Cedar wood has an unusual shade and a rather beautiful texture. It lends itself well to processing and has a pleasant and persistent aroma. That is why cedar lining is often used for interior finishing work in baths and saunas.

Use area
Today, cedar wood is successfully used in many construction industries. It is especially popular in the construction of saunas and baths. It is in these rooms that all the unique healing properties of cedar are best revealed. Compared to other types of wood, it warms up much faster and retains heat longer. Lining made of cedar for a bath is able to provide the proper level of thermal insulation, which can significantly save on heating the room. Thanks to the unique aroma emitted by this material, a comfortable atmosphere reigns in the steam room, reminding visitors of coniferous forests. In addition, essential oils contained in wood have a beneficial effect on the human body.
In recent years, cedar has often been used for exterior and interior decoration of buildings. Also from itproduce high quality furniture. Cedar lining, the price of which varies over a wide range, is considered one of the most durable finishing materials. Its strength characteristics are quite comparable with metal. Due to its unsurpassed beauty and pronounced structure, it has become one of the most affordable and sought-after materials.

Varieties of cedar lining
Today, several varieties of this material are produced. So, lining made of extra class cedar should not have any visible defects and knots at all. Before going on sale, it undergoes a treatment that reduces the resin content. Euro lining is made in accordance with European standards. It is distinguished by the correct geometry, deeper placement of the grooves and the presence of ventilation ducts. The presence of an enlarged ridge and spike facilitates the process of maximum leveling of the surface being trimmed. The use of Stihl grade lumber creates a uniform surface with no visible joints or seams.

How is cedar lining processed?
To give the lumber an aesthetic appearance, it is subjected to a special treatment. To emphasize the natural color and pattern of wood, special protective paints and varnishes are applied to the surface of the product. In some cases, the material is treated with oil wax. Thanks to this, the cedar lining acquires additional wear resistance.
To createFor exclusive products, the surface of the material is treated with a brushing technique, which makes it possible to artificially age the wood and give it a special beauty. Such work is carried out according to a specially developed technique, which implies the most careful handling of the material.

Features of choice
To optimize the cost of purchasing cedar lining, it is necessary to study some product features. This often helps to buy a quality product at a more affordable price and not make a mistake with the choice. Going to the store, you should make calculations of the desired length of the board. It is not advisable to buy expensive long samples that are subsequently to be sawn. Estimated cost per square meter of cedar lining is 990-1290 rubles.
Unfortunately, unscrupulous sellers often deliberately deceive consumers by giving out one grade of material after another. If the lining is intended for finishing premises with specific operating conditions, then it must certainly be of high quality. In this case, it is advisable to opt for extra class lumber, the hallmark of which is the absence of defects and knots along the entire length of the board. In order not to confuse Siberian wood with a Canadian counterpart, you should carefully look at the shade of the product. Thus, material produced from breeds grown in North America will be darker.
The Siberian cedar lining presented for sale is characterized by a slightly pinkish tint, darkening after some timeafter installation. It is ideal for interior decoration of premises with high levels of humidity and significant temperature changes. Heating up to 140 degrees, such panels do not emit harmful resins and do not cause burns. In addition, cedar wood, which has a beautiful unique structure, is able to heal the air and kill germs.