It's great when the apartment has a room for each household and there is a common living room. But in reality, everything is often different, many families live in small apartments. In this situation, you have to consider options for dividing the room into two zones, a living room and a bedroom. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Features of the combined room
In one-room modern apartments there is enough space to divide the space into 2 zones, without resorting to all sorts of different tricks. In small living rooms, you can also find a way to combine them with the bedroom.
Combination Benefits:
- the ability to create a cozy corner fenced off from everyone with thick curtains, screens;
- increasing the functionality of space.
The main disadvantages of combining:
- difficult to provide adequate soundproofing for the bedroomroom;
- the bedroom will not be a completely enclosed space.
Even if there are downsides, such a division of the living room is often a necessary measure for lack of some other way out.
Often a folding sofa is installed in the living room, and space is also allocated for a dressing room. The room in the daytime is an ordinary living room, but at night it turns into a full-fledged bedroom. This option has a drawback - you have to constantly lay out the bed, then clean it up. This takes time and effort, therefore, it is easier to make the zoning of the room into two parts.

It should be noted that the living room and bedroom should flow smoothly into each other and be made in matching colors. Do not use different styles when decorating zones.
Recreation area
So, you are interested in the idea of dividing a room into two zones. It should be borne in mind that the sleeping place should remain calm and secluded. Therefore, the bed does not need to be placed near the front door. It is advisable to put it in the far corner of the room.
It will be great if there is a lot of natural light in the sleeping area. At the same time, if there is only one window in the room, it is best to put the bed closer to it. Many people like to wake up and fall asleep at the window.
Guest area
The guest area requires a lot of space. In a small space, you need to make do with a small amount of furniture. Soft poufs or a sofa, a wall with a TV shelf and a low table are enough. ATif space allows, you can also arrange a separate dining area.
The living room can be located near the entrance - this position is convenient for people who enter the room. If the room was divided into two zones by a partition and because of it there is little light in the room, it is worth installing additional lamps and lamps.
What are partitions for?
Now this method of delimiting space is very popular. Dividing a room into two zones with a partition is the most obvious and easy way to separate the living room and bedroom in the room. In addition, it is also a decorative element that can diversify and decorate the interior.
All partitions are divided into:
- low, which block only part of the room;
- solid, to the ceiling from the floor.
The role of partitions can play:
- columns;
- arches;
- shaped openings.
The material of the partitions can be anything. It is possible to divide the room into two zones with drywall, wood, high-quality plastic, high-strength glass or fabric. Below are the most popular options.

To divide a room into two zones, you can use a variety of types of partitions. The shape and material depend on the needs of the owners of the apartment and the style of the interior. Let's take a closer look at them.
Structure on frame
Zoning a room with a similar partition is convenient if there is no need to combinerooms. In general, this is a wall that divides one room into a bedroom and a living room. In a solid partition there are full-fledged doorways. If there is little space, then the swing door is replaced later by a sliding door. The main advantage of this design is excellent sound insulation, which is especially true for the bedroom.
Mobile partitions
If the bedroom is in a corner, you can use movable partitions to separate it from the living room, which can be removed if necessary. It is possible to carry out such a division of a room into two zones using modular screens and screens. By moving them, it is easy to change the proportions of the entire room.
Screens are especially convenient if the living room is small. This partition can be a separate decorative element, as well as an accent of the interior as a whole. Screens will fit perfectly into a classic or Japanese style living room, depending on the decor.
Dividing a room into two zones is also possible with the help of such a partition, which always looks stylish and original. Sliding doors become the same as in the closet. At the same time, guide rails are mounted to the floor and ceiling, where doors are already installed.
Various materials are used for mounting the structure: aluminum or wooden profiles, polyurethane foam and PVC for sound insulation. If there is a choice between wood and metal, it is better to give preference to the second. Aluminum is more durable and resistant to corrosion.

