Cockroaches have been bothering people since ancient times. They are carriers of diseases, food contaminants. Because of them, the appearance of housing deteriorates. That is why many insecticides are produced to eliminate these insects. One of them is the Combat remedy for cockroaches. Reviews testify to the effectiveness of this drug. The types of funds and principles of action are described in the article.
According to reviews, the Combat remedy for cockroaches really allows you to remove pests. The benefits of drugs include the following factors:
- Medium toxic so you can do your own pest control.
- The buyer has the option of choosing a convenient remedy based on cost and infection rate.
- Chemicals are suitable for insect control and disinfection as a preventive measure.
- Affordable cost. This is not a professional drug, it is always available on the market.
- Convenienceapplication, since it is not necessary to prepare a working solution. You just need to purchase a cockroach killer, and you can immediately process it.

Each Combat tool comes with instructions for use. Please read it carefully before processing. It is advisable to do this when no one is in the room. This will prevent adverse consequences.
There are many fakes on the market. To purchase an original product, it is important to consider the following features:
- Quality packaging with clear, not blurry inscriptions.
- Hologram and ID stamp on packaging.
- Distributed to trusted outlets.
- Certificate available.
- Compliance with the average cost of similar drugs.
Don't buy a product at a low price, with low-quality cheap packaging materials, the presence of a chemical smell that comes from sealed products.
Since baleen pests are omnivores, insecticides act on them faster. All Kombat funds have a relatively fast action. When the active component gets on an insect, after a while it dies. Pests also carry poison to themselves and infect the family.

The disadvantage is the lack of effect on the eggs. It takes at least two to three weeks to destroy the population.
Combat products from cockroaches are practically safe for humans and pets. This is ensured by the presence of high-quality toxic substances that destroy parasites, but do not harm the inhabitants of the premises.
Aerosols include the pyrethroid insecticides imiprotrin and cyfenotrin, which have a building effect. They act at the contact-muscular level. Due to the rapid absorption of the sending components, paralysis and death of insects are ensured.
Traps and gels consist of the insecticide hydramethylnon. With it, the principle of a chain reaction is provided, allowing cockroaches to become infected themselves and spread poisonous substances to the habitats of other individuals.
Issue Forms
There are several forms of "Combat" from cockroaches. According to reviews, this is very convenient, as there is a large selection:
- aerosols;
- traps;
- gels.

It is necessary to choose a drug according to the degree of infection of the room, area and other factors. Products are available to consumers. You can buy it in any locality at an affordable price.
According to reviews, it is preferable to use the Combat aerosol from cockroaches when the insects have just appeared and have not had time to multiply. The result from such an application will be quick, since poisoning occurs on the day of the procedure. According to reviews, the Kombat cockroach spray weakens due to light and temperature. The drug, which is located on the surfaces, retains the properties of two-three days.
Spray has varieties that differ in the spectrum of action:
- "Multispray". This is a universal drug used to destroy various types of insects. One bottle contains 400 ml.
- "Superglue". The drug has a high concentration of insecticides that are safe for humans, which destroy insects. According to reviews, superglue "Combat" from cockroaches has an excellent effect. The vial contains 500 ml of the active drug.
According to reviews, "Super spray Kombat" from cockroaches starts to act quickly. The mechanism for using this product is simple. The aerosol should be sprayed on areas where insects are likely to be located. The processing of the plinth, the back walls of the furniture and other secluded corners of the apartment is also required. Ease of use is ensured with a flexible nozzle that will help you get to remote places without leaving marks on wallpaper and appliances.

Means help against adult insects, but do not affect laying eggs. According to the manufacturer, the aerosol has a disinfecting effect, since cockroaches carry infections. It is important to remember that even this practically safe treatment must be carried out without people and pets. As indicated in the instructions, the procedure must be carried out using personal protective equipment.
As evidenced by the reviews, "Combat" against cockroaches in the form of a gel is one of the most practical and convenient. The product is packaged in plastic syringes, whichhave a thin tip. This allows you to process even hard-to-reach areas. 1 tube contains 30 g. The gel consists of:
- pyrethroid insecticides;
- preservative-stabilizers;
- food baits;
- gel fat base.
This composition provides a long-term effect after processing the baseboard, sewer heating pipes, areas under the sink and other places where cockroaches hide. According to reviews, the Combat cockroach gel is effective for 3 months. The hydramethylnon present in the composition of the insecticide does not lead to addiction of insects. The gel is safe for humans. But still, they should be used carefully where there are small children and animals.
These funds are presented in the form of a small plastic box with holes that help insects get into the middle of a makeshift house. There is an adhesive base on the back of the container, which helps to attach the device in any area. The package contains 4 traps, which is enough for a large house, apartment.

