After erecting the roof and laying the roofing material, it is necessary to complete the roof sheathing. This is necessary in order to give it a finished and attractive appearance. In order for everything to turn out qualitatively and durable, you should take the work very seriously. The most important thing in the laying process is to adhere to safety precautions. Roof overhang filing can be performed using various technologies and materials. Which is better to use, and will be discussed further.
The process of filing overhangs: technology and design features

After the erection of the rafters, the laying of the roofing material and the completion of the finishing work, the overhangs should be filed. The price for the work can be quite high (from 300 rubles per linear meter and above, depending on the type of roof and the material used). Therefore, do everything better with your own hands.
If filing is done before siding, then you must first perform the following steps:
- Before filing, you need to check the quality of the installation of the supporting structure. It must be erected perfectly evenly, and allthe rafters must be at the same level.
- Sheathing can be done in various materials, but the most common are boards of the same width, so that after completion of the work the roof looks attractive.
- Duct sections of the supporting structure of the roof must be sawn off in a vertical position, and end sections - in the same way as the rest.
- When the rafters are fixed and the first board is stuffed, the rest are nailed with an orientation to it.
It is worth noting that if you are going to produce external wall insulation, then this should be done only after the filing of the cornice overhang is completed.
Which materials can be used and their performance
As mentioned earlier, hemming can be done with various materials. Which one to choose depends on individual wishes, the characteristics of a particular building, the materials from which the house was built, etc.
The main criterion for choosing a material that must be taken into account is the strength and reliability of protecting the eaves from the negative effects of precipitation. In addition, the lining of the overhangs should provide good ventilation. Also, do not forget about the performance characteristics of the material. It must be durable and retain its characteristics throughout the entire period of operation. Let's take a closer look at each of the materials, and try to figure out which one is better to choose.

Profiled flooring is a sheet of galvanized steel with a special coating. It is universal because it has many color shades, provides reliable protection against atmospheric precipitation, and also has an affordable price. If the filing is done using corrugated board, then a small gap should be left to ensure good ventilation. Working with this material is quite easy, so installation does not take much time and effort. An alternative to sheeting with profiled decking is filing roof overhangs with soffit.
Soffits are panels made of plastic. This material has a lot in common with siding, but there are some differences. Soffits have a large thickness, so they have increased strength and durability. In addition, the plastic panels are perforated, which provides excellent ventilation. Hemming the roof overhangs with a soffit is also good because the plastic contains special additives that protect it from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, this material will retain its original color for a very long time.
Wooden lining
Another common option is lining the overhangs with clapboard. But in order for everything to turn out to be of high quality and durable, you should use only high-quality materials that are currently sold in various specialized stores at affordable prices. Low-quality lining will not last long and will lose its attractiveness very quickly. When choosing a material, great attentionshould be given to its thickness. The bigger it is, the better. In addition, the lining should be of medium humidity, because if it is too wet, it will begin to rot over time, and a tree that is too dry will crack. Before starting work on filing the roof overhangs, it is recommended to leave the lining for a month in the fresh air so that it adapts to the climate of your region.
Wooden board

The most common option is to file the roof overhangs with a board. For these purposes, a planed edged board is usually used. In the process of sheathing, 2 centimeters are left between the boards. The main advantage of this material is that it provides excellent ventilation, thanks to which the optimal level of humidity will always be maintained in the under-roof space.
Plastic lining
If for some reason the filing of overhangs with spotlights does not suit you, for example, due to the high cost of the material, then you can use plastic lining. This material has the lowest price on the market. When choosing a material, its resistance to moisture should be taken into account. Installation of such lining is carried out using special plastic corners.
Filing overhangs with siding is another common option for the final stage of roof construction.
The following varieties of this material can be found on sale:
- vinyl;
- wooden;
- steel;
- galvanized.
Most oftenvinyl siding is used. This is due to the fact that it has light weight, good strength and durability and low price.
Siding is made in the form of panels, the length of which can be from 300 to 350 centimeters. At their ends there are special locks, thanks to which it is very simple and quick to fix the material. Panels can be both with perforation, and without. Sheathing is most often done with perforated siding, as it provides good ventilation.
What to consider when working with siding?

