Finishing the balcony with siding: step by step instructions

Finishing the balcony with siding: step by step instructions
Finishing the balcony with siding: step by step instructions

On sale today you can find a great variety of materials that are suitable for cladding. One of the most popular is siding. It is used for interior and exterior decoration of balconies. Products of this type are usually made on a vinyl base.

Their prevalence is due to high performance and economic indicators, in which panels are superior to other material options. If you also decide to use siding for finishing the balcony, then you should familiarize yourself with the installation features.

Siding Features

Step-by-step instructions for finishing a balcony with siding is not the only thing you should know before starting work. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the features of the material. Siding is a fairly durable PVC panel, the thickness of which is approximately 1 mm. Products can be different in width and height. The raw material for this material is prepared from a combination of chemicals such as:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • modifiers;
  • butadiene;
  • dyes;
  • lubricants.
balcony siding
balcony siding

Features of the composition

The first component acts as the basis and is used in the composition in a volume that is equal to 80%. The stability of the color and the stability of the material itself is provided by titanium dioxide, it is added in a volume of 10%. Calcium carbonate is used to fill the structure, its volume of the total mass is 15%. Manufacturers manage to achieve resistance to mechanical factors thanks to modifiers. As for butadiene, it is added in the amount of 1%.

Which siding is better to choose

If you will be finishing the balcony with siding, then it is better to prefer the most popular variety of this material, which is represented by imitation of natural wood. However, on sale you can find panels that differ in a wide range of colors and textures, this allows you to design surfaces in any style direction.

Among other things, the siding is absolutely not afraid of mechanical damage. With any impact, the surface of the cladding remains flat. The material is characterized by a high specific resistance to heat transfer, so PVC panels perfectly maintain the indoor microclimate.

balcony siding outside
balcony siding outside

Why choose siding

Finishing a balcony with siding is quite common today for several reasons. First, this material has high strength. In-Second, it is UV resistant. Thirdly, the siding looks quite attractive.

Consumers also choose it for the reason that it does not swell or flake off over time. It is easy to care for him, he is maintainable and elastic. The latter feature allows the material to undergo sudden and high temperature changes. The siding is very well protected from bad weather conditions, in addition, it does not need to be impregnated with protective agents.

finishing balconies of loggias with siding
finishing balconies of loggias with siding

Preparation of tools

Finishing the balcony with siding with your own hands is also carried out with thermal insulation. The material is quite simple and quickly you can install yourself. To carry out the work, materials and tools should be prepared:

  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • magnetic drill attachment;
  • wire staples;
  • inner and outer corners;
  • bars;
  • fasteners.

Among other things, you will need a drill, a hacksaw and a mounting knife. You should take care of the presence of a fishing line, the length of which is 10 m. It is also important to have a metal brush. You will need starter slats, window slats and anchor bolts.

fiber cement siding on balcony
fiber cement siding on balcony

Sheathing with siding from the inside

Self-tapping screws and dowels act as additional fasteners. If you will be finishing the balcony with siding, then you must prepare the material, the amount of which will bedepend on the area covered. In addition to this volume, an additional 15% of the material should be purchased, which will be spent on trimming. Work can begin only after the glazing of the balcony. The surface must be prepared before installation. The walls are cleaned and covered with a primer. This will prevent their possible destruction.

balcony decoration with siding outside photo
balcony decoration with siding outside photo

Work instructions

Use the level to install the frame using the bars. If the base is not even enough, then you can correct the situation with the help of additional slats. Between the bars you need to provide a distance of 70 cm. Liquid nails or dowels act as fasteners.

You can attach the planks to the ceiling and wall. When finishing the balcony with siding, it is important to constantly monitor the level of construction in the process of work. Once the frame is ready, it can be treated with an antiseptic composition. At the next stage, it is recommended to lay communications. Siding panels are installed after this. It is necessary to start work from the corner. In the process, you will definitely need a drill and self-tapping screws, they will be needed to fasten the panels. At the final stage, auxiliary parts should be mounted on window openings, corners and sides.

Sheathing the balcony with fiber cement siding from the inside

If you will be finishing the balcony with siding inside, it is recommended to consider the photo before starting work. For manipulation, you can use fiber cement siding, which is installed on a wooden crate. Items canbe placed horizontally, for this, bars are used, the size of which starts from 50 x 30 mm. The final size will depend on the presence of an intermediate layer of insulation.

