How to make a security camera out of your phone - tips and tricks

How to make a security camera out of your phone - tips and tricks
How to make a security camera out of your phone - tips and tricks

In the age of modern technology, there are a huge number of different devices. It sounds very mysterious that the purpose of one can be reproduced by another device. Today, you can make a surveillance camera from an old phone. Of course, not from anyone, but only from a smartphone, even a cheap one. The main thing is the presence of a camera in it, which will broadcast the image to the computer.

phone camera
phone camera

Options for using your phone as a camera

  • Tracking a small child and his condition. We can say that the camera in this case acts as a nanny.
  • Food preparation tracking. For example, do not miss when water boils or a dish is cooked.
  • Watching activities inside the house.
  • Watching your yard.
  • Car safety monitoring.

First way

How to make a video surveillance camera out of your phone using programs? Be sure to have Wi-Fi at home, as both devices mustbe connected to it. Also, you need to install the DroidCam Wireless Webcam program from the Play Market on your smartphone, and DroidCam Client on your computer. These apps will keep your phone and PC in sync. The programs are freely available on the web, so downloading them will not be a problem.

First you need to run the application on your phone and copy its data: IP address and port number. These values must be entered into the program on the computer. This way the two devices will find each other and interact.

To start broadcasting, you just need to press the "Start" button and the recording will begin. The smartphone will work even when the screen is locked. It is best to keep the phone constantly on charge so as not to lose connection. The PC program also has the ability to control the camera: adjust the flash, take screenshots, and zoom in or out.

This option can be a way to make a security camera out of your phone. However, consider another option.

Second way

The possibilities of this option are similar to the previous one: you can adjust the zoom, take photos, adjust the flash. Movies can also be recorded, but recording will continue for a maximum of 120 minutes before being interrupted to save memory. As in the previous paragraph, broadcasting is also possible when the phone's display is locked. The addition will be sound recording when broadcasting video. The IP Webcam program is purchased from the Play Market. She will become another solution to the question of how to make a CCTV camera fromphone number.

Surveillance Camera
Surveillance Camera

The connection scheme is the same as in previous programs: you must enter the data of one device to another, and also connect them to the same network. After synchronization, the remote broadcast will work in full.

Helpful tips

Of course, many are concerned about the question of how to make a surveillance camera out of an old phone. However, not everyone thinks through their actions to the smallest detail. Consider the main ones:

  1. When equipping a smartphone as a camera, it should be provided with uninterrupted power supply, as well as continuous communication with the network to which the computer is connected. The smartphone will have to work for a long time, so its battery will require a lot of energy.
  2. phone charging
    phone charging
  3. You should install the machine so that it does not attract the attention of passers-by. This is especially true when the phone is located on the outside of the house, where a lot of people walk. A conspicuous smartphone can easily provoke a person to steal (of course, you can notice this from the records, but you should not specifically seek such a situation). In this case, it is better to cover the device or install it in a hard-to-reach place.
  4. As a video camera, it is best to use inexpensive or old smartphones. There is always a risk that the device will fall or some unforeseen situation will happen to it, and losing an expensive device is not very pleasant.

This article discussed the basic and effective ways to make a video surveillance camera out of your phone. Such improvisationdevices will save on special devices, which are many times more expensive.
