Turquoise color. Fresh trend in interior design

Turquoise color. Fresh trend in interior design
Turquoise color. Fresh trend in interior design

The turquoise color got its name in honor of the turquoise stone mined in the East and therefore has a bright oriental character. It comes in several shades, from sky blue and blue to bluish green and light green.

Recently, designers have begun to use the color turquoise in interior solutions. It is interesting because it looks different depending on the time of day, lighting, color of furniture and many other factors. This is a chameleon color. For example, next to blue it noticeably darkens and turns blue, and next to green it turns green. Since ancient times, people have distinguished turquoise color. Its meaning is still relevant today. It is believed that it protects from the bad eye and has a calming effect. But when using aggressive shades of this color, you should be extremely careful. Its distribution over large areas can have a negative effect on the organs of vision, the nervous and mental systems. At the same time, often the turquoise color of pale shades is used in medical institutions. It is associated with purity, healing and confidence.

You can apply turquoise color in the interior in almost any room: in the bathroom, onkitchen, bedroom, children's room.


Walls or aqua-colored plumbing will look best in the bathroom. It is desirable to combine it with white, brown, yellow, red details. When combined with turquoise color contrasting bright colors, it creates a feeling of freshness in the interior.

turquoise color in the interior
turquoise color in the interior

The use of turquoise in the kitchen should be limited to the design of an apron, some furniture, facades or painting one of the walls. Otherwise, the kitchen will seem unnecessarily cold and aloof. But this is a favorite place where family and friends gather in the evenings.

turquoise color meaning
turquoise color meaning

Due to its relaxing effects, turquoise is a wonderful color for the bedroom. By painting the walls in turquoise or choosing bedroom furniture and accessories of this color, you can tune in to relaxation, calmness and sound sleep. Blue shades in the bedroom can be perfectly combined with fuchsia, white, beige, yellow, orange, purple or even black.

turquoise color in the nursery
turquoise color in the nursery

There should be very little turquoise in a child's room. It can simply dilute other colors in the room. In combination with brown, orange, yellow and pink, blue will look very advantageous and rosy.

In order to visually enlarge the space and expand the walls, designers recommend using paint or wallpaper in a light turquoise hue. Also an undeniable advantageturquoise color is the fact that it never looks vulgar, tasteless and cheap. Blue and green are the colors of the water element. Therefore, they are often used in bathrooms and kitchens. The color of turquoise will bring coolness and a feeling of sterility.


The use of furniture and designer accessories in these colors will fill the room with bright iridescent spots. Turquoise can be found on curtains, cushions, glassware, vases, lampshades, bedspreads, wall art.
