Laying stoves is a labor-intensive and, most importantly, responsible process. If mistakes are made at any stage, the results of such work can be disastrous. Therefore, you should know the basic rules for laying furnaces. If they are observed, then the erected structure will become a reliable source of heat for a long time.

Any construction should begin with preparatory work. This requirement is fully true for the construction of such a structure as a Russian stove. Its laying must be carried out according to a certain scheme. At the same time, the project should be chosen so that all parts of the future furnace are heated evenly during combustion. If this condition is met, then the masonry will not crack.
The base for the construction of furnaces must be made of reinforced concrete. Although the use of columnar foundations is also allowed, provided that the overlap is made with wooden bars 150x150. In height, the base for laying stoves does not reach the level of the finished floor by about 2 bricks. Next, you need to lay a layer of waterproofing. And most importantly, in no case should you connect the foundations of the furnace and the building, as they can walk among themselves, which will lead to not the most pleasant consequences. This can be expressed in the appearance of cracks and even the destruction of the masonry. If it is not possible to equip a full-fledged base, then the furnace can be erected on a reinforced concrete floor slab of the lower floor. But this is only as a last resort.

Brick for laying furnaces should choose brand M200 full-bodied red. It must be of the correct geometry, without cracks. You should also pay close attention to the spread in the size of the bricks. It should be minimal.
Brick ovens are laid using building mixtures. The solution is prepared from clay and sand. Cement in such mixtures should not be! It is important. Clay and sand are kneaded in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3, respectively. The ratio of the components of the solution is selected based on the fat content of the clay. Before adding sand, it is necessary to sift through the grid, removing all large elements from its composition. The solution should be mixed so thoroughly that a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained.
When performing installation work, you must strictly follow the following rules:
- it is necessary to bandage the seams on 1/2 brick;
- you should strictly monitor the verticality of all corners using a plumb line or building level;
- the thickness of the seams should not exceed 5mm;
- it is not recommended to work at temperatures below 0;
- all joints must be completely filled with mortar.

As you know, a metal tends to expand when heated strongly. This fact should be taken into account when constructing such structures. If the metal doors are in close contact with the brick, this can lead to the destruction of the furnace. To prevent this from happening, you should leave a small gap between the frame and the masonry. An asbestos cord soaked in a solution of clay should be laid in the gap formed.
This name refers to the special finish of the interior space of the furnace. They do it to protect the surface from possible physical and mechanical damage. From the point of view of laying furnaces, the lining is an additional row of bricks. They do it without dressing with the main structure. This is due to the fact that later the furnace will be easier to repair by replacing the worn lining layer.