Breeders in different countries are working on breeding tomato varieties that will have more advantages than disadvantages, have amazing taste, and large fruit size. Russian breeders in 2014 brought out a new variety of tomatoes - "Siberian giant". In the article, we propose to consider what advantages it has, what its fruits look like, how to care for it in order to achieve maximum yield!
Tomato "Siberian giant": variety description
As you can guess from the name given to this tomato by breeders, it has two features at once: the first is the ability to grow even in the cold regions of the country, and the second is its large fruits. In the eastern and western territories of Russia, in the Urals, in Siberia and the Far East, this tomato should be grown in greenhouses, and in the central and southern regions of Russia, the "Siberian giant" tomato feels good in the open field.

Plant bushes can reach two meters in height, there are instances that, with proper caregrow up to 220 centimeters. The stem of the bushes is dense, the size and shape of the leaves are no different from tomatoes of other varieties.
Description of fruits
It is impossible not to tell about how the fruits of the "Siberian giant" tomato look like. They are quite large, have a flat-round shape. The color is either bright red or deep pink. By the way, it is important to note that there is a tomato "Siberian giant" and pink and yellow.
The average weight of one tomato ranges from 400 to 750 grams, however, there are record holders. Some gardeners grew tomatoes of this variety weighing up to 1.2 kg! In this case, the maximum length of one fruit can reach 10 centimeters. On one brush, 2-3 large tomatoes are usually formed. The fruits are quite fleshy, sugary, incredibly juicy and sweet. Summer residents also note the appetizing aroma.

Tomato "Siberian giant" is characterized by the presence of 5-7 chambers inside. There is little water in the fruits, and the amount of dry matter is about 3-5 percent. Due to the dense skin, this variety of tomatoes is characterized by long keeping quality and excellent transportability.
Yield and maturity dates
Producers of the variety say: it belongs to tomatoes of medium ripeness. Fragrant fruits on the bushes appear 3 months after sowing the seeds. The yield of the "Siberian giant" corresponds to its name - it is really very high: about 15 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one square meter per season! That is, one bush accounts for 5-6kilograms of tomatoes.

Cooking appointment
The fruits of Siberian giant tomatoes contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. That is why they are perfect for fresh consumption. You can cook salads and sandwiches with them. The "Siberian giant" is also good for canning, however, it will have to be marinated in pieces in its own juice: the whole point is that whole fruits simply will not go into the jar! But for the manufacture of tomato juice, experts say, this variety is not suitable. By the way, the use of dried tomatoes has been quite popular lately. This method allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients in vegetables, to keep them for a long time. All you need is a conventional oven or a special device for drying fruits and vegetables.
Optimal Growing Conditions
How to get the maximum yield of juicy tomatoes? Experienced gardeners say: this can be achieved by growing bushes in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse. A prerequisite is growing with seedlings. Another condition is good lighting. So, in cloudy weather or at night, the "Siberian giant" will require an additional light source. The day temperature should not fall below +19 ° C, and the night temperature should not fall below 16. If you decide to grow bushes of this variety in a greenhouse, do not forget to air it regularly.

Landing. Important Rules
The first thing I shouldto know a novice summer resident - when to plant tomatoes of the "Siberian giant" variety. In the southern regions, this time falls on the end of February-beginning of March, in the central regions - throughout March, and in the northern parts of the country it is necessary to sow seedlings in early to mid-April. Many gardeners recommend planting based on favorable days according to the lunar calendar.
Soil for seedlings can be taken from your garden, but it is best to use a special one purchased at the store. Before sowing tomato seeds, the ground must be moistened and kept in a warm place for 12 hours. Decontaminated seeds must be deepened by 1 cm, the distance between the grooves must be at least 3 cm. From above, the seeds will need to be covered with glass or film, and then placed on the windowsill, preferably on the south side. If there is not enough lighting for the tomatoes, you may need to install additional light. After the first shoots appear, the shelter should be removed, the temperature at this stage should be maintained at 25 degrees.
A week after sowing, the seedlings will need to dive, and a few more days later, when the height of the seedlings reaches 20 cm, it will be necessary to arrange air baths for her. Getting used to the sun and air is recommended to start with five minutes a day.

Many gardeners are concerned about the question: when to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse or open ground, what weather to choose. Experts advise doing this after warm weather is established, there will be no nightfrosts. Tomatoes of the "Siberian giant" variety should be planted on a cool cloudy day, the distance between the bushes should not be less than 40-60 cm. Immediately after planting, the plants should be thoroughly watered with warm water and mulched.
Care Tips
The "Siberian giant" tomato variety is quite unpretentious, it needs enough watering, tying, loosening, weed removal and pinching. In no case do not allow waterlogging of the plant, otherwise fungal diseases may appear. During the flowering period, one square meter will require about 12 liters of water, of course, warm. It is recommended to water the plants only after sunset, while moisture should not fall on either the stems or the leaves. Immediately after watering, it is recommended to hill the bushes and loosen the ground, this should be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the root system.
Of course, it should also be taken into account that the bushes of the "Siberian giant" grow up to 2 meters, and therefore, as soon as they reach a height of 50 cm, it is recommended to tie them to supports. By the way, the crown of the bushes can be quite thick, so it needs to be thinned out in a timely manner. Another important step in plant care is regular weeding and weed removal. Mineral organic fertilizers are recommended to be applied at least three times per season during the period of planting, flowering, fruit formation. As for diseases and parasites, the "Siberian giant" is quite resistant to them.

Opinion of gardeners
In theirreviews of the "Siberian giant" tomato, summer residents say that they most often choose a variety because of its large fruits, excellent taste and resistance to sudden changes in temperature. Gardeners recommend planting seedlings in holes that have previously been fertilized with wood ash, compost, mineral fertilizer complexes, which include phosphorus and potassium. The smallest tomatoes, according to summer residents, weigh about 360 grams. That is why they are best preserved in slices or consumed in salads. By the way, one tomato is enough for a whole family!
Among the characteristics of the "Siberian giant" tomato, gardeners distinguish its unpretentiousness: in order to get a good harvest, you only need to loosen the soil in a timely manner, hill the bushes, water and feed the plants.