Peach plum: variety description

Peach plum: variety description
Peach plum: variety description

August is a fertile time for gardeners. Branches of fruit trees bend under the weight of ripening fruits. And it’s impossible to get past the bulk drains. Hands are reaching out to pluck them.

Peach plum is no exception among them. Fruit lovers can't wait to taste these large, juicy, sweet and sour fruits, and housewives can't wait to make fragrant jam. And in the garden, these trees with a rounded or reverse pyramidal shape look no worse than cherries or apple trees.

Variety description

peach plum
peach plum

Peach plum variety bred in France. Medium height trees prefer fertile, moist soil. Harsh winters are not well tolerated. They begin to bear fruit after about 6 years. The fruits are located on bouquet branches.

Yields are irregular in young trees, but after 15-20 years a peach plum yields at least 50 kg per tree. The fruits crumble slightly.

Ripening, as a rule, simultaneous, occurs in early August. Ripe plums are round, slightly flattened and have a yellow-green color with a dark red hue on the side. The surface of the fruits, reaching 50 g in weight, is strewn with white dots and covered with a waxy bluish coating. Their pulp is dense and fragrant, with a delicate sweet and sour taste, the stone is goodseparates.

It is not surprising that the pride of gardeners is the peach plum. The description of the variety was made a long time ago. For pollination, it is recommended to plant varieties such as Hungarian and Renklod Altana nearby, otherwise it will not be so easy to grow this capricious southerner. But if it has taken root in your garden, then you will not only enjoy its amazing taste, but also be able to strengthen your he alth by consuming fruits.

plum peach variety description
plum peach variety description

Useful properties

Plum contains vitamin C, magnesium, zinc and iron. But not many people know that among horticultural crops, it is the leader in the content of vitamin B2. But it is he who normalizes carbohydrate metabolism in the body and removes carcinogens from it.

Plum is good for cardiovascular and intestinal problems. It is not only a gentle laxative, but also a cholesterol-lowering and metabolic booster.

Choosing a landing site

Don't be surprised to encounter a rather finicky plant. It is such a peach plum. The description of the variety contains information that this southerner loves areas well warmed by the sun and protected from the wind. It cannot be planted near a hedge, because it loves space, and in a lowland - in winter the air stagnates there, and the tree can freeze.

peach plum variety
peach plum variety

The soil should be fertile and sufficiently moist, although excess moisture is also harmful to the tree. Waterlogging contributes to the fact that the peach plum stops growth, while the topdries up and the leaves turn yellow.

Planting and care

  1. Dig a hole about 50 cm deep and about 70 cm in diameter.
  2. A stake about a meter high is set at the bottom of the pit and a mixture is poured around it, consisting of a part of the fertile soil that was taken out of the pit, compost (2 buckets), superphosphate in granules (150‒200 g) and ash (300‒ 400 g).
  3. The seedling is placed next to the stake, tied to it not tightly, the roots are straightened and sprinkled with the prepared mixture. In this case, the root neck should be about 5-6 cm above the level of the mixture, so that when it settles, it will be at ground level.
  4. After that, the pit is filled to the top with earth and the seedling is watered with two buckets of water.

Proper planting is half the battle for a plant like peach plum. A description of how to care will help you cope with her whims.

As already mentioned, she loves moisture. Just don't overdo it with watering. Most plum requires moisture in May-June, during flowering and shoot growth, and in August-September, when the fruits ripen and roots actively grow. After watering, the soil around the tree must be loosened and mulched.

plum peach description
plum peach description

Since the peach plum consumes a lot of minerals from the soil, it must be fertilized frequently. After all, top dressing is the key to a good harvest. Fertilizers are applied every autumn (10 kg per 1 sq. m), and after the age of five this amount is doubled.

In the spring, a year after the plum has been planted, you can begin to form the crown.

Peach plum thoughand fastidious, but more than compensates for this with its delicious fruits. Those who grow it know that in season they are provided with juicy, vitamin-rich fruits, and in winter - delicious fragrant jam.
