Propagation of geraniums by cuttings at home

Propagation of geraniums by cuttings at home
Propagation of geraniums by cuttings at home

Geranium is one of the most common and popular indoor plants. Long-blooming inflorescences-balls and juicy green leaves delight their owners during the first two years, without giving them any trouble when growing. As this flower grows, its stem gradually becomes woody, as a result of which the leaves fall off, the bush itself no longer looks so fluffy, and flower ovaries appear only at the tips of the shoots, turning the once beautiful geranium into a dryish and asymmetrical specimen.

To save the plant, geraniums are propagated by cuttings every three years at home. Let's consider further how to do it correctly.

royal geranium reproduction
royal geranium reproduction

Features of reproduction

Propagation of geraniums by cuttings at home is not at all difficult work, but it requires compliance with certain rules. The cutting process itself is quite simple. For reproduction from the mother bush are cutlateral processes and take root. Even a beginner can handle such simple manipulations. But at the same time, despite the absence of difficulties in the work, there are still some nuances that should be taken into account. Consider how to properly propagate geraniums at home.

geranium propagation by cuttings
geranium propagation by cuttings

The right time for cuttings

You can cut geraniums for a whole year. The best time is the end of February and the end of March. It is during this period that the plant begins active growth. Geraniums can also be propagated at the end of August or September, while the plant has not yet hibernated. But in the spring, the cuttings take root better, because there is an accelerated movement of plant juices. Some breed geraniums in winter, but the process in this case slows down as the culture enters a dormant state.

Cuttings can be harvested in the summer, but such plants will be able to please with color only after a year. Cuttings rooted in spring will begin to bloom in late summer.

propagation of geraniums by cuttings at home
propagation of geraniums by cuttings at home

Preparation of cuttings

Two weeks before cuttings, you need to stop watering the plant. To prevent dehydration and death of geraniums, it can be fed with a solution of wood ash (mix 1 liter of water with 20 g of ash). During this preparatory period, the bush must be moved to a shaded place, which will stimulate the growth of new shoots and accelerate the formation of new root shoots.

The shoots are cut off from the mother plantonly with a sharp tool (knife or pruner) at an angle of 90 °. The place of the cut must be sprinkled with crushed coal. Shoots choose only he althy and strong. The average length of the stem should be approximately 7-15 cm. The lower leaves (if any) are removed from it, leaving only the upper ones (2-3 pieces). Then the branches are dried a little for 2-3 hours in a dark place, until a thin film appears at the cut site. The cutting is ready to root.

Propagation of geraniums by cuttings in water

This method of rooting geranium cuttings at home is considered the most affordable and simple. In order for the process to release new roots, it is placed in a small container that is filled with water at room temperature. A small amount of coal chips is added to it, which disinfects it. This will prevent the new root shoots from rotting.

After the appearance of new roots on the tip of the cutting, it is planted in the ground. Care for such plants is the same as for adult geraniums. If geranium propagation is carried out in this way, it is imperative to monitor the temperature regime. In the room where the container with the handle stands, it should be at least +14 … +16 ° C. If this is not observed, the twig may not release the roots or rot.

The method of propagation of geraniums in water is not suitable for all varieties of this plant. For example, rooting royal geraniums will not work. The cuttings of this plant in water very quickly begin to rot, so the process does not have time to take root. For these types of flower, it is better to use rooting in the ground. Reproduction of the royalgeraniums we will consider below.

Some nuances

You need to use a young geranium bush as a mother specimen - cuttings take root better from it.

It is advisable to choose shoots from side shoots. They take root best.

Most geranium varieties like to have each cutting rooted in a separate container.

It is recommended to choose an opaque container, so the roots form more efficiently.

The cutting should be covered with water for about a third of its length.

If there is too much liquid in the container, the twig will experience a lack of oxygen, however, the lack of moisture also affects the growth of roots negatively.

You can’t change the water - you can only top up as it evaporates!

propagation of geraniums by cuttings at home
propagation of geraniums by cuttings at home

How to root geraniums in the ground

This method is used by experienced flower growers much more often than the previous one. Experts are trying to protect the stalk in advance from the effects of putrefactive bacteria and provide all the conditions for root formation.

Propagating geraniums at home using soil is not at all difficult. The soil mixture should be nutritious and loose enough. In order to create a suitable consistency, you can add a small amount of sand to the substrate.

To root a plant, you need to prepare a flower pot or a small plastic cup, fill it with the appropriate soil. If a plastic cup is used, be sure to cut several holes in its bottom so that afterwatering, moisture did not accumulate in the soil, but flowed out.

geranium breeding
geranium breeding

In addition, a drainage layer (brick chips or fine gravel) is required, on top of which the soil mixture is poured. One shoot is planted in a plastic cup. If a large pot is used, several cuttings can be planted at the same time, placing them along the edge of the container. It is necessary to deepen the processes into the ground so that the leaves do not touch the ground. The soil around the stem must be tightly compressed so that there is no accumulation of air bubbles around the cutting.

