Roofing is the final stage of construction. It would seem that interior decoration and the arrangement of a new space are ahead. In fact, it is still too early to consider that the building is ready for operation. It is necessary to finish some nuances, namely to hem the roof eaves.
Most homeowners do not pay due attention to this moment, neither at the beginning, nor during, nor even after construction work. Although this stage is the most important even at the time of designing the roof. If you do not hem the roof eaves or carry out the installation incorrectly, then problems with ventilation may begin, water will begin to accumulate in the attic or in the attic, which leads to the formation of fungus, mold.
What is a cornice?
Cornice is also called overhang. First of all, you need to figure out what it is. An overhang is considered to be a part of the roof structure, which protrudes slightly beyond the walls of the building. The roof can be considered a mushroom cap that protects the building from precipitation, thereby helping it to drain to the ground without touching the walls.
When filing the roof, the eaves should protrude from 40 to50 centimeters. Not everyone adheres to the general standards, as some make additional rooms under one roof slope, someone installs a drain and drainage, and there are cases when all this is combined and implemented as a whole. Therefore, when designing a plan for a future building, everything must be taken into account. Based on the data, it will be decided how long the roof ledge is needed. A good example is shown in the photo of the roof eaves filing.

Of course, you can make the roof in such a way that it does not protrude, thereby freeing yourself from the need to hem the roof eaves. But this has its consequences. Water will run down the walls and the building won't last long.
It would seem that since the absence of an overhang has such a detrimental effect on the building, it is possible to make it as large as possible. But this is also wrong. The load on the walls will increase significantly, in addition, this entails more costs for building materials. The first step is to adhere to common sense and calculations during the design of the building. If you plan to place not only the house under one roof, but also a summer kitchen, a gazebo or something else, then you need to install transitions that will allow you to extend the roof without consequences.

Why is the cornice hemmed?
This procedure is done in order to visually create the integrity of the building. It can also be used to implement design projects. If we consider the cornice as a structure, then thanks to itsthe presence of the roof is prevented by strong gusts of wind. If it is hemmed incorrectly or not touched at all, then a strong wind can completely tear off the roof. These cases are rare, but it is better to protect yourself in advance.
In cases where the available area under the roof is not used as residential, the cornice is not sheathed tightly, which allows you to create the necessary climate in the attic.
The ability to create ventilated facades by installing an air duct under the cornice makes the system invisible.

Materials used
There are many options for filing roof cornices. Consider the main ones.
Clapboard is an excellent option for natural material for work. This material is the most popular due to the fact that it can be treated with special impregnations that extend the service life, and most importantly, originality in texture and pattern. You can work not only horizontally, but also at an angle. Wood or metal is used as a base.
Profile sheet is the second most popular. It is preferred for ease of installation, attractive appearance. The material is reliable and unpretentious to the ground.
Plastic is used a little less often. But that doesn't make it any less popular. When working with him, you need to responsibly approach the preparation of the foundation. This is due to the fact that any deviations will immediately become noticeable. Plastic for filing roof eaves - optioninexpensive but not durable. Compared to the previous two options, it is very easy to damage.
MDF and laminate are used in the same way. MDF at first glance can be mistaken for a quality material, but its service life does not exceed 10 years. Laminate cannot boast of such a period.
Soffit is made in much the same way as panels using plastic, copper or aluminum. It is intended exclusively for finishing the eaves. A distinctive feature is the need to install ventilated panels every 11 meters.
Boards are the most common and common material. They are used in independent construction work. Despite the variety of materials, the board does not lose its position in the market of goods and services. Thanks to technology, complex graphics and patterns can be applied to it.

