A humane mousetrap made from a plastic bottle. How to catch a mouse? Ways and secrets

A humane mousetrap made from a plastic bottle. How to catch a mouse? Ways and secrets
A humane mousetrap made from a plastic bottle. How to catch a mouse? Ways and secrets

Almost everyone is familiar with the situation when a mouse starts to scratch in the attic or in the basement. Despite the fact that it is a pest, many feel some pity for the tiny creatures and do not want to kill or hurt them. Of course, if we are talking about an attack by a whole flock on a food barn, then there is no room for compassion. But in order to catch a single mouse, a humane mousetrap fits perfectly.

how to catch a mouse
how to catch a mouse

Catching methods

There are actually quite a few of them. It is worth going to a nearby hardware store and you will be offered a choice of several devices with which you can get rid of annoying rodents.

  • The live trap is a kind of humane mousetrap that does not harm the rodent. You can buy it or make it yourself. A reasonable question arises, what to do with the captured creature.
  • Special glue for rodents.
  • Ready glue traps.
  • Poisons. Of course, the poison works flawlessly. Another thing is where the rodent will die and how to find its little body, which will exude not the most pleasant smell.
  • Cat. Not always a reliable way, because some pets themselves tend to quickly leave the place where they saw the mouse.

Worst of all are adhesive backings. The rodent will be alive, but its fur and thin skin on the paws will stick tightly into the composition. Therefore, if you are looking for a humane mousetrap, then this is clearly not your option.

Do it yourself

If you are in the country and there is no store nearby, then you can make a device for catching a rodent with almost your bare hands. A humane mousetrap from a plastic bottle will serve you faithfully. Any bottle of mineral water or juice will do for this.

And you don't need anything else to succeed. Open the lid and carefully pour in a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Lay out the bait, which is suitable for roasted seeds. The smell will attract rodents. This is a humane mousetrap, because, apart from slight bewilderment, it will not cause any disturbance to rodents. The bottle is placed at an angle. It is very convenient to fix it with books. You can lay out a few pieces as steps along which the mouse will climb into the bottle. Be sure to fix the edges with tape so that the bottle does not tip over. Otherwise, the mouse will just run away.

simple mousetrap
simple mousetrap

Operation principle

A humane mousetrap of this design is bestplace on stairs or shelves. In such places, mice are caught very quickly. The mouse climbs into the bottle to smell the aromatic filling. And the vegetable oil does not allow her to get back. For the same purpose, you can use a glass bottle, such as beer.

In this way, you can catch not one, but several rodents at once in one bottle. If one mouse is caught, then you can free it and return the trap to its original place again.

humane mousetrap from a plastic bottle
humane mousetrap from a plastic bottle

Catch a mouse with a jar

This is another simple mousetrap you can make in minutes. All you need is a liter jar, a 5 kopeck coin, a small bait and a piece of cardboard. On a flat surface you need to put cardboard, on top of the bait and the jar turned upside down.

On one side, place a coin edge-on under the edge of the can. Choose a bait a little more than a coin. The mouse will climb inside and drag the bait, thereby moving the coin. The trap will close and you can do whatever you want with the mouse.

mousetrap from a jar
mousetrap from a jar

Disadvantage of this method

We looked at how to catch a mouse in a jar. But this method has one drawback. If the rodent decides to eat the treat on the spot, then he can safely leave the trap. Therefore, it can be improved a little. To do this, it is recommended to attach the bait with tape at a height of 3 cm from the neck. The rodent leans on the wall of the jar to reach it. It is at this moment that the trap closes. In this case, hewill surely stay inside.

Plastic container

Today we are looking at the most effective ways to catch a mouse. Not all of them can be considered humane, but after all, no one called rodents to your house. It is convenient to catch mice with a plastic bucket. To do this, you need to make holes in the container and insert a knitting needle into them. First you need to put a plastic bottle on it. It should spin freely and quickly. The bottle must be coated with a beaten egg or porridge. We bring a plate to the container, which will serve as a bridge. When the rodent climbs onto the bottle, it starts spinning and it falls into the bucket. It can be filled with water so you don't have to worry about what to do with the mouse.

mice repeller
mice repeller

Simple construction

Even a schoolboy can collect it. To do this, from glue and cardboard, you need to build a box with an open top and without one wall. In the side walls we make a hole for a pencil. Now we need a bottle with holes. The bait is laid at the bottom, after which the bottle is fixed in the box. When the rodent gets close to the cherished pieces, the bottle is outweighed - and the exit to the outside is cut off. Now the little creature is entirely yours.

how to catch a mouse in a jar
how to catch a mouse in a jar

Tin Trap

You will need a regular can of tomato paste or condensed milk. In any of its walls you need to make a hole the size of a coin. In this case, the teeth should look outward. The rodent freely enters the jar, but the teeth prevent it from getting back out. It remains to pourbait, and the mousetrap is ready. Place these homemade structures around the perimeter of your basement or attic and remember to check them regularly.

Mouse Repellers

All of the above methods are good for dealing with single members of the rodent family. But what if they constantly raid your home? How to get rid of mice in the house permanently? Today, your attention is invited to a large number of ultrasonic devices that help very well in the fight against gray invaders. These devices do not cause any harm to them, that is, they can also be classified as humane methods of controlling rodents.

The effect is obvious, annoying rodents simply bypass your home. Exposure to certain wavelengths causes mice to panic. Sometimes it even leads to a loss of orientation in space. As a result, they will rush about without a goal and forget about the search for food.

Main selection recommendations

When choosing mouse repellers, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • A high-quality device in a private house has the "Ultrasound frequency adjustment" function. More advanced models then adjust the ultrasound automatically. This prevents the rodents from getting used to.
  • Don't expect one device to protect a big house. Sound waves cannot penetrate upholstered furniture and thick curtains. Therefore, if one appliance is enough for a small apartment, then at least two, and maybe three, will be needed for a house.
  • Be sure to check the specificationspurchased device. Some models have a specific range that guarantees their smooth operation. For example, if you decide to place the repeller in the cellar, it may not be suitable for operation at low temperatures.
  • Don't skimp on the appliance. Cheap models may have a limited lifespan. In addition, they may malfunction.

Things to remember

To prevent rodents from visiting your home, you need not only to invent mousetraps, but also to prevent their appearance in your home. Do not allow unsanitary conditions in the home. Close the trash can and take out the container with food waste in time. Flour, cereals and seeds should be stored in special containers with lids. Regularly check the condition of skirting boards, floors and door frames. Seal holes in time through which mice can enter your home. Monitor the activities of services that are engaged in garbage collection.

how to get rid of mice in the house permanently
how to get rid of mice in the house permanently

Preventive measures are the most important in order to protect your home from intruders. But if they have already appeared on the threshold, then you need to take action. To do this, today we considered several options for home-made designs.