When performing work on filing cornices with siding, the following recommendations should be followed:
- Do not store material in direct sunlight or at temperatures of 50 degrees or more.
- Siding should be installed loosely to ensure good ventilation.
- When attaching the panels, do not press too hard on the locks to avoid breaking them.
- Do not use sealant on corners.
When sheathing cornices, you must first make a box. To do this, use wooden bars or an aluminum profile. If the overhangs are hemmed with a board, then the box must be made exclusively from this material.
The box is mounted using two boards. One of them is fixed along the wall, and the second - in a vertical position.
Features of working with siding
There are two ways of filing:
- installationfrieze strip;
- no band.
Installation of siding is a very easy and fast process, but in order for the work to be done efficiently, the installation of the box must be done correctly. To do this, the rafters must be installed perfectly level, and their ends cut at right angles. After the construction of the truss system, a crate is constructed. The cornice should be erected only after the walls are insulated. To achieve high-quality ventilation, it is necessary to build special grilles.
If you want your underlayment to be strong and durable, copper siding is the best choice. But here it is important to understand that the cost of this material is very high, so be realistic about your financial capabilities.
Among the main advantages of this material are:
- large selection of colors;
- good thermal conductivity;
- high resistance to negative environmental factors;
- material is not subject to corrosion;
- excellent ventilation thanks to perforations.
In terms of performance, copper siding is one of the best materials for underlayment of overhangs.
Basic hemming methods

No matter what material you use for hemming, there are two main ways to do the work:
- Filing overhangs along the truss system.
- Filing with trimming the truss system.
First wayused on roofs with a small angle of inclination, when the owner of the house wants to increase the height of the building. The use of this technology is possible only if the lower part of the truss system is on the same level. If this condition is not met, then boards are placed under the rafters, after which the first and last planks are installed and fixed. It is recommended to use threads when doing this, so that the rafters are installed evenly.
The second technology is the most common. It is based on the fact that a board is fixed on the bottom and end parts, and a wooden beam is fixed on the wall, which will be responsible for getting rid of moisture. It is worth noting that if the width of the overhang exceeds 450 millimeters, then an additional board is fixed in the center. It is necessary in order for the filing of overhangs to be more reliable. After that, all work is carried out in the usual manner. One board is nailed to the crate, and the second is fixed parallel to it. Then the finishing material is fixed on these boards.
Roof filing: workflow
Before you start filing, you must first prepare the truss system.
The following conditions must be met for this:
- the length of the rafters must be at least 200 millimeters longer than the roof;
- to install the rafters, you need a protrusion, which is calculated depending on the size of the roof;
- when cutting timber for erecting rafters, the ends should be cut vertically.
It is very important that the cut line is perfecteven. Hemming work should begin only after the insulation of the facade of the building is completed. This is a very important point, because this is the only way you can securely seal the joints with sealant so that atmospheric precipitation does not enter the under-roof space.

Equally important is the ventilation system, which is responsible for removing excess moisture from the attic.
One of the following technologies is used for its construction:
- through the construction of small gaps between the finishing material and the boards;
- creating special openings that are covered with bars.
The most common and most effective way is to create ventilation holes, so you can find it on most homes.
In the course of the work, you will need the following:
- finishing material;
- electric saw;
- electric drill;
- Bulgarian;
- screwdriver;
- level;
- hammer;
- roulette;
- fasteners;
- cord;
- stairs;
- special antiseptics;
- paint.
Filing work is done in the following order:
- Finishing material is cut to size. If you use wooden materials for filing, then they should first be treated with antiseptics.
- If you plan to paint the filing, then it is better to do it right away, and proceed with the installationfollows after it dries.
- The truss system is checked using a level. If it is not even, then this defect should be eliminated by stuffing the boards. To fix them, use nails or wood screws.
- End plates are being installed.
- The cord is being pulled. It will allow you to install the binder smoothly.
- At least 5 millimeters should be left between the individual elements of the binder so that it does not burst or deform when heated.
An alternative filing technology is the box mounting method. All work is performed in the following sequence:
- The material is cut to the specified dimensions, after which it is treated with an antiseptic.
- A board is fixed at the bottom of the rafter system, above which a beam is nailed 10 millimeters.
- The installation of the binder should be done in such a way that one part is on the board and the other on the beam.
- Leave 2 centimeters between the individual elements of the binder. This gap will be responsible for ventilation.
- The lining is fixed with screws, corners and profiled plates.

If you are hemming with wooden boards that are too long, then the number of fasteners must be at least three. This will prevent the boards from warping. By adhering to the tips and recommendations discussed in this article, you can easily make the filing of roof overhangs your own.hands, even if you have no construction experience.