How to grow an olive tree?

How to grow an olive tree?
How to grow an olive tree?

Olive is a valuable crop, unsuitable for the climatic conditions of our country. And it can be grown in open ground only in the Crimea and some regions of southern Russia. Nevertheless, gardeners have learned to breed this valuable crop in apartments and winter gardens. You will learn how to grow an olive tree at home from this material.

olive tree
olive tree

Choosing a seat

The olive tree is a light-loving plant, and the slightest shade will affect its he alth and productivity. Therefore, choose the most illuminated places. A small specimen will be comfortable on the southern windowsill.

It is acceptable to grow the plant on the west or east side. But here you will need to highlight the culture with a phytolamp. In the summer, take the olive to the balcony or loggia. If you live in a private house, then stir the pot in a lighted area in the garden.

blooming olive
blooming olive


The olive tree, the photo of which is presented in the article, feels great at room temperature. Moreover, domestic plants are not inferior in yield to specimens growing in the natural environment.

Optimal range for crop is 18-22°C. In winter, it is desirable to lower the temperature to 10–12 °C. Alternatively, take the pot with the tree to the glazed loggia or balcony.

Water and air humidity

The olive tree (photos are given in the material) is a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, he needs frequent and plentiful watering. In the summer, moisten the soil 2-3 times a week. At the same time, make sure that water flows to the lower roots of the plant.

During the hot season, do not forget to spray the olive leaves daily. Give the plant a warm shower once a week.

In winter, reduce watering and moisten the soil as the top layer dries. If a tree pot is near a radiator or heaters, then be sure to spray the foliage.

fruiting olive
fruiting olive


In the spring, when the olive tree is growing its green mass, feed it with a nitrogen fertilizer twice a month. Then buds will form on the plant faster.

In the future, fertilize the culture with complex mineral preparations. At the same time, experienced gardeners recommend feeding the tree throughout the spring and summer.


The plant tolerates formative pruning well. Therefore, you can give culture any form. In addition, be sure to carry out sanitary pruning, in which remove all damaged and broken shoots.

It is better to carry out this procedure in the spring, when the tree just wakes up fromhibernation. Be sure to remove branches during pruning that grow inside the crown or interfere with the development of each other. Also, cut out old shoots, because only last year's growths give a harvest.

olive harvest
olive harvest


With proper care, the olive tree grows quickly and the roots of the plant become crowded in an old pot. And from a lack of space, the culture develops poorly, which affects the quality and quantity of the crop. Therefore, once every 2-3 years, transplant it into a new container.

For wood, choose a clay pot that is 3-5 centimeters larger than the previous one. As for the soil, a universal mixture for indoor plants is suitable. The main thing is that it should not be sour. If you want to make the soil yourself, then mix the following components in equal parts:

  • peat;
  • leaf land;
  • river sand;
  • compost or humus.

Be sure to disinfect the soil before planting. To do this, hold it in a steam bath or bake it in the oven. How to transplant an olive:

  1. Put a 5 cm layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. For these purposes, use expanded clay, broken brick or pebbles.
  2. Cover the drain with soil.
  3. Carefully remove the tree from the pot and transplant it into a new container along with an earthen clod.
  4. Fill the voids with soil and lightly tamp it down.
  5. Moisten the olive and put it back.

Give the plant gentle care at first.


Growingstone olive tree

Please note that it will not be possible to grow a culture from canned olives, because only dried or fresh olives are suitable for this method. The shell of the seeds is hard, and to speed up germination, soak them in an alkaline solution for 12 hours. After that, file or cut off the top tips of the seeds.

It is better to germinate seeds directly in the compost. To do this, deepen them 3–5 cm into the substrate and place them in a warm and lit place. Remember to spray the planting daily with a spray bottle.

The fruits of the olive tree germinate from 3 to 12 months. In addition, seed germination is 50%. So don't expect a quick result.

As soon as the sprouts hatch, they need to be transplanted into separate small pots. For seedlings, choose light, breathable soil. Alternatively, use a mixture of peat and river sand. Put the seedlings in a warm, bright place, spray the planting daily with a spray bottle.

When young plants get stronger and their root system will braid the pot, transplant them to a permanent place. Moreover, transplant seedlings together with an earthen clod, trying not to damage the shoots.

Please note that trees grown from seeds begin to bear fruit 10–12 years after planting. To quickly wait for the harvest, propagate the olive by cuttings. You will learn how to do this in the next chapter.

olive seedlings
olive seedlings

Propagation by cuttings

This olive tree propagation method is simple, even an inexperienced gardener can handle it. BesidesSuch plants begin to bear fruit already 2–3 years after planting.

Start cuttings in mid-March, when the branches of the plant get stronger and gain strength. For propagation, choose top shoots 20 cm long and 3-4 cm thick.

After cutting, hold the sprouts for 2-3 hours in a solution of "Kornevin" or "Epin". Then the cuttings will quickly take root. But keep in mind that growth stimulants should only be dissolved in boiled or purified liquid. After all, olive cuttings are sensitive to bacteria living in tap water.

Oliva at home
Oliva at home

Grow sprouts in the sand. Then they will quickly give roots. But if you take river sand, then disinfect it before planting. So you protect the plant from pathogenic bacteria and pests.

So, how to plant cuttings:

  1. Pour sand into containers or boxes.
  2. Punch holes in the substrate with a pencil, keeping a distance of 10 cm between the grooves.
  3. Moisten the sand liberally and plant the cuttings.
  4. Cover the landing with polyethylene or glass and place in a bright room with a temperature of +20 °C.

Regularly moisten the planting and do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse. When the sprouts give roots, transplant them into the soil. You can plant seedlings in a permanent place already in late August - early September.

Even a novice gardener can grow an attractive olive tree. After all, the plant is unpretentious, and caring for it at home will not take much time and effort. In addition, every year the culture gives a rich harvest.tasty and he althy fruits. Therefore, if you want to start a home tree, then pay attention to the olive. She will not disappoint you.