In order for the cuttings to take root, they are regularly watered and ensure that the earth does not dry out. The container with the planted cutting is transferred to a bright place. But at the same time, direct sunlight on the leaves of a young plant is unacceptable.

geranium propagation by cuttings in water
geranium propagation by cuttings in water

To preserve moisture in the soil, the shoot can be covered with a plastic bag for 5 days.

Planting cuttings in a bag

Reproduction of geraniums can be carried out not only in a pot or a plastic cup. To do this, sometimes use the most common plastic bag that does not allow moisture to pass through. It is filled with loose, nutritious soil and well moistened. Then the package is tied up with a rope and holes are cut. Their number depends on the size of the package itself and the number of cuttings. Shoots are planted in these holes.

Propagation of geraniums in a greenhouse

Experienced flower growers who grow a large number of plants often breed this flower at home in a mini-greenhouse. Suchthe option of propagation of geraniums by cuttings is ideal for those flower varieties that cannot be rooted in water (for example, for royal geraniums).

Such a mini-greenhouse consists of a special shallow container, which is filled with soil, moistened, planted cuttings and covered with polyethylene. So the shoots take root much faster. In addition, several cuttings can be planted at the same time in this way. Such a greenhouse can be made independently from improvised means (wide capacity and polyethylene), or you can buy a special heated tray.

The planted plantations are covered with a film or a lid for two weeks. At the same time, it is imperative to ensure that the soil remains constantly moist. But waterlogging should not be allowed, as in such conditions the planted shoots can rot.

With the greenhouse method of propagation of geraniums, you need to know when the plants appear to have roots. For example, ivy pelargonium takes about 2 weeks to root, royal geranium takes about 4 weeks to root, and fragrant geranium takes as much as 5-6 weeks.

The main sign that the plant is rooted will be the appearance of new green, succulent leaves on the handle. After that, the processes can be transplanted into a permanent container. Transplantation is carried out by the method of transshipment. The stalk is carefully moved together with an earthen clod into a pot.

Rooting a cutting in a peat tablet

Reproduction of geraniums by cuttings in this way is carried out as follows:

  • A drainage layer is placed on the bottom of the container:pebbles or pebbles. Then a peat tablet is placed.
  • The substrate is lightly watered or sprayed.
  • The cutting is deepened into the hole in the center of the container by about 1/3. If there are several planting materials, one of them can be planted closer to the edge of the cup. With a successful procedure, the roots will appear at the transparent walls after a while. So you can watch how the root grows.
  • It is not necessary and even undesirable to cover the sprout with a film to create greenhouse conditions. Spraying twigs is also not worth it.
  • A glass with a handle is placed on a window where the light is diffused. The branch is contraindicated in direct sunlight.
  • Water plants should be moderate enough.

Caring for geranium cuttings after transplanting them into a permanent container

After transplanting the sprouts into a permanent container, the young plant is provided with the same care as for adult bushes. Geranium needs regular watering, loosening the soil in a pot and top dressing. The soil must not be allowed to dry out.

Starting to fertilize the plant after transplantation should be no earlier than 2-3 weeks later, when the seedling adapts to new conditions and moves away from stress. First, nitrogen fertilizers are applied to stimulate leaf growth. If the flower has bloomed, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are needed.

A sign that the reproduction of geraniums, care and maintenance are carried out successfully and correctly is the flowering of the plant. Different varieties produce buds at different intervals after the transplant. For example, zonal geranium will begin to delight owners with lushbeautiful flowering already 2 months after transplantation, and ivy and royal - only a year later.

Royal geranium

Royal geranium is a plant that requires a special approach to reproduction and care. This process is not complicated at all, but it has some peculiarities and requires some free time. There is a certain probability that a positive result will not work the first time, but you should not despair, as even experienced flower growers periodically experience failures.

geranium care reproduction
geranium care reproduction

Rooting royal geranium

Propagation of royal geraniums by cuttings can be done in several ways. The main rule with any rooting method is to maintain a consistently high level of humidity, as the shoot has to actively fight for survival, and it seeks to release new roots.

The first way. He is the most popular. He needs a regular flower pot. It is filled with soil, well moistened, a cutting is planted and the soil is pressed tightly around the shoot so that air bubbles do not remain around the stem, which will badly affect the formation of the root system. To retain moisture, the pot is covered with a transparent plastic bag. The container is transferred to a well-lit place, but direct sunlight should not be allowed. Periodically, as needed, water the plant

The second way. Rooting is carried out in a special greenhouse. This option is used if you need to get a large number of colors. Such a mini greenhousecan be conventional or with a heating system. The second products will cost a little more, but you can get better results in them. This design consists of a pallet and a plastic transparent cover designed for ventilation. It is quite easy to use these products. The pallet is filled with soil, moistened, cuttings are planted on top and covered with a lid. Water periodically until the sprouts have roots

Third way. It needs plastic bags. They are filled with light soil, watered, the edges are tied with a rope and holes are made into which the cuttings are planted

Royal geranium care

It is practically no different from growing other varieties. The plant loves a lot of light, is not afraid of direct sunlight. Watering needs plentiful. It is undesirable to get water on the leaves.

Transplantation, if necessary, is carried out in the spring. You can propagate both cuttings and seeds.