Also dividing the room into twocurtain zones can be made using textiles. Simple curtains, which by design do not stand out from the interior of the room, diversify the interior quite well. And this is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to divide the space. Curtains do not take up much space and can be easily changed at will. This makes it possible to change the atmosphere with a minimum of effort. They can lift up, move apart, stay hanging.
This method of dividing a room into two zones is suitable for rooms with high ceilings. Thus, on the podium you can arrange a guest area or put a bed. The space underneath is often used for storage. It will be interesting to look at the bed built into the podium, which needs to be pulled out at night. This approach is suitable for a small room. It is possible to equip any area on the structure - a library, an office, a nursery, a dining room.
Tall cabinet
The closet in this case is placed strictly between the bedroom and the living room. This is quite convenient, since from the side of the bedroom there is an opportunity to arrange a wardrobe, while from the side of the living room there are several open shelves needed for books or small things. In small rooms, this option will look bulky and take up a lot of space. A room can be divided with a closet only if there is enough space.
Glass partition
Translucent frosted glass in the form of a partition does not interfere with the penetration of natural light, which is especially important when the bedroom is located by the window. The glass thatused for partition walls, durable and hardened. If it is accidentally broken, it will not crumble into fragments.
Partitions with stained-glass windows look beautiful in the interior. This decor is very beautiful in the bedroom-living room in Art Deco and Gothic style. If it is completely transparent, you need to think in advance about the curtain, which can, if necessary, close the bedroom.

Pass-through rack
A rack, unlike a large closet, takes up less space and, thanks to through shelves, allows more light into the room. This is a great way to separate the bedroom and living room in a small room. Souvenirs, books, lamps, house plants, etc. can be put away on the shelves. This zoning option has a minus - a complete lack of sound and light insulation and a visible view.
Transformer furniture
You can also use furniture to divide the room into two zones. This method of zoning is relatively new and is only gaining popularity. Transforming furniture consists of several blocks that can be easily moved to different places, change the number of parts.
She can combine several different items at once. By changing the location of the modules, it is possible to get a locker, cabinet, table.
Small room
It is not always possible to turn around and arrange furniture freely. In small apartments, the rooms are very small, therefore, space should be saved without compromising the functionality of the room. Here are the tips:
- if you decide to put a bed in the room, boxes can be placed under it;
- a bulky sofa can be replaced with a pair of armchairs, a low sofa or pouffes, a corner sofa is also suitable;
- in order not to occupy the area with bedside tables, you can place shelves above the sofa, as well as above the bed;
- the space of the room should be functional;
- TV on the wall will save space, the screen will be clearly visible from all areas.
In addition to the competent use of space, do not forget about the finish. Flashy and dark colors should be avoided in small rooms. The decoration of the ceiling, floor and walls should be very light, while accessories can be of various colors. Good artificial lighting is required for a small room - the more light, the room seems more spacious.
When the hall and the bedroom are combined in one room, folding chairs and sofas are often used. This will save a lot of space. You can safely receive your guests during the day, while laying out a bed in the evening.

In addition to folding sofas, you can take transforming furniture or modular furniture. For example, a wardrobe. It should be borne in mind that this is a very bulky item, therefore, it is far from always possible to choose just such an option. It is much easier to place boxes for things under a simple bed.
For the visit of guests in a small bedroom-living room there isthe ability to put a coffee table and a corner sofa. The sofa can be arranged bar, built-in shelves. Corner models of cabinets are very roomy, while, unlike simple ones, they take up less space.
Two Girls' Room
Everyone wants privacy sometimes, even little sisters. Especially if they have completely different schedules and rhythms of life. How to divide a room into two zones for girls? This can be done with:
- cabinets or racks;
- canopy;
- partition screens;
- sliding door or curtains in the middle of the room;
- false walls.
Designing sleeping places should reflect the individuality of each girl. To do this, you can, for example, hang photos of their owners above the beds, scatter all kinds of pillows, put lamps, bedside tables or chests near the beds, decorate the wall with pompoms or stencils, hang shelves, and also furnish them with various girls' things.
If the study and sleeping places in the room can be separate, it is worth making the play area common. In this place, the girls will be able to communicate normally, receive guests and play together. To create a play area, place a rug on the floor and place:
- double-sided easel;
- wigwam;
- toy kitchen;
- sports complex;
- ballerina machine;
- tea table;
- play house;
- mini library.

Summing up the article, it is worth saying that the living room and bedroomcan be placed in a common room. Merge them together or separate them with partitions? This decision depends only on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the own wishes of the household. The decor of the room should first of all be comfortable.