Grapes: growing from seeds at home, care features

Grapes: growing from seeds at home, care features
Grapes: growing from seeds at home, care features

Everyone knows such a plant as grapes, the cultivation of seeds from which at home is of interest to many gardeners. To get a fruit-bearing bush, you need to know the correct technology of this method and tune in to the fact that it will last quite a long time. Not many growers and gardeners use this method, as it is quite complicated and not everyone can handle it.

Why grow grapes at home?

Methods of growing grapes at home:

  • using cuttings;
  • using bones.

The last method is the most time-consuming and painstaking, so not many people take it up. Let's consider just such a growing method in more detail.

grapes growing from seed
grapes growing from seed

When asked whether it is possible to grow grapes from the seed at home, experienced breeders and growers answer positively. Butthe harvest is quite modest, so gardeners do this for the sake of:

  • Excitement. Growing such a plant is long and difficult, and this process requires a lot of effort, constant attention and care. Not every gardener will be able to grow a garden crop in a pot from a small seed.
  • Experiment. For those who breed new varieties, grapes from the seed can become a kind of “guinea pig”, on which you can try out various top dressings, as well as see how the plant reacts to pests, diseases and other negative factors.
  • Rootstock. Grapes, grown from the seeds of which takes place in an apartment, are used as a support for an ordinary garden vine. This will also save on seedlings.
  • Decoration. Grown "home" grapes in appearance is no different from the garden. And since the plant itself is very beautiful, you can decorate your balcony with it.

What harvest should we expect?

is it possible to grow grapes from seed
is it possible to grow grapes from seed

Berries obtained from the "home" vine, their taste is significantly different from the garden. Grapes begin to bear fruit after planting after 4-5 years. The first time, the yield is expected to be rather small, and the berries taste sour or have a mild taste.

Seed preparation

Due care should be taken in preparing seeds for planting. It is best to choose new varieties, as this ensures that the grapes grown from the seeds of which is carried out at home, willresistant to various diseases and adverse conditions. The pits must be taken from the ripest berries that are distinguished by varietal qualities, without deformation and without signs of rot.

grape growing conditions
grape growing conditions

Vine seeds to be used for home growing should be very large and preferably beige-brown in color. They are carefully and very thoroughly washed under water, and then not dried, but immediately laid out in moistened nylon bags and wrapped in ordinary plastic wrap. Prepared grape seeds are recommended to be placed on the lowest shelf in the refrigerator. They should be inspected regularly and washed periodically. As soon as cracks appear on them after a few months, this indicates their readiness for planting in the ground.

Material Planting Technology

Is it possible to grow grapes from seed at home? If everything is done correctly, then this is quite feasible. Germinated grape seeds are planted in individual containers, which are filled with fertile soil. The optimal soil consists of a mixture of humus and sifted sand. Before sowing seeds, the soil should be disinfected; for this, the soil is calcined in an oven at a high temperature or spilled with boiling water with the addition of potassium permanganate.

growing grapes at home
growing grapes at home

After the containers are filled with soil, it is moistened and prepared grape seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.sprouts occurred as early as possible, it is better to install pots with crops on a windowsill, where there is good lighting and a lot of heat.

Features of cultivation

If you create an optimal temperature regime when growing grapes from seeds at home, and the crops are provided with the necessary amount of light, then you can expect sprouts to appear in 10 days.

The conditions for growing grapes are as follows:

  • plants should be regularly watered with water at room temperature, but waterlogging or severe drying of the soil should not be allowed;
  • the soil must be loosened, and this must be done very carefully so as not to harm the sprouts;
  • if such a need arises, then watering is supplemented with fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers;
  • the plant should be protected from drafts, and if the weather is very sunny, then the grapes should be shaded.

It is necessary to regularly inspect seedlings, as young plants are often affected by diseases or spider mites. In the spring they are transplanted into larger containers.

growing grape seedlings
growing grape seedlings

If grape seedlings are grown, then next year they are recommended to be transplanted into open ground. It is also very important to harden the plants before they are planted in a permanent place. Thanks to this procedure, they quickly adapt to new growing conditions and take root faster.

Tips & Tricks

grape growing methods
grape growing methods

Growing grapes at home lasts until it reaches a height of 1.5-2 meters. After that, seedlings can develop only in open ground. In this case, the plant growing conditions are as follows:

  • The landing site should be well lit and not drafty. It is best if there is protection from the north side.
  • It is desirable to choose a site with light, breathable and moderately moist soil.
  • Usually, grapes are grown on trellises, which are very strong supports of two meters in height with a stretched wire. There should be a distance of 1, 5 or 2 meters between planted plants.
  • Grapes need to provide good drainage in the form of medium-sized stones or broken bricks. It is recommended to fill it with high-quality and fertile soil.

In the future, the care of planted grapes provides for regular watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing. If you properly care for the plant, then it will begin to bear fruit three or four years after planting the grape seed.


Thus, we have figured out what grapes are, the cultivation from the seeds of which takes place in an apartment or a private house. This process is very complex and only experienced gardeners can do it. You can not only decorate your own balcony with a grown vine, but also enjoy berries.
