More and more owners of private farmsteads are acquiring (or making their own) equipment that makes work easier. And one of its most popular types is a walk-behind tractor. It can be equipped with various hinged mechanisms. The only drawback is the lack of space for the driver. An adapter for a walk-behind tractor with steering will help solve this problem. This is the most user-friendly option.
Adapter - what is it?
The adapter is an ordinary trolley, which, due to its reliable design, is attached to the walk-behind tractor. It moves on wheels due to the draft power of the motoblock engine. A driver's seat is attached to the trolley, sitting on which you can operate the equipment.

There are several types of adapters. They differ in their design, control method and hitch with a walk-behind tractor. An adapter for a walk-behind tractor with steering, whether it is homemade or factory, is characterized by the presence of a steeringwheels. This greatly facilitates the management of equipment during operation.
Design Features
The adapter to the walk-behind tractor with steering is equipped with a steering gear, made as a separate unit, and a rigid hitch, with which the structure is connected to the walk-behind tractor.

There are two options for steering adapters. They differ in the location of the wheels: front or rear. The choice of a suitable option depends on the purpose according to which the structure will be assembled. Also, the choice of assembly option is influenced by the availability of available spare parts.
If the design is located in front, then they talk about the front adapter for a walk-behind tractor with steering. In this case, the engine of the walk-behind tractor, as it were, pushes the entire structure in front of it. If the unit is located at the back, and the walk-behind tractor pulls it along, then the adapter is rear-mounted.
We assemble with our own hands
The adapter for a walk-behind tractor with steering can not only be purchased in specialized stores, but also assembled on your own. But for this you need to understand what main nodes it consists of.
The design is a frame on which the driver's seat is fixed. A wheel axle with wheels is attached to it: rubber or metal. The first option is suitable in cases where road traffic is planned. Metal wheels work best in the field.

Another important element is a device that allows you to connect the adapter to a walk-behind tractor. This coupling mechanism is the most vulnerable element of this design. Most often, steel or cast iron is used for its manufacture. Separate elements are fastened by welding. The shape of the hitch can be of several types. The most popular is the U-shaped version - the most stable during movement and work.
During the operation of the device, it is important to consider the location of the engine. The front adapter for a walk-behind tractor with steering is assembled taking into account the track width of the base wheels. When using this option, the track should be wider. Otherwise, the technique will not be able to balance correctly. If it is not possible to increase the gauge of the adapter, you can increase the bridge of the walk-behind tractor.