Grapes are a thermophilic plant that feels good in the southern regions. Growing grapes in the middle lane is now quite possible. They tried to grow grapes in more northern regions since the time of Peter. For the first time, Michurin succeeded in obtaining varieties resistant to cold climates. He bred the first two early and winter-hardy varieties Amur and Baitur. These varieties are still popular with gardeners. In the Moscow region, they winter even without shelter.

Growing grapes. Step by step instructions
For the successful cultivation of grapes you need:
- Select the desired variety.
- Determine a landing site.
- Prepare the soil for planting.
- Build supports for seedlings.
- Get landingseedlings.
- Irrigation is needed during hot summers.
- Grapes need pruning.
- Shelter for the winter.
Growing grapes in the middle lane has recently become more and more interesting for summer residents and gardeners. It is quite possible, you just need to choose a suitable variety of early ripening. Basically, caring for grapes in the middle lane comes down to proper pruning, applying organic and mineral fertilizers, and removing from the trellis and preparing the vine for winter is a matter of technique.

Choosing a place for grapes
Successfully choosing a place for grapes is already half the battle. This plant grows well in places open to sunlight and well protected from the wind. In areas with a harsh climate, grapes are successfully grown against a fence or wall of a house facing southwest or south. Places with stagnant cold air are not suitable for this plant.
The soil for this southern plant should be well-drained, and the reaction should be close to neutral (pH 6.5-7.0). The place of the future vineyard has been chosen, now let's start preparing the soil.
Soil preparation
Successful cultivation of grapes in the middle lane begins with soil preparation. These activities should be carried out 15-20 days before planting young seedlings. In order to reduce the acidity of the soil, lime is added at the rate of 150-200 g per 1 sq. m. of landing area.
The soil on the site of the future vineyard must be dug deep. Poor soil is flavored with rotted manure or compost. To do this, make one bucket of organic matter per 1 sq. m. and be sure to add one of the complex mineral fertilizers, for example, superphosphate.

Support for grapes
In the place of the future vineyard, you need to build a support for the vine. In the landing row, after 2.5 meters, it is necessary to drive in wooden poles 3 meters long. They are driven into the ground to a depth of 60 cm. A metal wire is stretched between the posts. The first is located at a height of 40 cm, then the distance between the wires is 30 cm. The vine will be fixed on them in the future.
Planting seedlings
Some subtleties of growing grapes in the middle lane still exist. First you need to choose a suitable early ripe variety. If in the southern regions grapes can be planted from October to March, then for regions with a colder climate (midland), the most suitable time for planting is early spring, before the leaves bloom (early May).
If planting is carried out along a fence or wall, then the distance from it to the seedling must be at least 40 cm, and in the row between plants, the gap must be maintained 1.2 m. In the case of planting in an open place, the distance in row 1, 5 m, between grape rows - 2 m.

If the plants are grafted, then the grafting site when planting should be above ground level. After the grapes are planted, they must be tied up to the prepared support, watered abundantly andmulch the soil with humus or manure, so moisture will remain in the soil longer.
Another technique for planting grapes is planting grapes in beds that are about 25 cm high. The edges of the beds are strengthened with plastic bottles dug into the ground with their necks. This method of planting allows more heat to flow to the roots and thus speed up the ripening period of the crop.
The task of pruning grape bushes is to form a powerful fruit-bearing bush. Cut off annual shoots. The thinner the vine, the less buds are left on it. So, for example, on a shoot with a diameter of 10 mm, during autumn pruning, a maximum of 10-11 buds can be left, and on a shoot with a diameter of 5 mm, only 5 buds are left.
In the spring, fruit-bearing shoots of the current year will develop from them. In order for the cultivation of grapes in the middle lane to be successful, it is better to trim it in two steps. The first pruning is carried out in the fall after fruiting, it consists in removing the unripe vine and too thin and damaged shoots. The second stage of grape pruning is carried out in early spring, after the winter covering material is removed. Here, damaged and frozen shoots are also removed and a decision is made on the load, in accordance with this, pruning is carried out.
Shelter for the winter
In late autumn, before the first frosts, the vine is removed from the trellis, pruned, the remnants of the leaves are removed, carefully tied and laid on the ground. The base of the bush must be high up. If there is a vaccination, then hilling should be done in such a wayso that it is completely hidden by the ground.
Further, before the onset of stable frosts, the vine is covered. The easiest way is to cover with spruce branches. Varieties specially bred for the middle lane, covered in this way, winter well.

Another method widely practiced by gardeners is the use of a non-woven covering material, such as sugril. Grape bushes tied and laid on the ground are wrapped around them, and covered with roofing material from above.
In the spring, when the snow melts, these shelters are removed and sanitary pruning of grape bushes is carried out. Cut out extra weak shoots, frostbitten and broken vines.
Grape farming: growing grapes in the middle lane
Grapes are now grown in almost every region. Once again, we will repeat everything about grapes in central Russia. Agrotechnics for growing grapes in this area comes down to a good choice of a place for grapes, proper planting and care of the vine. The place should be chosen the sunniest in this area, in addition, cold northern winds should not penetrate there, for this they install a screen or plant grapes along the southern wall of the house or fence.

When planting young grapes, it should be borne in mind that the bush in this place will grow and bear fruit for many years, so planting should be taken responsibly. The planting hole should have good drainage and fertile soil. Asdrainage using broken bricks. If the soil is heavy, sand must be added. Nutrient soil may consist of rotted manure or humus, to which 200-250 g of superphosphate must be added, this fertilizer is necessary for the future harvest.
If done right, young vines begin to bear fruit in their 3rd year. Further care is the proper formation of the bush and pruning. In hot summers, grapes require watering about 5 times per season. Watering should be rare, but plentiful.
Even hardy grapes in areas with cold winters need to be covered to avoid freezing.