Philodendrons are houseplants that are undemanding to lighting. Among them there are varieties that grow well even in a dark room. This is exactly what the blushing philodendron liana is, the color of which does not fade even in the absence of the sun.
Name and origin
The liana Philodendron erubescens (lat.) got its name due to the red color of the leaves, stems and petioles. With the development and maturation of the plant, the foliage acquires green hues, and the petioles still remain red.
According to the classification, philodendron belongs to the perennial evergreen vines of the Aroid family, which naturally grow in the rainforests of Brazil, Colombia and Costa Rica, as well as Australia. This family has about 900 species (data from researchers at the Missouri Botanical Garden).
This species was first described in 1854. The literal translation of the name means "loving trees", which characterizes the habit of this plant to cling to tree trunks with its flexible, twisting stem in order to make its way up tosunlight.

Botanical description
As you can see in the photo, the blushing philodendron grows with an elongated high shoot that can bend, occasionally lateral processes may appear on it. Leaf plates are linear in shape up to 30 cm long (with a width of up to 25 cm), at the base they look like a heart, and the tip is sharp and elongated. The surface is shiny and bright green, with a reddish tint visible on the back of the sheet.
The height of the shoots can reach 1.8 m, its base usually woody, turning into a strong trunk, standing upright.
One of the interesting features of philodedrons is the formation of aerial roots near the trunk at the nodes of the stems, which are necessary for the plant to survive in the middle of the rainforest. With the help of such roots, the vine wraps around the branches and gradually rises towards the light.

Philodendron blushing: home care
The plant belongs to the unpretentious species that lovers of home flowers can grow without much effort. To create comfortable conditions for the philodendron, you must follow the basic rules for caring for tropical species:
- air temperature in the room +23…+28 °С (spring and summer), in winter months - not less than +15 °С;
- high air humidity, which involves regular spraying of the leaves with a spray bottle and wiping them with a damp cloth, as well as the installation of a special tray with wet pebbles;
- it is not recommended to place a pot with a plant near heaters or heating systems, also the philodendron strongly dislikes drafts;
- watering is moderate, i.e. the soil should always be slightly moist and dry out by 1/3 of the height of the pot; reduce watering frequency during winter months;
- philodendron does not like stagnant water after heavy watering, which blocks the access of oxygen to the roots, the leaves begin to turn yellow, the roots rot, so you should not allow overflow or drying out of the soil;
- lighting should be good, but the plant should be protected from direct sunlight (a wide window sill with windows facing east or west is ideal).

Selection of soil for planting
When choosing soil for a reddening philodendron flower, you must adhere to the following rules:
- the soil should be porous, heavy earth mixed with clay will prevent the root system from breathing;
- You can prepare the soil yourself: add high-moor peat, sand and leaf humus to the mixture for orchids (it includes: peat, tree bark and coal, sphagnum moss) - such components perfectly hold moisture and allow the roots to breathe;
- on sale there is a ready-made soil designed for philodendrons, which contains all the necessary components.
When planting in a pot, its optimal size is selected, corresponding to the age of the plant: for young ones - a smaller size, then as it grows, its volume shouldincrease.

In order for the philodendron blushing to develop well at home care, it must be fed in a timely manner. Most of all, young plants need this, in which a period of active growth begins. As a fertilizer in nature, there are rotted leaves of trees, rotting roots and other organic components.
In the conditions of an apartment for top dressing, it is recommended to use organic, mineral and complex types of fertilizers. It is especially important to fertilize the reddish or blushing philodendron from March to September: in such months, top dressing is best done every 2 weeks. In the cold winter months, the flower is fertilized once every 4 weeks, and in a cool room you can do without it.
Feeding should be carried out after wetting the ground, otherwise the plant will suffer from a sharp increase in the concentration of s alts in the soil.
In the absence of top dressing, the philodendron lacks the necessary nutrients, which is reflected in its appearance: the leaf plates become smaller and turn yellow, their tips begin to turn brown. Gradually, the leaves begin to look lethargic and lifeless.