According to reviews, the Combat trap from cockroaches is effective, because it contains the insecticide hydramethylnon, which has a long-lasting effect. The concentration of active components is low. This is necessary so that the insects do not die immediately, but spread the poison to the habitats of other pests. After a while, many cockroaches die. As the reviews confirm, the Combat trap from cockroaches makes the effect noticeable after a few days.
Unlike other means, the Kombat trap has the following advantages:
- Convenience and safety. This is due to the fact that the poison bait is located inside the house and children and pets do not get to it.
- Getting rid of an entire generation. Moreover, this does not require secondary processing, since even the larvae immediately become infected and will not be able to give birth to new individuals.
- Performance of prevention. Traps protect against reinfection.
- Aesthetic look.
According to reviews, "Combat Superbait" from cockroaches has an excellent effect. The trap must be removed from the packaging, and it is ready to go. It is placed in the areas of vital activity of pests, near their shelter, so that at the exit they meet with the device. Such areas in the apartment can be a kitchen and utility rooms, places behind furniture, a refrigerator, a stove. You should open the cabinets and fix the traps inside, under the sink, near the trash can.
The bottom of the device is sticky, it perfectly fixes it to vertical and horizontal surfaces, so there will be no difficulties with placement. The manufacturer provides for a consumption rate with a small number of pests. After 3 months, to protect the premises from the migration of neighboring individuals, the devices are changed to new ones. Do not open the packaging if the trap will not be used immediately.
Application reviews
Many buyers prefer to use the "Combat" from cockroaches. Reviews testify to the effectiveness of any form of remedy. Most convenient to useaerosols. After processing, leave the room. After a few hours, airing the apartment and performing wet cleaning is required. Be sure to wipe floors and furniture.
Praise buyers and gel. It does not need to be washed off, and after the expiration date (several months) it should be treated with soapy water. Traps operating for 3 months are also effective. After that they are thrown away. Judging by the reviews, many people use such products with other means, so that the effect becomes better.

You can buy "Combat" in household chemical stores, supermarkets. Combat Super Spray costs no more than 500 rubles per 500 ml. The price of Combat Multi Spray for 400 ml is 350 rubles. The cost of traps - from 300 rubles. If the infection is severe, you should combine the means. This protects against reinfection.
The products of this brand are low-toxic for people and pets. According to the manufacturer, hydramethylnon, which is found in gels and traps, is almost non-toxic to humans, even when ingested. But still, this is a chemical substance, when working, you must follow safety measures: do not swallow, rinse off the skin, keep away from children.
The components in the product are relatively safe only for humans and warm-blooded animals, they are toxic for fish and reptiles. If aerosols are used, it is advisable to move the pets to another room or choose a different type of "Combat". In case of allergies or other diseases of the respiratory system, it is better not to contact the sprays. Or shouldkeep medicines close to you.
If, after treatment, a high temperature, weakness, irritation, itching of the skin, trembling of the hands or feet, headache, cough, swelling are found, you should consult a doctor. Before that, you need to drink plenty of clean water. If the drug is swallowed, the actions are exactly the same.
Even if you managed to get rid of cockroaches, you must follow preventive measures so that they do not start up again. It is important to check that there are no cracks or crevices in the housing, due to which insects enter the room. You should look at the seals on the doors, windows. It is important to close loopholes.

Plumbing needs to be checked for leaks. Garbage cans must be well closed. Pests should not have access to food and water. Pet food should be stored in airtight containers. It is necessary to wash and dry the dishes in a timely manner, do not leave them in the sink overnight. After eating, you need to wipe the table. Trash must be taken out at night. The trash can should be cleaned regularly. And you need to eat only in the kitchen. Such preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of insects.
To eliminate parasites, you should use the entire line of drugs. According to reviews, "Combat" from cockroaches acts quickly. The main thing is to use it according to the attached instructions.