Coffered ceilings in the interior of the premises are not an invention of modern designers. They were used by the builders of Hellas, Ancient Rome, the Renaissance, have come a long evolutionary path and today they have occupied a certain niche in the original solutions of modern interiors.
Despite the fact that the design of the premises with caissons has now lost its original function of facilitating ceilings, it has been revived and performs an exclusively decorative role. In contrast to the architecture of antiquity, caissons are not made in the depths of the overlapping structures, but are created artificially, by bulkheads from a variety of materials. Admittedly, the use of this ceiling design technique is in demand by both homeowners and designers.

What is a coffered ceiling?
The word "caisson" is borrowed from French. It translates as "box". Outwardly, the caissons can be different, but, as a rule, we are talking about a surface that is divided into equal sections by false wooden beams and jumpers between them. Such designs look original in rooms with high ceilings, adding aristocracy and elegance to them.
Coffered ceilings made of solid wood look very expensive, have a long service life, although the price of such a coating and its installation will be considerable. This is a design, which is also called lacunar, with various recesses, cells and beams. It has a large number of corners, which does not interfere with the use of round shapes.

The design of the ceiling in the living room, for example, can be represented by various beam configurations, profiled wall transitions, stucco elements and painting on the ceiling.
New design
Today, this design of the ceiling is back in fashion. In addition to the spectacular appearance, such caisson structures turned out to have many useful properties:
- solve the issue of soundproofing;
- hide elements of engineering communications;
- disguise surface defects;
- improve acoustics.
Earlier, such designs were decorated with intricate carvings or stucco. I must say that some types of such decor are still used in the design of the ceiling in the living room, study, dining room. Much more often, simple smooth beams are used. This in no way impairs their appearance, but allows them to harmoniously fit into the interior.
The main advantage of coffered ceilings, which was appreciated both during their invention and today, is their ability to give the design of the room a strict conciseness. best caissonslook in high rooms. If the ceiling height is less than 2.5 meters, then it is better not to use such a coating. The interior style of the room should also be taken into account. For example, in most modern styles, such ceilings look out of place.
Types of coffered ceilings
Today, the following types of such structures are most often used:
- MDF ceilings. This option is affordable and at the same time imitates a natural wood finish well. With proper installation of coffered ceilings from MDF panels, interesting and original designs are obtained. In addition to low cost, such coatings are easy to install. unlike wooden structures, for example. The disadvantages include poor resistance to moisture, increased flammability and low strength in case of mechanical damage.
- Plasterboard ceilings. Another option that can be attributed to the budget. Most often it is used in rooms with high ceilings and large windows, decorated in a classic style. Quite often, drywall constructions are supplied with additional lighting.
- Polyurethane ceilings. Their distinguishing features are low weight and high cost. The advantages of the designs include the symmetry of parts, low flammability, a wide range of colors and resistance to moisture. Depending on the quality of the elements, the installation of a polyurethane ceiling can be very simple or quite complex. Polyurethane ceiling caissons that exactly match the dimensions of your ceiling can simplify the task.

- Cardboard ceilings. Construction paper is a popular material for such ceilings. Beams assembled from it are mounted using wood glue. Mounted beams can be glued with a film that imitates the texture of wood.
- And finally, the classic version - wood coffered ceilings. Such designs have excellent decorative properties - natural wood looks spectacular and creates a special atmosphere in the room. Environmentally friendly material is absolutely safe, and therefore it can be used in the house without fear. Most often, such coffered ceilings are made of oak, ash, walnut. Sometimes rarer and more expensive breeds are also used. Such designs hide any flaws in the ceiling surface, as well as communications. The disadvantages of wooden coffered ceilings include their high cost, which depends on the material chosen and the complexity of installation.
You can achieve a visual effect at a lower price. To do this, you should purchase less expensive wooden elements, which are then treated with a special coating - stain.
What is wood stain
This is an amazing material that helps to quickly and efficiently transform the interior. Staining can deepen the color of the wood and enhance its unique grain. The color range of stain for wood is very wide, so you can not only focus on the texture of wood, but also change its color dramatically.

Types of stain
Depending on the material that became the basis of the composition, there are several types of stain:
- Water. This composition is economical, does not require special skills in the process of applying, and is inexpensive. The product is non-toxic and has no unpleasant odors. It is for these reasons that it is most often used for interior work. Surface dries in just over 12 hours.
- Alcohol stain. A feature of this composition is rapid drying. Therefore, it is quite often used for wood processing on the street. Ensure good ventilation when working indoors.
- Oil stain. The basis of this composition is linseed oil. It is diluted with white spirit. This stain allows you to give wooden surfaces a variety of shades. The composition is applied easily, penetrating deep into the wood, and protects it well from moisture.
- Wax stains. Eco-friendly and safe compositions, which determines their high cost. They are used not only for painting wooden surfaces, but also for the restoration of wooden coatings.
- Gels are the thickest type of stains. They are suitable for processing softwoods. For application, special swabs are used. More often gels are used for outdoor work.
- Acrylic stains. The basis of these compositions is an acrylic dispersion. Available in the form of emulsions, which are easily applied to the surface. Treated wood does not fade when exposed to sunlight and retains color saturation for a long time.
- Beitz is a special kind of wood stains. At their core- dyes and pigments, organic solvents. Such compositions dry quickly and give a fade-resistant, even shade.
Today, the color scheme of wood stain is presented in retail chains in numerous shades (from white to black), which will allow you to create an original and sophisticated interior.

