Wooden window frames in your home

Wooden window frames in your home
Wooden window frames in your home

Window sashes are special structures, the main purpose of which is to strengthen the glazing field. They can be used both in residential buildings and in various kinds of outbuildings. In addition to actually reinforcing, window sashes often also perform purely decorative functions. These structures are usually made from wood. At the same time, their elements can be located both vertically and horizontally.

Main purpose

In addition to reinforcing and decorative, window sashes also perform the following functions:

  • allow part of the window to be opened for ventilation;
  • provide better thermal insulation of the room;
  • delay the noise from the street.
window sashes
window sashes

What materials can be used for making

Wooden window frames are usually assembled only from softwood timber. This material is resistant to drying out and durable. Usually for the manufacture of window bindings are used:

  • pine;
  • fir;
  • cedar;
  • spruce.

Often larch timber is also used to assemble such structures. It is possible to install wooden bindings, according to the standards, only in houses with normal temperature and humidity conditions. In private housing construction, however, they are often used for glazing baths and saunas. In this case, it is desirable that these bindings be assembled from larch or cedar.

Main varieties

Binding can be classified according to several criteria:

  • by design;
  • by way of operation.
split window frames
split window frames

By design, bindings are:

  1. Single. Such models are usually used only in small country summer houses. A single window sash cannot provide reliable thermal insulation.
  2. Double. In such bindings, two glasses are already installed on one box. Structures of this type provide more reliable thermal insulation.
  3. Paired. In this case, an additional sash is used in the design.
  4. Double (paired). The bindings of this variety are assembled from two pairs. This allows you to create designs with the best performance. Paired window sashes are distinguished by durability and rigidity and protect the interior of the house from cold and extraneous noise much better than the previous varieties. Standard distance between panessuch blocks is 53 mm.

  5. Double split window sashes. When assembling such structures, two independent doors are placed in one frame, capable of moving both in one direction and in different ones. The distance between the panes of separate bindings is usually almost half that of conventional double bindings.
wooden window frames
wooden window frames

Based on the method of operation, bindings are:

  1. Sash. These are traditional windows that allow you to easily ventilate the room.
  2. Deaf. Such windows close the opening permanently.
  3. Lifting. Folds of such bindings also allow you to ventilate the room, but when opened, they move in the same plane (usually upwards).
  4. Rotary. Such structures for airing rooms lean towards the room.

Also, combined bindings are often used in country houses. In such models, for example, deaf elements and movable elements can be combined.

Main structural elements

Whatever kind of binding is used in the house, a box will definitely be included in its design. It is on it that all other elements are attached. Also binding window units may include:

  • sashes - moving parts of the window;
  • string bars dividing the glazing into several zones;
  • windows - small parts of the window designed for ventilation;
  • transoms - upper deaf or hinged parts of the window;
  • strengthening humpbacks, the use of which allows the use of thinner glass;
  • multipliers - lintels between sashes and transoms.

Beads are also included in the design of wooden bindings. These elements fix the glass in the sash. To improve the heat and sound insulation properties, window casings can also be supplemented with sealing gaskets. Window sashes are actually operated with the help of fittings - handles, hinges, etc.

window blocks binding
window blocks binding

Window frames

For wooden houses, this basic element of bindings is made from wide thick boards. They are sawn into bars and installed not as a monolithic structure, but in turn. Large window casings are usually divided into two or more parts in order to strengthen them with mullions. The latter can be horizontal or vertical. Attach them to the box in blind or through sockets with spikes.

The window box can be assembled with or without an influx. The first option is more expensive, but also provides the best binding performance. In this case, the bars of the box partially overlap each other in the front plane. Bindings of this design have the best thermal insulation properties.


This is also quite an important element of the binding design. They are usually complemented by windows of even small country houses. According to the regulations, the window must necessarily open in the same direction as the window sashes. The higher this element is located, the better the room will be ventilated. But, of course, you should not raise the window too far from the floor either. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to use.

What should be the dimensions

Window binding in wooden architecture plays an important role. The same applies to the construction of concrete and brick houses. Being engaged in the construction of a suburban private building, one should, of course, observe, among other things, certain SNiP standards. So, according to the rules, the size of the windows should be approximately 1/5-1/8 of the floor area. Compliance with this recommendation will ensure normal lighting of the premises. If the house is located in a shaded area (for example, behind trees or large buildings), the windows should be made larger. If the residential building is located in a place well lit by the sun, it makes sense to reduce the area of window frames.

window frame in wooden architecture
window frame in wooden architecture

What problems can occur

Wooden bindings usually last a very long time. But, of course, from time to time these structures require repair. Most often, owners of country houses are faced with problems such as:

  • looseness of the sashes in places of spiked connection and distortions;
  • gap between sash and frame when closing;
  • rotting.

Box repair features

Of course, rotten and cracked window frames need to be repaired as soon as possible. Otherwisecase, after a while the window will have to be completely changed. Very often in bindings, under the action of moisture and heat, the box itself is damaged. Defects present on it are usually eliminated as follows:

  1. Glasses are being dismantled.
  2. The lower horizontal bar and the ends of the vertical bars adjacent to it are carefully examined. In order to more accurately determine where exactly the defects are located, a hammer is used. They gently tap the binding boards.
  3. Rotten parts are cut with a hacksaw. In this case, be sure to use a square.
  4. Cut out a blank of the required length from a new bar. Before installation, they must be treated with an antiseptic.
  5. The new sections are connected to the old ones using the half-tree method.
window frame in wooden architecture
window frame in wooden architecture

If necessary, the lower bar with parts of adjacent vertical ones is removed completely. Further, exactly the same design is made from a bar. Its connection with the binding is made with straight spikes. Additionally, the joints are strengthened with nails, sinking their hats into the wood by 2 mm.

Eliminating warps and gaps

Cracked window frames (a photo of structures with such a defect can be seen above) are usually repaired using special metal corners, which can be purchased at a specialized store. These elements are fixed at the junctions of vertical and horizontal bars. Two screws are screwed into each side of the corner. Howthe longer the sides of these reinforcing elements, the more durable the repaired binding will be.

The gap between the sash and the binding box is also usually formed due to the drying of the wood. Eliminate this problem using a wooden plank. It is simply glued to the sash from the side of the hinges. Doing this right in the opening, of course, should not be. The sash is first removed from the hinges and the end face is cut off to fresh wood. The bar itself should be 1-2 mm thinner than the slot.

Replacing spikes

These bindings also rot quite often. The stud is replaced as follows:

  • rotten element is cut with a hacksaw;
  • a nest is cut out for a new spike;
  • the new spike itself is actually machined;
  • the element is smeared with casein glue and inserted into the socket.

It is desirable to make new spikes from very durable wood - oak, beech.

Rules for operating window sashes in the house

Wood is a living and natural material. It absorbs moisture very well, as a result of which it basically collapses. Therefore, in order to extend the service life of structures such as window frames, their elements must be painted or varnished. Such a finish will protect the bars for a long time. But every time you wash windows, the condition of the paintwork must be checked. If necessary, cosmetic repairs should be carried out.

window frame single
window frame single

Of course, whenoperation of windows, be sure to periodically lubricate the hinges and other fittings. This will prevent loosening of the doors and the box. You also need to check the condition of the seals from time to time. They should be replaced as needed.
