 40 days.