Preparatory stage: design tips
As a rule, the manufacture of coffered ceilings is trusted by professionals. This is understandable: a wooden structure must be fitted very accurately, and there are a lot of details in it, so for an amateur such work may turn out to be too difficult. Although experts do not recommend the use of such structures in rooms with low ceilings, some owners of such rooms dream of the ceiling in question. Designers in this case recommend choosing the thinnest panels of light shades.
When making a coffered wooden ceiling, follow the general rule: the more spacious the room, the more beams you will need for decoration. Do not arrange such structures in rooms with low lighting and dark furniture, as you risk getting an oppressive and unpleasant atmosphere.
Getting Started
First, draw a sketch and determine the composition of the future ceiling. It is necessary to take into account the height and interior of the room. To calculate how much material you need for a coffered ceiling made of wood, you need to build a drawing, noting the location of the plates on it.
Going for materials inshop, take it with you. Please note that the ceiling should be properly selected wallpaper. It can be very simple canvases or wallpaper with a pattern. Experts consider light wallpaper a win-win option. Now you need to select the blanks that your coffered ceiling will consist of. The easiest way is to purchase separate modules, which will become caissons that are glued to the ceiling. The pitch of the caissons varies from 80 to 100 centimeters.
To create a coffered ceiling made of wood in large halls or living rooms, as a rule, oak, pine and other natural wood are used, in other residential areas, chipboard (chipboard) can be used. This material is much easier to apply and process.
If the material is additionally upholstered with natural spruce, oak or beech veneer, it will acquire a bright texture and a very attractive look. In addition to light wallpaper and wood, you will need high-quality wood glue, glue paint, a saw, nails, a ruler and a square to work.
False beams
The device of the coffered ceiling is impossible without the main detail - support beams with a complex box-shaped structure: they are fixed on the ceiling, creating an ornament in accordance with the sketch.
Such elements are produced from different types of wood: cedar, spruce, larch, pine. With the help of wooden false beams, you can not only create a unique design, but also hide wires, as well as floor defects. As a rule, preference is given to coniferous species, since hardwood material is much more expensive. If desired, you can orderoak elements - they are distinguished by strength, durability, quality, but also a higher price.

In addition to natural wood, false beams are made from other materials. Moreover, a good imitation of natural beams on the ceiling sometimes outperforms solid wood in terms of practicality and aesthetics. The most popular types of false beams include: made of drywall, polystyrene, polyurethane. Often used sheets of chipboard and fiberboard. Much less often, metal beams are used that mimic the color and texture of wood.
Surface preparation
In order to ensure greater reliability of fixing materials, the surface should be primed. If the primer is too strongly absorbed, then after drying, cover the surface with a second layer. Experts recommend gluing wallpaper under coffered ceilings. Choose canvases with a fine texture.
Grid layout
To complete this work, you will need colored chalk, a square and a tape measure to mark the grid along which the beams on the ceiling will be installed. Your guide should be a sketch made before installation.
Measure the length of the sides of the room, divide each length in half to find the center of the room. Mark this place with chalk and connect the opposite sides of the room with a line. Now you need to decide in which direction the main beams will be. Mark with chalk on opposite walls the position of their ends and draw lines along the ceiling, connecting these points.

The location of the main and cross beams should be marked. In addition, their width should be noted in order to know the exact size of butt joints and panels. The size of the panels, their shape and number are up to you.
Installation of beams
This is a very important point in the installation of a wooden coffered ceiling, because the overall appearance of the ceiling depends on how carefully this work is done. As we have already said, the beams can be hollow, in which case you can easily hide electrical wiring, pipes and other utilities in them. If you are using solid wood beams, it is recommended that they be channeled for wires.
If you are working alone, make a T-shaped support out of wooden slats (ceiling height minus the beam). It will hold one end of the beam as you work on the other. Install beams around the perimeter of the room, with the longest of them installed first. In a square or irregularly shaped room, start by placing it perpendicular to the support piece to achieve a solid connection.
Using a pneumatic nailer, nail the beam at a distance of no more than 30 cm. The opposite perimeter beam is also fixed. Now you need to measure the distance on each side of the room between the beams and prepare the material for the transverse sides. They are also fixed to the ceiling. After the perimeter is completed, the main longitudinal elements are installed according to the markup.

Measure the distance between the mainbeams and then cut the transverse of the desired size. They are installed in the same way at the marked positions. It is necessary to strengthen the structure. To do this, hold the nailer at a 45 degree angle near the junction of the main and cross beams and drive the nail into the cross beam at an angle.
Ceiling plinth
If the shape of the caisson and its real depth is formed by the height and placement of the profile of the beams, then the visual depth and the border of the caisson are formed using a ceiling plinth. At one of the caissons, measure the internal dimensions of all its sides. If there is a gap between the beam and the ceiling caused by the unevenness of the ceiling, take this height into account in the size of the baseboard.
Cut the ceiling plinth to the required length. Cut off a 45° corner on each side. One by one, install the planks, pre-lubricated with wood glue, and secure to the beams.
In some cases, it is easier to assemble each plinth box separately and then install it in its entirety in a caisson. In this case, glue is used to assemble the plinth box. Check that it fits well and glue the baseboard. Secure it to the beams with nails in each corner of the box.

Ceiling trim
The final stage in the installation of a wooden coffered ceiling, which allows you to give the surface a finished look, as well as hide irregularities, if any. Fill all gaps and joints between beams, ceiling panels and baseboard with latex sealant. Cover the nail heads with wood putty and a spatula.
Decorative elements
The coffered ceiling looks more interesting if functional and decorative elements are added to it:
- Spotlights. If you want the ceiling to look below the height of the beams, consider installing spotlights. They reduce the height and create a special atmosphere. This option is suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings.
- Medallions. If you are planning to use a ceiling chandelier, prepare a medallion in this place. It will emphasize the features of the lamp and draw attention to it.