The well is a fairly convenient alternative to centralized water supply. Such a source of water on the site is able to solve problems with irrigation and the use of water for household needs. But for the proper operation of the well and ensuring its cleanliness, it is necessary to carry out preventive work from time to time. Many owners of summer cottages are thinking about this. First you need to evaluate whether you can carry out such work yourself. Some of them are not difficult, while others require the use of special equipment.
When clogging occurs

If you carry out such work yourself, then you won’t have to spend a lot of money on it. When the water pressure becomes weaker, this can be called the first alarm signal. This is usually followed by stasis with gurgling and ejection of cloudy fluid. After that, the system stops working altogether. Before cleaning the well, it is necessary to determinecause of clogging.
Among the main factors are errors during construction and drilling, as well as problems associated with irregular operation. Aquifers sometimes change their direction, in which case the cause is natural. If the structure does not have protective mechanisms, then more debris enters the mouth. Clogs are sometimes caused by poor pump performance and lack of maintenance.
Today, there are two main types of wells (with a straight hole and a filter), as well as three ways to set up work, among them it is worth highlighting:
- purge;
- pumping;
- flushing.
Cleaning a water intake with a straight shaft is much more convenient, because the equipment can be lowered to the very bottom, and rapid silting is completely excluded. However, any well will sooner or later fail if operated incorrectly.
Using the vibration pump

Cleaning of the well can be done using a special or conventional pump. At the same time, it is possible to extract not only debris with stones, but also sand, as well as silt. At the same time, a pump is installed at the bottom, and all debris enters the nozzle and is sucked up by the device. Clean water must also be passed through the pump. If the case heats up, then this indicates that the unit needs to rest. You can use vibration pumps of the "Kid" type for cleaning if the well is rather shallow. In this case, the pump can be lowered by 40 m, but no more.
Bailer cleaning

Cleaning of the well can be done with a bailer. If the pollution is insignificant, and the well is shallow, then this method is the best fit. In all other cases, the approach is ineffective. If the depth does not exceed 30 m, then you will need a winch. The bailer is a pipe on a cable with a mesh in the upper part. There is a hole at the bottom.
The pipe goes down, and then rises by 0.5 m and again drops sharply. Water is drawn inside, inside there is a metal ball that rises and falls, closing the hole. This cycle is repeated several times, after which the bailer is lifted and cleaned. To make cleaning the well using this technology more convenient, you should use a tripod. Approximately 0.5 kg of sand enters the cylinder at a time. Therefore, you will be able to determine how quickly the well clogs.
Mechanized cleaning

The most effective way for deep wells is mechanized cleaning. In this case, two paired pumps should be used. The deep one will be located at the bottom of the well, it will raise water with silt and mud. Pump delivers water to agitate deposits.
To be effective, shake the hose and make sure that the volume of impurities is not too large. Otherwise, overheating and equipment failure may occur. The device should be selected correctly, its parameters should depend on the depth at which thewater. Well cleanout pumps must be vibrating if water depth exceeds 10m.
Chemical cleaning

It is quite common that the filters are clogged with hard moods of lime and iron s alts. Hard to knock them out with pressure. In this case, you can resort to critical measures - the use of acids.
Do-it-yourself cleaning of a well in this case involves filling in battery acid, which is used for vehicles. All water is pumped out first. The acid is left for two days, and the top of the well is plugged. After this time, the water is pumped out several times, but even after that you can’t drink it for a month, as well as use it for cooking.
This liquid is suitable only for household needs and construction. After such a cleaning of the well for water, it is recommended to draw water as often as possible, because this will affect the faster washing out of acids. But even in this case, before drinking water, it is necessary to take it to the laboratory for analysis, so you save the he alth of your loved ones.
Sand cleaning

Cleaning the well from sand can be done in one of several ways. Among them it is worth highlighting:
- compressor usage;
- dredging sand with pumps;
- application of chemical methods;
- using a bailer.
Some of them have been described above. Most oftenpumps are still used to remove sand. With the help of the first, clean water is pumped into the well, and the second allows sand and other debris to be pumped out.
You can also apply a compressor. The first cleaning can be carried out immediately after drilling. In this case, the compressor unit is just used. This allows you to clean the aquifer from debris that got there during the construction of the well.
The cleaning cycle will depend on the depth of the well and can take anywhere from a few hours to three weeks. If drilling was carried out by specialists, then flushing is carried out by working personnel. If you decide to do the work yourself, then you should prepare a compressor that can provide pressure up to 15 atmospheres. You will need pipes that will be interconnected and inserted into the trunk so that their lower edge reaches the bottom. The caliber of these pipes must be smaller than the diameter of the well.
Cleaning a well in a country house using this technology involves pumping air with a compressor, after which dirty water will begin to be thrown out of the well. At the first stage, the pipeline should be assembled and installed in the well, fixed with a rope. The next step is to install the vacuum adapter, which is located on the pipe. Its fastening is carried out with screws. Then, with the help of a compressor, air is pumped up to maximum pressure. The hose should be put on the adapter, turn on the unit and pump air into the barrel. This process is repeated several times until clean water begins to pour out of the well.
Using the fire brigademachines

Sometimes a fire engine is called in to clean up. In this case, a fire hose is activated, through which water is supplied under high pressure. The cleaning takes only 10 minutes. However, this method also has its drawbacks, which are expressed in danger and high cost. Strong pressure can damage components and filters. This method is recommended for heavy soiling.
Using the lift
Quite often, the owners of suburban areas and areas within the city, where there are wells, are wondering how to use the airlift if it is necessary to clean the water source. The method is to use the law of Archimedes.
In fact, a well is a vessel with water. A water-lifting pipe should be placed in it, into the lower part of which compressed air is supplied using a compressor. A mixture of foam and air is formed in the pipe. The water column presses from below, the process begins. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the water in the well does not run out.
Because the bottom of the pipe is on the sand, it will rise and be absorbed by the riser pipe. It is important to monitor only the water level. Typically, the wells in the area are not very deep, so a standard vibrating pump can be used to clean them.
You can clean the well with acid yourself. However, it is important to assess the dangers of this approach if you do not plan to hand over water to the laboratory at the final stage. In general, every technologycleaning differs in its advantages and disadvantages, so they must be evaluated and only then get to work.