Fastening should be done with screws and dowels that are installed at a distance of 800 mm or less. Insulating mats can be used as thermal insulation. Vertical bars are installed on the horizontal crate, which should be located at a point intersecting two connecting elements. The most suitable width of the bars for this is considered to be a parameter equal to 40 mm.

balcony decoration with siding photo
balcony decoration with siding photo

Finishing a balcony with fiber cement siding from the inside may involve the use of a perforated profile. It will keep the surface from the penetration of insects and rodents. Fixation can be carried out using the starting bar, which should be located along the entire length of the balcony. The perforation area can be 50 cm. The starting bar is a profile whose dimensions are 10 x 30 mm. With this part, you can set the angle of the first board. The minimum siding overlap is 3 cm.

Elements must be fastened with self-tapping screws, ribbed nails, installed with a screwdriver. Installation starts from the bottom, while moving up. The starting plank will be 3 cm wide, while its thickness is 11 cm.

Features of installing siding outside the balcony

When finishing balconies, loggias with siding outside, the first one should be strengthened on the lower beltstripe flush with the top edge. To do this, use a device supplemented with fishing line. For the hooks, you need to fix the bar, which hangs outward, where it is strengthened with self-tapping screws. This will fix all the slats. After attaching the parts to the belt, you should take care of the aesthetic design of the lower part. The protruding places are painted, for this you should use the composition, the color of which matches the panels.

The outer corner is strengthened at the next stage, it must be inserted into the structure on the lower belt. For high-quality fastening, a certain amount of glue must be applied to the base of the structure. The upper part of this corner is reinforced on the upper belt. Now you are ready to install the panels. Work begins with the side parts. This will allow you to adapt to the control of a drill or screwdriver.

The screws should be fixed in the center of the panel hole. This will ensure a secure trim position after seasonal expansions. When finishing the balcony with siding from the outside, it is recommended to consider the photo. From them you can understand that at the final stage the final strips and trims are installed, which should be on the upper belt. These elements are put on the final panel. You can make sure that they are fixed correctly by hearing a characteristic sound. As soon as the bar is in place, you need to fix it to the upper belt. On this we can assume that the skin is over.

Sheathing the balcony with siding from the outside

If you want to give a balconycompleted look, then you should also install siding outside. It will act as a facing material and protect the structure from the influence of atmospheric precipitation, providing an additional thermal insulation effect. Finishing the balcony with siding from the outside should be carried out before glazing.

The fence is being prepared initially. It can be represented by iron rods, which are covered with metal or slate sheathing. This coating is removed, and rust can be removed from the surface with a wire brush. At the next stage, a primer is applied, the surface is covered with paint.

step-by-step instructions for finishing a balcony with siding
step-by-step instructions for finishing a balcony with siding

The balcony will need to be cleaned of dirt. If it has railings and ebbs, they must be removed. You can also make sure that the fence is installed evenly. If there are distortions, then the frame will need to be installed separately. It is important to remember that the balcony is an emergency if you notice irregularities. In this case, it should be strengthened. Usually, channels are used for this, fixed on the slab.

Recommendations for work

Finishing a balcony with siding from the outside involves the installation of a crate-frame over the fence. Further along the perimeter in the lower and upper parts, you need to install a belt, on which bars of square section with a side of 50 mm are fixed. To form a belt, wide bars with a height of 8 cm should be used. They are strengthened to the wall with metal corners, dowels or liquid nails.

The bars are connected to each other with metalcorners, you need to do this in the area of \u200b\u200bthe corners. The belt in the lower part is laid along the concrete base. If the balcony has a lower level, then the batten is fixed to this level, and the installation of the lower belt will need to be abandoned.

Using a level, you should check how horizontal the structure is. If the belt does not fit snugly enough to the fence or wall, then the space is filled with mounting foam or silicone. Further finishing provides for the fixation of additional parts. In the outer corners, you should make the basis for the corner strip. To do this, you need a window sill, the length of which is 25 cm. An incision must be made in the center of this fragment, after which the material is bent 90 °.

If you have to work with a plastic part, it may break when doing so. In order to eliminate such a nuisance, the material is preheated with a soldering iron, this will keep the bar in the desired position. If there is no such tool in your arsenal, then the corner can be made using separate fragments.


If you will be finishing the balcony with siding, it is recommended to consider the photo. You can find some of them in the article. It is important not only to install the material correctly, but also to prepare the balcony. To do this, the old facing panels are removed, if any, as well as the railing.

Panel holders must be removed using the corner of the cipher machine. All joints must be inspected, if there are cracked ones, then they are filled with mortar. When is it heldexterior decoration of the balcony with siding, you need to knock down the cement located along the bottom edge of the grate. Use a wire brush to remove rust from the grate.
