Plywood in the interior: design ideas, features and photos

Plywood in the interior: design ideas, features and photos
Plywood in the interior: design ideas, features and photos

Plywood is a fashionable design material in the interior. Previously, it was considered exclusively a building material for repairs. High possibilities in practical and aesthetic application make it very popular among modern designers, and such recognition is deserved. Plywood is easy to care for and has characteristics such as flexibility, water resistance, durability and aesthetics. The collection of ideas for using plywood in interior design is vast.

Plywood wall shelves
Plywood wall shelves

Decorative trim

Due to its special texture, plywood is a very effective finishing material. It has a warm and bright color, is able to create catchy accents in the interior. Combinations of plywood with plaster, paint, brickwork are successful for a modern style. The warmth of wood contrasts nicely with cold materials such as concrete and steel. Decorative interior trim with plywoodcountry houses very expressively embodies the relationship of man with nature. Such an interior can be very concise and self-sufficient.

Plywood interior
Plywood interior


The middle of the last century was the beginning of the introduction of this material into furniture production. The only furniture material that has a greater degree of flexibility than plywood is plastic. Plywood furniture is light, inexpensive and easy to process. It's a signature lifestyle style. Unusual models are absolutely stunning and easy to use, natural material makes the space warmer and more expressive. Many designers experiment with plywood and make very interesting and creative furniture designs.

Plywood chair
Plywood chair


Most interior details can be made from plywood: stairs, stages, cabinets, partitions, racks and shelves. Plywood sheets of various thicknesses and durability are used in various areas and withstand high impact loads. Window sills are also decorated with plywood, it looks fresh and unusual. This trendy interior solution is very practical, as plywood is more flexible than wood and easier to process.

The ability of plywood to bend attracts lamp manufacturers. Use this material in order to create minimalistic models with catchy shapes and textures. With a variety of designs, the lamps fit perfectly into interiors of any style.

Plywood lamp
Plywood lamp

If youI liked the idea of using plywood in large shapes, but it's better to start with small details - shelves, hooks or cute accessories. Adding coziness, they help to make the atmosphere in the room more colorful, textural, fresh and full.

What is the secret of attractiveness

Plywood in the interior of an apartment today is used in the manufacture of almost any item - furniture, partitions for zoning and even sinks in the bathroom. These items are eco-friendly, practical and visually appealing. What is the secret of such popularity? People are becoming more demanding of the space around them, especially their homes. They prefer life in country houses or create "green corners" in the apartment. The use of plywood in the interior is based on the desire to have items made from natural environmentally friendly materials.

Plywood in the interior of the kitchen
Plywood in the interior of the kitchen

Budget alternative

Plywood in the interior of the house is a natural material that does not emit toxic substances and has a natural pattern. At the same time, it is cheaper than an array, and this allows you to make a more budgetary version of the final product. The plywood is relatively light in weight, highly durable due to its structure, and easy to handle. All these positive qualities help designers to implement the most modern and unusual projects, to create non-trivial forms. All this makes plywood an ideal material. Multifunctionality is another positive feature of plywood. It should be specially noted that it can be used in any premises, regardless of theirdestination.

plywood for home decoration
plywood for home decoration

This can be both a bathroom and a living room. Production of furniture, decor, interior items, lamps, partitions, decorative fences and podiums, zoning, as interior decoration of ceilings, walls and floors - plywood can be used everywhere. Smooth lines and curved shapes go with any style. Thanks to this, plywood products easily fit into spaces of various configurations and volumes.


A wide range of plywood is presented on the domestic building materials market, which makes it easy to choose the right option for a specific purpose. Various types of wood are used in its production. Main types of plywood:

  • from several types of wood (combined);
  • moisture resistant;
  • bakelized (it is used in adverse climates, sea water, aggressive environments);
  • marine;
  • bent;
  • laminated.

The color of plywood is also varied. Wood is considered a noble material, but you can’t get such curved and complex shapes from it! The issue of price is important.

Plywood ceiling and lamps
Plywood ceiling and lamps

A bit of history

Properties inherent in plywood, people appreciated more than five thousand years ago, but undeservedly forgotten. Pressed veneer sheets were invented by the ancient inhabitants of Mesopotamia - they glued the layers of wood together, making it more durable. However, only at the end of the 18th century in Great Britain began to produce the firstplywood. Then they began to produce furniture and interior items from it. In Russia, plywood was first used in industry: aircraft construction, weapons technology, mechanical engineering, musical instruments were made from it. And the furniture was valued from solid wood. The one that is “simpler” was preferred to be made from pressed sawdust. This mindset made it difficult for designers and furniture makers to appreciate all the benefits of plywood.

Design experiments

Plywood furniture and interiors have finally taken their rightful place. Examples of unimaginable design masterpieces are easy to find in Western apartments and houses.

Designer plywood bed
Designer plywood bed

In Russia, designers are willing to use plywood lately. The search for new forms and possibilities in different styles led to free and unusual solutions. It is fashionable to make not only furniture and decor from plywood, but also decorative finishes for walls, ceilings and floors, covering it with varnish or paint. Plywood has a future. There are many ideas for using such a convenient material as plywood in the interior. Photos will inspire action. Really high-quality and practical art objects are created from it by laser cutting. An original idea for an eco-style interior is a stylized tree hanger. Perfect for your child's room! On your own, you can make not only children's hangers, but also original elements for any room in your house. Height, color, shape, functionality are limited by imagination and personal taste preferences.

Item fromhandmade plywood

It is not so easy to make such a plywood tree hanger in the interior, but everyone can do it if they have the right tools in the house. So you can save a lot of money and time looking for a suitable stylistic option. And the biggest plus of this venture is that the efforts will be rewarded with the joy of the child. A practical and original detail will appear in the nursery, which will decorate the interior and serve as a source of pride. To create this tree you will need:

  • two sheets of plywood;
  • pattern paper;
  • four metal brackets with screws included;
  • hooks (better if they are wooden, but you can use any other suitable design);
  • saw or jigsaw, screwdriver, scissors;
  • brushes and paint for painting the surface of plywood;
  • pencils;
  • emery paper.
Hanger-tree from plywood
Hanger-tree from plywood

Draw on paper a drawing of a tree of the size you want to see your future product (crowns, branches, trunk-base). Try to get two sides that are symmetrical to each other, and draw all the lines smooth and rounded. Mark a line in the middle of your drawing. She will be central. Cut out the paper template. Attach it to the plywood and circle it like a stencil. Cut two identical trees using a jigsaw. In one of them, make a partial cut along the center line from the top, from the point where the "branches" begin, and to the very bottom. Carefully clean the edges with sandpaper to a perfectly even state, and then paintin colors that match your preliminary sketch. After the paint has dried, assemble the finished parts of the "tree" by inserting one element into the slot of the other. For better stability and for safety, secure all sides of the connections with metal corners. The most enjoyable part of the job remains. Cut out small decorative flowers or leaves from leftover plywood, paint them bright colors, and place them on top of a tree hanger. Fasten the hooks in places where it will be convenient for the little owner to use them. Hanger ready!
