Red Magic Peony is the best choice for your garden

Red Magic Peony is the best choice for your garden
Red Magic Peony is the best choice for your garden

Red Magic Peony will be a wonderful decoration for any garden plot and home. Bright color and delicate aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. A lush flower with a diameter of up to seventeen centimeters will delight with its luxurious appearance for a long time due to the long flowering that occurs in May-June.

Photo and description of Red Magic peony

Grows in the form of a bush with a height of ninety to one hundred and twenty centimeters. Prefers to be located on fertile neutral soils. Do not plant it in moisture-rich soil, as this flower does not like it.

peony red magic
peony red magic

Dark green leaves contrast with red fringed globose flowers.

Peony care basics

Red Magic Peony prefers fairly good insolation, but at midday it is better to be in partial shade.

Another advantage of this ornamental plant is its fairly good resistance to cold. In order for the Red Magic peony to endure the winter without consequences, you need to take care of the shelter. A good enough option is dry foliage about twenty centimeters high. Cover the peonies with foliage when the ground becomes slightly frozen. Remove cover aftersnow removal.

Reproduction of peonies

The most common way to propagate a Red Magic peony is division. It is desirable to divide the bush after it reaches six to seven years. This age is optimal due to the fact that by this time nutrients have been accumulated in sufficient quantities for the proper development of a young plant. The most favorable period for breeding peonies is August-September.

If the flowers were planted correctly, then the first two years you should not worry about feeding the plants with minerals. Weeding and regular watering will be enough. But when they reach the age of three, the bushes need fertilizer. Inorganic mineral compounds serve best.

red magic peony photo
red magic peony photo

Red Magic peonies require maintaining an optimal level of moisture. At this point, you need to pay special attention at the beginning of the summer season. To help the soil retain water better, keep it loose on a regular basis. The heat is the reason for the surface watering of the plant.

Remember! Watering perennial seedlings must be done every seven to ten days in the amount of three to four buckets of water, due to the large mass of leaves. A large mass of leaves suggests a high degree of water evaporation in the summer heat.

Diseases and parasites

Parasites that can infect flowers include bronze, nematodes and ants. In order to get rid of uninvited guests, use insecticides. Repellent drugs are quite effective against ants.

Of the diseases most oftenplants are affected by gray rot, rust and powdery mildew. Prevention carried out on a regular basis will help to avoid the above problems.

peony red magic photo description
peony red magic photo description

A photo of a Red Magic peony will organically fit into your interior, and will also help make your home elegant and cozy. The delightful beauty of the flower will melt even the coldest heart.
