Combination of colors in the interior. Compatibility table

Combination of colors in the interior. Compatibility table
Combination of colors in the interior. Compatibility table

Few people attach importance to color, although it affects people quite well. Therefore, everyone needs to know the combination of colors in the interior, the table of which is given in the article. Indeed, with the help of color, it is possible to create beautiful visual effects that surprise others, as well as bring a special psychological atmosphere to your own home. Thanks to this, it will be much easier to win guests over and charge them with positive emotions for a long time.

color combination in the interior table
color combination in the interior table

Color psychology

Each person creates around himself the environment that will affect his psyche and he alth in general. In order to simplify the task, experts have compiled a clear formula, called the "color combination table in the interior" (photo can be seen below).

Correctthe use of colors should be considered when choosing both the main tones of the room and additional ones. The colors that surround us should reflect the characteristics of a person’s character, because only thanks to this, living in your own home will become much more comfortable.

People are able to perceive one color or another both with their eyes and with their whole body. As you know, tone determines our mood, has a good effect on he alth, and is also able to improve or worsen well-being. Even in ancient times, it was believed that the color, with its proper selection, can cure any ailments. Even in the Land of the Rising Sun, the healing powers of some flowers were often used.

Color Options

Thus, the table of color combinations in the interior of the kitchen recommends using a purple tone, as it is extremely closely related to creativity and is able to make a person develop his own imagination. He is the first assistant in case of a pessimistic mood, in those moments when faith is lost and despair sets in.

White color has a connection with spirituality. Thanks to him, we can gain confidence, although we should not forget that with a long stay in a room of this color, a person can dramatically change self-esteem. He quickly begins to feel some kind of inferiority or, conversely, superiority over everyone else.

combination of colors in the interior table gray
combination of colors in the interior table gray

The circulatory system is able to improve the red tint. It affects blood circulation, and also has a unique property,which is to stimulate the growth of red blood cells. This color makes the nervous system work and promotes the production of adrenaline, increased pressure.

In a room decorated in yellow, all bad moments are instantly forgotten. Here you can get enough energy and gain a sense of protection. In addition, color improves the functioning of the digestive system, activates cognitive processes.

Green tones can be used for the purpose of reconciliation. This color calms and unites people. One of its main advantages is the fact that people suffering from claustrophobia will feel much better in a room with a predominance of green. In addition, it treats lung related diseases and flu faster than some drugs.

The blue color allows our consciousness to leave the framework of reality and plunge into the world of dreams and thoughts about something distant. The tone allows us to relax, it is great for those suffering from insomnia, frequent stress, migraines and so on.

color combination in the interior table beige
color combination in the interior table beige

Few people love brown, but its benefits are important to almost everyone. It makes more resolute and persistent people who succumb to public opinion, who do not have self-esteem. Thanks to him, a melancholic mood is created, joy appears, and all bad things are forgotten.

Color combination theories

The combination of colors in the interior, the table of which helps to clearly definewith the correct formula for choosing the tone in a particular room, is determined by theories. They are combination methods, that is, formulas that have been carefully developed with the aim of finding colors. At the moment, there are several theories, but the most common of them are the color wheel, as well as its antipode, which are described below.

combination of colors in the interior table green
combination of colors in the interior table green

Color Wheel

As you know, the combination of colors in the interior (the table is provided below) is based on three primary colors:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • blue.

They can be mixed to get additional tones, for example:

  • purple (blue and red);
  • green (blue and yellow);
  • orange (yellow and red).

When connecting primary and secondary colors, you can get an auxiliary. Based on this, a color wheel is obtained, where the following colors are present:

  • adjacent - located next to each other (example: green, light green and yellow);
  • monochrome - are shades of only one color, located on a straight line, where light tones go closer to the center, and dark tones go to the edge;
  • complementary - colors that are clearly on the opposite side (example: blue and orange).
color combination table in the interior photo
color combination table in the interior photo

The main thing is to correctly navigate this issue and choose the perfect combination of colors in the interior. Table (green and other colors in it alsopresented) will help to do this. You can choose according to the following formulas:

  1. Triad combination. For this, as a rule, three colors are taken, located in a circle at an equal distance from each other.
  2. Split complementary circuit. There are also three colors, but they are selected according to a different formula. The main color is taken first, followed by its complementary color, which, in turn, is divided into two tones that are at an equal distance from it (to the right and to the left).
  3. Double split complementary circuit. There are already four colors in this color scheme. The first step is to select two main ones, and then two complementary ones.


Individual and overly bright personalities are ideal for a pair of color combinations in the interior. Of course, the table includes brown and tones close to it, but they are used extremely rarely. As a rule, businessmen or just creative people decorate their own workplaces with such shades.

combination of colors in the interior table brown
combination of colors in the interior table brown

The antipode is a choice of a pair of primary colors, which must necessarily contrast with each other. These are the following combinations (in the circle they are all complementary):

  • pink - light green;
  • green - red;
  • black - white;
  • lilac - yellow.

Tips and Tricks

Now it is clear how to use the tables and what is the combination of colors in the interior. The table given above - the color wheel - undoubtedly helps inchoosing a tone. But in addition to it, it is also necessary to take into account the recommendations of specialists, which guarantee an excellent result.

The best option to choose the perfect combination of colors in the interior is a table. Beige color, as an example, suits absolutely any room. Therefore, most people, not knowing which color to choose for a particular room, pay attention to it.

It is not always easy to choose a combination of colors in the interior. The table (the lilac tone is given separately below) contains many colors, among which there are also universal ones. But when a dilemma arises, one should not choose tones at random. It is recommended to use no more than four colors in one room.

color combination table in the interior of the kitchen
color combination table in the interior of the kitchen

Mismatched colors

Colors that should never be used together are also included in the basic rules showing the correct combination of colors in the interior. A table (gray is always present there) of incompatible tones is also important.

Experts advise avoiding pairing cold light colors with warm dark ones. In addition, combinations of cold dark and warm light colors should not be allowed. Today, designers allow a combination of incongruous, so creative lovers can combine any shades they like. But still, you should pay attention to the table of incompatible colors:

Main color Which goes wrong with
Grey Green
Brown Light: chestnut, lilac
Purple Dark: red, brown
Yellow Blue, lilac, pink
combination of colors in the interior table lilac
combination of colors in the interior table lilac

Principle of one-color selection

There are gamma options only within a single color. For this, a table is not required, since different shades of the same primary color are always combined with each other. For example, a green tone would be ideal, which can be used in any room. After all, greenery can soothe and help organize a productive holiday.

Color contrast versus harmony

The ideal combination is a yellow-orange bunch. In any case, such an interior will be advantageous, as these colors perfectly complement each other. Most often, this combination is used in children's rooms or living rooms. The yellow-orange tone will remind you of sunlight and warmth, thanks to which the house will be filled with an atmosphere of hospitality and kindness. In the kitchen, it will be enough to adapt some accessories of these colors in order to awaken the desire to prepare delicious and creative dishes.