Kodieum: reproduction at home

Kodieum: reproduction at home
Kodieum: reproduction at home

Kodieum, or croton, is an attractive shrub that home plant lovers often decorate their homes with. And all thanks to the unpretentious nature and decorative appearance of the tropical guest. As a rule, those who plant this flower fall in love with it so much that they begin to breed codiaum at home. You will learn how this event is held from our material.

codiaum care and reproduction
codiaum care and reproduction

Reproduction methods

Kodieum at home can be propagated in the following ways:

  • shank;
  • seeds;
  • sheet.

Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. But whichever one you choose, remember that the codiaum is a poisonous plant, so carry out all the procedures and activities for caring for a flower with gloves. And also be sure to wash your hands with soap after contact with the plant. Otherwise, communication with the codiaum will bring you a lotquestionable pleasures such as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.

codiaum croton reproduction
codiaum croton reproduction

Growing a flower from a cutting

This is the simplest method of propagation of codiaum (croton), and it can be carried out at any time of the year. But still, it is advisable to start this event at the end of winter - the beginning of spring. At this time, the plant begins active vegetation, which has a beneficial effect on the survival rate of new specimens. In addition, at this time there is already enough light, and you do not have to arrange additional lighting for the plants with a phytolamp. And in winter, for example, this event is indispensable.

To propagate the codiaum, choose strong twigs from the main or side stem, and cut them into cuttings 8-15 cm long. Immediately after this, remove the lower leaves, and rinse the blanks under running water to wash off the milky juice. Then, sprinkle the cuts with crushed charcoal and let the cuttings dry for two hours.

Next, roll up the top leaves and secure them with string, then plant the cuttings in containers or pots filled with a mixture of sand and peat. Be sure to disinfect the substrate before planting to destroy disease-causing microbes and pests that live in the soil.

codiaum reproduction at home
codiaum reproduction at home

How to care for cuttings

After planting, spray the soil with warm water from a spray bottle, and cover the plants with plastic wrap or glass. Cut plastic bottles can be used if desired. Put on an impromptua greenhouse in a lighted place where the direct rays of the sun do not fall. In order for the cuttings to take root, keep the temperature in the room within + 19 … + 22 ° C. Ventilate the greenhouse daily and wipe off condensation. And also do not forget to periodically spray the landing with warm water from a spray bottle, preventing the soil from drying out.

When the twigs take root and begin to produce new leaves, transplant them into individual pots. At the same time, try not to damage the delicate roots of the flowers. To avoid this, transplant using the transshipment method.

codiaum reproduction
codiaum reproduction

Growing cuttings in water

This method of propagating codiaum gives good results, and at the same time saves you from having to equip a greenhouse. But this method also has its own nuances, for example, you will have to constantly keep the water warm. If there is such an opportunity, then, of course, it is better to choose this method of reproduction.

As in the previous method, for cuttings, choose strong twigs with several buds and leaves. The length of the branches should reach 10-15 cm. After cutting, rinse the blanks and let them dry for a couple of hours so that all the milky juice flows out.

Dilute any growth stimulant in water, and heat this composition to a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Put the cuttings in the resulting liquid. Keep the water warm to encourage the plants to root. And periodically top up with new fluid. Keep flowers in a well-lit area, but keep them out of direct sunlight.

reproductioncodiaum at home
reproductioncodiaum at home

As a rule, rooting takes 1-2 months. When the roots grow to a length of 2-3 cm, transplant young specimens into individual pots. In the future, provide them with the same care as adult plants.

Growing from seeds

This codiaum propagation method isn't easy, but it works if you don't have cuttings of the variety you want to grow. But get ready that the seed method will take you a lot of time.

Croton seeds should be sown in the middle of winter, at this time the plants take root better. To make the senets appear faster, be sure to prepare the seed. To do this, place it in water with a temperature of 60 degrees for 30 minutes, and then soak in a growth stimulator solution for 24 hours.

Use an all-purpose mix for seed germination. Before sowing, heat it to 22 degrees, then evenly distribute the seeds, and sprinkle them with a layer of soil 0.5-1 cm thick. Cover the planting with film or glass.

codiaum leaf reproduction
codiaum leaf reproduction

Waiting for shoots

Keep the temperature in the greenhouse within +25…+27 °C. Moreover, it is desirable to equip the bottom heating, or at least keep the container directly on the battery.

Do not forget about watering, but keep in mind that it is not recommended to sprinkle the seeds with water, and it is better to moisten the soil by immersion. To do this, put the greenhouse in a basin of warm water, and keep it there until the substrate is saturated with moisture through the drainage hole. And after the event, do not forget to drain excess water.from the pallet. And also remove the condensation that appears on the shelter.

Under such conditions, the first shoots will appear in a month. As soon as this happens, move the greenhouse to a brighter place, and gradually accustom the flowers to normal conditions. To do this, remove the shelter first for an hour, then for two, etc.

Young plants should be regularly watered with warm water from a spray bottle. And when they have 2-3 real, not cotyledon leaves, transplant them into individual pots.

Reproduction by leaf

Kodieum can also be grown from a short stem cutting with one leaf. But it is important that at least one sleeping kidney is present on such a blank. Otherwise, although the plant will release roots, it will not grow into a strong bush, because the leaf cannot sprout. Therefore, choose areas with internodes, and cut them with a sharp knife.

As in the case of propagation of codiaum by cuttings, it is necessary to wash a piece of the stem with a leaf and let it dry for a couple of hours. Next, treat the sections with a growth stimulator and plant the leaf cuttings in the prepared soil (a mixture of sand and peat).

It is not necessary to deepen the blanks into the substrate, it is enough to lightly press them to the ground. Spray the landing with warm settled water from a spray bottle. Next, cover the makeshift greenhouse with plastic wrap or glass. That's all the simple rules of leaf reproduction of codiaum.

Home care for planting consists in regularly spraying the planting with warm water from a spray bottle, as well as periodically airing the greenhouse. Whenthe leaf stalk will grow roots and release new shoots, transplant it into a separate flowerpot.

soil for croton
soil for croton

Ground for plants

Whatever method of propagation of the codiaum you choose, you still have to transplant young specimens into individual pots. And it is important that they are filled with the right substrate, because if you plant flowers in the wrong soil, they are unlikely to take root.

For codiaum, a universal store-bought mixture designed for decorative and deciduous crops is suitable. But you can also create the substrate yourself. To do this, mix the following components in equal proportions:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sand;
  • turf soil.

If you create a mixture with your own hands, then do not forget to disinfect it first. So you will destroy all pathogenic microbes and pests that live in the earth. To do this, pour the substrate with a 5-centimeter layer on a baking sheet, add a little water, and heat the soil in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees for an hour. After disinfection, add some charcoal to the mixture.

As you can see, the reproduction of the codiaum and caring for the plant at home does not take much time and effort. So if you want, you can grow a truly large collection of these attractive tropical flowers.