What is a wallpaper backing

What is a wallpaper backing
What is a wallpaper backing

Wallpaper is one of the most common decorative wall coverings. A rich abundance of materials and color schemes allows you not only to ennoble your home, but to make it the way you want. And the vast majority of people are well aware of this. But few people are familiar with such a building material as a substrate for wallpaper. With its help, you can significantly increase the performance of the walls that you plan to paste over.

backing for wallpaper
backing for wallpaper

Wallpaper backing is a roll material. As a rule, it is a polyethylene foam covered with paper on both sides. The purpose of this building material is to improve sound and heat insulation characteristics. Such properties will be especially relevant for walls that face the street or the landing. The substrate can be used when pasting surfaces with any type of wallpaper, which indicates the versatility of this material. This always ensures a high-quality result in the form of a flat and smooth wall.

Wallpaper substrate has a number of operational properties:

- Thermal insulation. This is one of the key properties that determines the choice of thismaterial for repairs. This characteristic not only makes it possible to live comfortably in a house or apartment, but also allows you to save on heating.

soundproof wallpaper underlay
soundproof wallpaper underlay

- Soundproofing. In apartment buildings, there are a huge number of sources of various noises. This is the street, and the neighbors, and the landing. In this case, a soundproof substrate under the wallpaper is sometimes simply vital. After all, the house should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

- Environmentally friendly. This material is hygienically clean and harmless. It does not rot and is resistant to chemical compounds.

- Strength. Wallpaper backing is not a fragile material. For its rupture or other deformation, considerable effort is required. And this means that working with him is quite simple. In addition, in a new house, with a possible shrinkage of the foundation, the substrate will not crack.

- Resistance to microorganisms.

- Prevention of condensation. A similar property is achieved due to the heat-insulating layer.

- Durability. Various manufacturers give a guarantee for their products for a period of 20 to 50 years.

wallpaper underlay ecoheat price
wallpaper underlay ecoheat price

In order to paste over the walls with a substrate, they must first be prepared. It is necessary to remove the old coating and level the surface with a putty or other solution. That is, you should perform the same operations as when pasting walls with wallpaper. Next, the leveled surface should be treated with a primer. Substrate for wallpaperattached with glue. Sheets of the product are mounted butt-to-butt, avoiding too much tension. Next, the glued material must dry. This usually takes at least 24 hours. After that, you can glue the wallpaper.

An important issue when performing repairs is the cost of both the material itself and the work on its arrangement. There are a fairly large number of manufacturers producing such building materials. One of the most common is EcoHeat wallpaper substrate. The price per square meter of the product is 137 rubles. This is quite inexpensive for a qualitative improvement in the performance of the walls. As for the work, the cost of wallpapering will increase by only 50 rubles per square meter. The total cost will increase by about 190 rubles.
