It is hard to imagine a stylish and modern interior today if an electric hearth is not installed in the house. It is an excellent decor component, giving the room a respectable look, adding notes of warmth, happiness and comfort. The electric hearth has now become a very popular attribute of urban apartments.

Electric hearth for home and apartment
To install a real fireplace, conditions are required that do not always seem feasible even in a private home. For example, a chimney and a fire-resistant foundation must be provided. But the electric hearth successfully copes with the task, it will not be difficult to install it in any conditions.
Imitation of a flame in some models seems so believable that it can be difficult to distinguish it from the real one. It seems that you find yourself in a cozy country house, where you really want to warm yourself by a live fire and tell or listen to interesting stories.
There are also electric hearths for fireplaces, where the visual effectis complemented by sound, when crackling firewood is imitated, making the technical device even more realistic. In some models, you can find a blue glow effect that makes the flame mysterious and magical.
Fireplace kit usually includes an electric hearth, as well as a portal. These technical devices look especially expressive when they are surrounded by an exquisite case, which can be made in a variety of styles: be with an original modern design or stick to strict classics. So, portals made of wood or stone will look like a real wood hearth.

Innovative technologies make the devices completely safe to use.
The technical component of the device is represented by a combustion chamber covered with a curtain or door. This is a convection oven with a ventilation device inside and a design that resembles a flame. All models include grating elements, a chamber with a fan, heater, smoldering wood and a flame.
Sizes and shapes of devices may be different. Moreover, most of them start from 520620 millimeters. The most common length is 300 millimeters.

Almost all devices have a remote control, thanks to which the power of work, the picture: firewood or coals, the mode of operation, and so on.
Hardware functionality
The electric hearth is capable of performing not only a decorative function, it can also heat. The temperature is regulated depending on the needs of the household. At the same time, the heating can be turned off completely. One way or another, the metal case will not heat up during the operation of the device, and the heat will completely go outside.
The electric hearth will perfectly cope with the heating of a room of up to twenty square meters in the off-season. Most models have a two-stage heating mode and a power of 2 kW.
The devices are mostly thermostatic. Therefore, setting to the desired heating level is possible. Then the required temperature will be maintained throughout the operation.
Electric Hearth Benefits
Among the advantages are the following.
- Ease of installation, maintenance and operation.
- Saving space.
- Impossible to ignite.
- Easy adjustment.
- Low cost.

If desired, the electric fireplace can simply be moved to another room. There are also flat models that are built into the walls.
What are the electrical hearths
According to the place and method of location, devices are divided into several groups:
- corner;
- frontal (adjacent to the wall, embedded in it or wall-mounted);
- free standing.
Competition in this market forces manufacturers to achieve as much as possiblegreater realism of combustion. In this case, electric foci "3D effect" are often used. In them, it becomes virtually impossible to distinguish a flame from a real one.
Professional lighting technology using LED lamps creates real masterpieces, competing with the naturalism of the fire itself.
A variety of portals allows you to choose a case that fits perfectly into the interior of the room and emphasizes its individual style.

But it happens that the visual effect does not play any role. Then they pay attention to completely different characteristics.
Electric boiler "Galan Hearth"
This electric boiler does not have a spectacular and stylish look. Manufacturers recommend the device for those who are determined to save money on heating with electricity and assure that it can be used to equip a boiler room. The equipment is capable of operating both in manual and offline modes. The consumer is offered boilers "Galan Ochag" in four power options: 2, 3, 5 and 6 kW. They operate on two-phase networks. There are devices with more power, but they will require a three-phase connection.
To make the right choice, when purchasing a boiler, manufacturers recommend:
- for a room of 20 square meters, buy a device with a power of 2 kW;
- for 30 square meters - 3 kW;
- for 50 square meters - 5 kW;
- for 60 square meters - 6 kW respectively.
Prices for electric boilers "Galan Ochag" nicesurprise buyers. But they do not serve as a decorative decoration of the interior. Therefore, the task of the devices is greatly simplified: the main thing is to provide heat in the room.
However, on the Internet you can find various reviews about this equipment. Some people are completely satisfied with their purchase. But there are also extremely negative opinions, when a few months after installation, household members encountered problems in the operation of the device.