Although the door handle on the balcony is not used very often, it can still break at some point. At this time, few people want to call the master to spend a rather large amount for such a small job. Therefore, this article will be useful for those who want to replace the pen with their own hands, but do not know how to do it. First you need to figure out what types of them exist. About this and more - later in our today's article.

Main species
Materials for the manufacture of door handles are different. Each room has its own. Which handle will be more practical depends on the location of the room. Here are some of them:
- Glass.
- Metal.
- Glass ceramics,
- Fiberglass.
Also in appearance and color they are varied. And performseach with its own function. For example, handles might be:
- Single-sided.
- Double-sided.
- With anti-burglary function.
How are they different, what are their features? Consider each type of product in more detail.
These handles are more suitable for rooms like balcony. And all because they do not have a protective function. For a balcony, this is not necessary. They are called so because they have a latch on one side only. Their feature is that the products have a ventilation function. This is very convenient in winter, when you do not want to open the balcony door completely due to low temperatures outside. But there is an opportunity to check the room in this way. Single-sided handles have the simplest device and the lowest cost.
Double Sided
This type is practically not much different from the previous one. Often it is installed in offices or inside the house. It is suitable for those who have children at home. This will serve as a good protection against open balconies (especially if the apartment is located on high floors). Double-sided handles are available with or without a lock. The second option is usually installed in the apartment. After all, it is not always necessary to close the balcony from the side of the room.

Anti-burglary handles
These handles are best suited for a plastic front door. They provide some security. If the apartment is on the lower floors, then this handle is exactly what is needed for the door.
Other species
There is alsomechanism called "petal". It is convenient for both the balcony and the front door. This handle allows you to store heat indoors and keep cold air out of the room. This is especially true for those who have a balcony on the rainy or snowy side due to the predominance of winds in the corresponding direction.
Handles called "toffee" are convenient for those who prefer to keep the door to the balcony ajar. If you ventilate the room even in winter, then this model will be just right. It doesn't have a latch. Therefore, the door is always ajar.
What you need to know before replacing?
It is necessary to consider some nuances even before you start the operation. This is done in order to determine for themselves the sequence of work. This list of steps will be very useful for beginners in this business:
- Decide what kind and functionality you need a pen.
- Mark the place on the door where the mechanism will be installed. This can be done with a pencil.
- The mechanical plate must be removed in advance if the lever plate is to be replaced. She is responsible for locking the lock.
- Have a drill handy. We need holes for connecting elements.
- The entire locking mechanism should be put together.
- You may have to cut the rod, so you need to measure its length. The pen can then be assembled.
- If unnecessary holes remain at the end, they can be covered with decorative overlays.

In order to replace a part, you must first dismantle the old one. How to remove the handle from a plastic door with a lock? To do this, bring it to the open state. After that, you need to pay attention to the decorative rectangular detail that is on the door (turn it 90 degrees). This will give you access to the mounting screws. You need to open them completely. Now you can pull the handle out of the door. The core is removed along with it.
How to remove the handle from the plastic front door? If the design of the new part is the same as the old one, then it should be installed in exactly the same way. To do this, just place the product in the same place and fix it with screws.

If suddenly the sizes do not match, then there is no need to panic. We'll fix everything. All you need is a drill to expand the diameter of the inlet a little to the required size.
If the product is with a lock
Some plastic front doors have an additional lock. Typically, such structures last about ten years. If they are worn out ahead of time, then repair is still possible. How to remove the handle from a plastic door? This is easy to do. You just need to follow the instructions and have the right tools at hand.
Repair process
Let's consider how to change the plastic handle with a lock:
- As with a door without a lock, here, too, you first need to unscrew the mechanism. To do this, cover the sash, remove the screws. AfterTo do this, turn the handle 90 degrees to one side. This is necessary in order to be able to unscrew the bolts. Now the lock can be removed along with the handle.
- With a pencil it is necessary to mark the length of the old and new drive. Then compare them and calculate the difference.
- To cut off the lock, you need to file it and break it off with pliers. Then clean it with a grinder.
- To install the finished lock, you need to put it in place and lightly knock it out with a hammer.
- Then you can move on to the new door handle. It should also be installed in its place. And cover the extra holes with decorative overlays so that there is a neat look.
- After that, a lock is inserted into the groove. It is fixed with screws.
- If the old slats do not fit, then you need to install new ones.

After installing a new handle with a lock, when pressed, a characteristic click is emitted. You don't need to be afraid of it. This is a natural process. It is also worth noting that the lock must be lubricated with machine oil.
Replacing the handle on the street side
Some people have a question about how to remove the door handle from the plastic door on the balcony from the outside. The answer to this question is simple. You just need to have the right tools and take some steps. How to remove the handle from a plastic door? First prepare the tools:
- Door handle.
- Drill.
- Marker.
- Screw.
How to remove the handle from the plastic door to the balcony:
- First you need to remove the mechanism from the door, asdescribed above (i.e. unscrew and dismantle the old part).
- You need to turn the knob right or left.
- Unscrew the fixing screws. Remove the core handle.
- Drill a through hole from the side of the room. It should be no more than two millimeters.
- Put the handle on the core and secure with self-tapping screws.
- After that, go outside. From there, drill about eight millimeters. This is done so that the core moves freely inside it.
- Then take a marker and mark the places where the pens are fastened.
- Drill through the marked holes three millimeters.
- After install the handle on the core and fasten it with self-tapping screws.
- It remains only to fix the handle from the side of the room and you're done.

Now you can use the new door handle. Do not forget about lubricating the mechanism. This simple operation will extend the life of the product.
So, we found out how you can replace the handle yourself. Having all the necessary tools, you can replace this part, both on the balcony and on the front door. If you use step-by-step instructions, you can do everything quickly and efficiently. But it is also important to consider that if you are unable to use some tools, it is best to seek help from specialists.