Transplant young and mature plants
Philodendron blushing is transplanted in the following cases:
- with normal development and good growth, a flower is transplanted every 1-2 years in a pot larger than the previous one;
- mature plants should be transplanted 1 time in 4year, however, it is recommended to renew the top layer of the earth frequently;
- when an emergency transplant is required (due to illness, etc.).
You should know that in stores such flowers are sold in pots that are completely unsuitable for their further cultivation. Therefore, a store-bought philodendron must be immediately planted in a large container with good soil. The pot must be wide and of the required height, drainage holes must be drilled at the bottom. Before planting, pebbles or expanded clay are placed on the bottom of the tank.
If all the rules of maintenance and care are followed, the blushing philodendron can live at home for 20-30 years.
In the conditions of a house or apartment, the reproduction of the blushing philodendron is carried out vegetatively, for which stem or apical cuttings are used. The material is cut in March-April, trying to capture 2-3 internodes. For rooting, it is recommended to use wet moss, where cuttings are added dropwise at an angle of 30-45 °, covering with polyethylene on top. This will stabilize the high level of humidity, the temperature must be maintained at +25 ° C. Rooting usually takes 7-30 days.

Another way is to root the cuttings in the greenhouse and then transplant them into small pots when they are growing.
Another method of getting a new plant is to use a piece of stem with aerial roots, where it needs to be wrapped in a film in which wet moss is placed. Periodically it is necessary to moisten the moss, waiting untila good root system is formed.
After the formation of the roots, the stem is cut off at the bottom, and the plant is transplanted into a pot with prepared soil mixture along with moss.
Varieties and varieties
In specialized stores you can buy a blushing philodendron of several popular varieties:
- Burgundy - a flower (lat. P. erubescens Burgundy) is characterized by slow development, prefers bright but diffused light, leaves, petioles and young shoots have a wine-red color, due to which the amount of chlorophyll in them is reduced;
- Red Emerald - a plant (lat. P. erubescens Red Emerald) has larger leaves compared to other red-colored species;

- Mandarin is an interspecific hybrid (lat. P. x mandaianum), similar in appearance to the above varieties, young leaves are colored red, but turn green with age;
- Medusa - a flower (P. erubescens Medusa) is demanding on lighting, grows quickly, has a characteristic yellowish color of the leaves, and the stems and petioles are colored in shades of red.
Diseases and pests
If proper care is provided for the blushing philodendron at home, the plant will be quite resistant to diseases and will be able to safely endure the attack of pests such as thrips, spider mites or scale insects. Harmful insects usually settle on different sides of the leaves and begin to suck the juice out of them. Losing vitality, the flower will hurt and wither, and the leaves will gradually deform andfall off.
For treatment, a diseased plant must be placed in quarantine - a separate room. Then remove the pests with a sponge dipped in soapy water, after which the leaves are washed with clean warm water.
In case of severe damage, it is better to treat the flower with chemicals using "Karbofos" or "Aktellik" (at the rate of 15-30 drops per liter of water). If the first procedure helps only partially, then the treatment should be repeated after 8-10 days.
For the destruction and prevention of sucking pests, dry mustard powder is used, from which an infusion is prepared: 60 g of powder per 1 liter of water, put for 3 days in a closed container. Strain the finished infusion, dilute it in 20 liters of water and spray the plant.

The appearance of rot on the roots or other parts of the plant is possible when bacteria multiply. The rotting of the stems of the flower signals a disease of stem rot, which can manifest itself in the cold season from excess moisture and a decrease in temperature. Such conditions become ideal for the reproduction of fungi. In this case, it is recommended to transplant the plant into a clean, disinfected pot with new soil, increase the temperature and reduce watering.
Possible problems with the flower and their solution
Although the philodendron is blushing and belongs to unpretentious plants, however, when it is grown at home, problems are possible that signal improper care. In such a situation, it is necessary to adjust the rules for its content, focusing on the appearance:
- the appearance of brown spots on the tips of the leaves and their falling off is due to too dry air in the room, which can be corrected by increasing the humidity;
- droplets of water on the leaves are a signal of excessive moisture and the need to reduce it;
- with excessive light, the leaves begin to turn pale and lose color;
- with a lack of light - they become small and lethargic;
- the appearance of rot on the roots indicates a low soil temperature, which can be corrected by increasing the temperature in the room;
- the appearance of dry brown-black spots indicates a burn from the sun's rays, then the flower must be rearranged to another place;
- yellowing of the leaves indicates waterlogging of the soil and lack of nutrients;
- lower leaves may fall off as the plant grows, but you need to look at the condition of the upper ones: a change in their color to brown shades indicates an overestimated air temperature in the room, which often happens in winter when heating radiators are located nearby.

Many amateur gardeners are wondering: "Is it possible to keep a blushing philodendron at home?". After all, the plant in nature grows in tropical forests, which means it lives in a warm and humid climate, which is very different from the temperate latitudes of Russia. However, subject to the rules of care and maintenance, such a flower feels great in apartments, delighting its owners with the bright color of the leaves.