Frame trim
Before you make the filing of the cornice under the roof, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances in the work and subsequently take them into account. Work on filing the frame is carried out only after it is installed under the roof and the protruding edges of the roof are adjusted to the required size. The first board for the crate is mounted at the moment when the legs of the rafters are sawn off. In subsequent stages, this board will serve as a guide in the work. After that, the overhang is sheathed, but for this process it is necessary to choose the type of construction.
Sheathing rafters diagonally. This wayused for roofs that have a slight slope, or to visually enlarge the building. For filing the eaves along the rafters, the lower parts of the legs must be located in the same plane. If this is not observed, then you will have to resort to leveling, and for this the boards will be mounted with an overlap. In the process of work, the first and last strips are mounted, and a thread is pulled between them. All other work is carried out in strict compliance with the guidelines.
Sheathing horizontally and vertically. This method is very popular. The legs of the rafters are cut horizontally or vertically. A board is attached to the bottom of the rafters, and a beam is attached to the wall in such a way that its height exceeds the height of the board by 10 millimeters. If the gap has a width of more than 45 centimeters, then a board is additionally mounted in the center.
Before you hem the roof eaves with your own hands, a frame must be created. Regardless of the chosen method of work, they are carried out in the same way: the boards are mounted on the crate parallel to the gable.
Features of lining the overhang with clapboard
When carrying out construction work on filing the roof eaves, lining can be an excellent material. Lining is not recommended to be used only if the roof has the wrong parapet over the entire surface, which begins to bulge.
Using material for a pitched structure is relevant if the attic is planned to be equipped as a living space. The lining will help balance the level of humidity in the winter season, create ventilation.
Perform all workon your own is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To work effectively, you need to know some features:
- The work is carried out at the moment when the process of installing the crate begins, but the rafters have already been installed. Rafter legs should be located at the same level, parallel to the walls of the building. Before starting work, they often turn to additional sources in order to clearly see how to properly hem the roof eaves. A photo is a great option.
- It is necessary to take care of the width of the cornice box in advance, which does not differ around the entire perimeter of the roof. This helps to give the building an attractive appearance. Sheathing with boards should be carried out parallel to the walls.
If you carry out all the work carefully and efficiently, the process will move quickly and please with the result.

Features of working with soffit
A distinctive feature of the soffit is its resistance to mechanical stress and weather conditions. The surface of the material does not react to direct sunlight and does not lose its original color over time.
Soffit is used not only for exterior decoration, but also for interior. The material that is intended for cornices is characterized by ease of installation and operation. It is considered environmentally friendly and safe.
For filing roof eaves with soffit, some steps in the work must be performed. Several strips are installed along the entire length of the overhang. To the bottom sidethe first bar is screwed with J or F type profiles. The size of the panel must match the width of the overhang. One edge of the finishing material is inserted into the groove, and the other is mounted to the second bar. After that, the slats are closed with a profile.
Soffit can be used for both closed and open eaves.
With an open overhang, a profile must be installed, on which the panel is subsequently attached. Profiles are installed at the same level between the building wall and the cornice.
In cases where it is planned to create ventilation, perforated soffit is used during the filing of the roof eaves. To install it, use a type J profile. If necessary, the surface can be leveled with a profile. All other work is carried out in the same way as with an open overhang.
The key to the successful result of any work in the construction process is competent and correct measurements. Everything else does not require special knowledge and skills.
Using corrugated board in work
The work on filing the roof eaves with corrugated board is started after the installation of the roof covering. At the same time, water drainage systems can be installed.
Initially, you need to cut the legs of the rafters evenly so that they are parallel to the walls. If the filing is made in the form of a box, then the frame must be insulated in advance.
After that, bars are installed on the walls, on which boards for filing are attached on one side. A crate is attached below, on which the corrugated board will be mounted.
Often coverroofs are used as an additional canopy over other buildings. For example, for a terrace, a balcony, a summer kitchen. In such cases, the ceiling is mounted simultaneously with the overhang sheathing.
The corrugated board is attached to a pre-prepared frame. For ventilated facades, no obstruction to the flow of air is allowed. To do this, a small gap is left between the facing material and the wall of the building. To give an attractive look, you can mount a ventilation grill in the places of the gaps.

Using a metal profile
Before starting work on filing the roof eaves with a metal profile, it is necessary to prepare the base on which the material will be attached in the future.
- On the wall, a board is attached to the bottom of the beam, a level and a thread are used to level it.
- If the board is uneven, you can level the beam. Gaps can be eliminated with improvised building material: plywood cutting.
- After the board is flat, it should be firmly attached.
- Then proceed to attach the next board, which is fixed in a horizontal position. After alignment, it is reattached.
- Start preparing the metal profile.
- The profile is cut into strips of the desired length and width.
- On the profile it is necessary to prepare through holes for fastening to the frame.
- If the length is insufficient, the profile can be joined to each other until the required length is obtained.
- Profile must be prepared in the required quantity.
- First, the sides of the eaves are mounted.
- The profile is attached to the frame, it is mounted on all sides of the overhang.
- After the metal profile is installed, the corners are attached, which can also be made independently.

Using siding
Until the moment when they began to use siding for filing roof eaves, lining and board were popular. The main disadvantage of such materials could only be attributed to fragility. Under the influence of the environment and weather conditions, they quickly fell into disrepair and rotted. They had to be painted quite often, and sometimes even replaced.
When using siding, you need to consider that not every type of it is suitable for work. For example:
- Vinyl siding is used exclusively for facade cladding. It looks unattractive on the eaves, collects a lot of liquid.
- Metal siding quickly becomes rusty due to the abundance of water.
Before you start installing the eaves using siding, you should know one feature. Installation must be carried out before the roofing work begins. It is also not recommended to drive nails into the material, this can lead to cracking and rapid destruction.