Autorun will help to significantly facilitate everyday activities, you can do it yourself without any problems. Moreover, the most elementary option is to use a simple and cheap car alarm. But this is ideal only if control needs to be done in a small radius. In case there is a long distance between the receiver and the transmitter, it is best to use feedback signaling.
What to consider when designing an autorun?

Such a system can be done if there is data on the time during which the engine starts. It should be noted that the interval can be anything, it depends on the condition of the piston group, the ignition system and the fuel supply. The reference value of time is about 0.7 seconds from the moment the crankshaft starts scrolling tofinal launch.
It is these data that should be taken into account when designing an autorun system. If the time is within acceptable values, then car alarms can be used. But if it is larger, you will need to dodge, come up with a design that can provide a guaranteed launch. Another option is to use a cell phone. But you can also connect a relay with a delay. The main thing is the closure of his contacts for the period of time that you need.
Using car alarms
If you need to launch an installation located in close proximity to you, then it is quite reasonable to use the simplest car alarm. She has two channels: the first is used for disarming and arming, the second - for additional functions, such as autostart or opening the trunk. These are frequently used functions and are required for normal operation. But you can also do autorun from your phone with your own hands, this allows you to increase the crankshaft scrolling time.

But the downside is that the pulse generated at the contacts of the second channel has a short time interval. Usually it is 0.7 seconds, but some models of car alarms allow you to program and select one of several options. The maximum contact closure time can be 3 seconds.
Correct alarm connection

But not every car modelsignaling allows you to connect the outputs of the second channel to a powerful consumer, such as a winding of a retractable starter. Therefore, it is required to use additional devices - relays with normally open contacts. It must be connected correctly, it is also required that the entire ignition system begin to function. Therefore, there is a need to use additional relays, the contacts of which will be closed when a signal is given to autostart the engine, assembled with your own hands.
Relay windings are connected to the positive terminal of the battery. Management is done by minus, so it will be much safer. The wires coming from the second signaling channel are connected as follows: the first - to ground, the second - to the outputs of all relays used. The contacts of these devices are connected in parallel with the terminals of the ignition switch. It is in this place that it is most convenient to connect the entire system.
In cases where there is a need to increase the crankshaft cranking time, it is necessary to reprogram the central signaling unit. The default time on most models is 0.7 seconds. But the possibility of software increase is not present for everyone. To do this procedure, you need to refer to the installation instructions. It contains a description of all functions, as well as how to enter the programming mode.

In addition, to change the alarm settings, you need to connect the Valet button andled indicator. It also does not hurt to have a speaker instead of a bell, so that all settings can be controlled. On cars, the whole procedure is to alternately turn the ignition on and off. This action must be alternated with pressing the Valet button. By the number of flashes of the LED indicator, you determine which function you are in the settings for. This is how easy it is to autostart a car with your own hands. The alarm connection diagram is always provided by the manufacturer.
Using a phone - is it possible?
But what to do if the engine start time is too long? Time relay must be used. But this is not always possible to implement, so it is quite reasonable to use a cellular network. In addition, this is true for systems that are located at a considerable distance. Even if you are in another region, it is possible to start a generator, for example, in a greenhouse, to conduct heating. But you need to adhere to some requirements, which will be discussed below. They must match autorun. It is easy to do everything with your own hands. You will also need to redesign the phone used as the autostart tool.

System requirements
The most important thing is to limit the circle of people who can call the phone used in the autorun system. You need to prohibit receiving messages and calls from all subscribers, except for one - the number that you plan to use for management. Even an option"don't tell anyone the number" won't help since it could have been used by someone before. And you don't need a car engine or a generator to start on false commands.
Do-it-yourself GSM-autorun is not very difficult to do. It will be more difficult to secure the mobile number used in the system from extraneous calls. But you can do this by contacting your mobile operator. It is worth noting that the scheme may differ depending on which model of car or generator you plan to drive. It all depends on the complexity of the ignition system.
How to connect the circuit?
To make autorun from your phone with your own hands, you need to take into account many factors. And do not neglect blocking all numbers except one. But the signal to start the starter scrolling process is best taken from the speaker, which plays a melody when a call comes in. When you call this phone, voltage appears on the contacts connected to the speaker. Now it needs to be directed in the right direction - to the control system.

If the signal level is low (and it is), you need to apply a simple FET amplifier circuit. If desired, you can even install an amplifying driver - a Darlington assembly. This is a small chip that will increase the signal strength several times. But she needs additional power, like a phone. You also need the battery to work as long as possible, for this reason you need to connect power from the car's on-board network.
For your safety, you should make it a habit not to leave your car at speed. Otherwise, self-assembled autostart will start the engine, the car will start moving, as the gear is engaged. It is better to have a good hand brake, but it is not recommended to use it in winter. In addition, please note that it is imperative to block all incoming calls. This measure has been discussed in detail above. All electrical networks must be protected by fuses.

All power circuits of the windings of electromagnetic relays must be connected to the battery only through fuses. This will help prevent fire in the event of a short circuit. True, provided that a car alarm is used, all protection devices are included in the installation kit. It is also worth noting that autostarting the engine with your own hands using a feedback alarm is the surest and most reliable option. And the cost will not be too expensive.
There are a lot of autorun control systems, but choosing the one that turns out to be ideal is quite difficult. Try to analyze the costs of different designs. A do-it-yourself engine start module can basically contain either an alarm or a cell phone. The last option appears to be the most appropriate. Especially if you have an unnecessary phone that can receive calls.

Of the costs - only the purchase of a relay, wires and a SIM card. But with signaling, there will be much less trouble, since in this case it is used for its intended purpose. The only thing that needs to be done is reprogramming. And this is not always necessary, since usually the time of closing the contacts of the second channel is enough to ignite the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chambers. And the engine starts in less than one second. In some cases, the time is increased to three. It’s easier to autostart the generator with your own hands, but you will have to carefully study the connection diagram in order to avoid mistakes during installation.