Roofing material: types and applications

Roofing material: types and applications
Roofing material: types and applications

Rooferoid is very popular with the consumer, despite the fact that a huge number of new waterproofing and roofing materials are now being produced. This is explained, for the most part, by the cheapness of the roofing material and the simplicity of its installation. In addition, this material has simply remarkable performance.

roofing material types
roofing material types

Use roofing material for the roof of any building, for waterproofing protection of foundations, logs, beams, etc.

When did they start using roofing material?

This material began to be used in construction in the 17th century. Then the roofs were laid with special paper, which was then poured with hot tar. At the beginning of the twentieth century, they began to produce roofing material, created on the basis of bituminous mastics. At the moment, there are quite a few types of this roofing material. Basically, roofing material is divided into lining and roofing. In the production of the second type, thicker cardboard and coarse dressing are used.

Rouberoid manufacturing process

The technology for manufacturing roofing material is very simple and consists inas follows: a layer of roofing paper is pre-impregnated with soft petroleum bitumen, then a layer of refractory bitumen is applied to both sides of the resulting sheet. The top is covered with sand.

ruberoid for the roof
ruberoid for the roof

The result is a fairly reliable waterproofing material called roofing material. Roofing and lining roofing material can also differ in the thickness of the bituminous coating. The following types of material are currently produced:

  1. RKP-300, RPK-350. This roofing material is soft and can be used for both top and bottom roofing.
  2. RPP-300. Lining type coating with dusty, very fine dressing. Used as the bottom layer of a soft roof.
  3. RKK-400. Thick ruberoid with coarse dressing. Used as the top layer of a soft roof.
  4. RKP-350U. This is identical to RKP-300, but with a thicker bituminous coating of roofing material. Views can be customized in thickness.
liquid roofing material
liquid roofing material

What else is referred to as roofing material?

Roofing paper is also considered to be roofing glassine and bituminized packaging paper. The latter is used for wrapping various kinds of knots and parts. Glassine is used to protect the roof as the lower, first layer of the protective carpet. Roofing material, the types of which are very diverse, is also presented today in a liquid version. It can be used in the same cases as the usual one. Apply it with brushes or a roller. Afterhardening liquid roofing material forms a continuous thick carpet that reliably protects various surfaces from moisture.

Laying roofing material

Roofing material (types do not matter) is always laid on a dry, even base, previously primed with bitumen diluted in gasoline. Cloths are laid with an overlap of about ten centimeters. Roofing material is glued on bituminous mastic. The most convenient to use self-adhesive roofing material. Types of such material are protected on the underside with a film or cloth, which must be removed before installation.

Roofing material is a fairly reliable, easy-to-install and transport material. This explains its long-standing popularity with private homeowners.
