Modern aluminum office partitions are mobile structures made of light-alloy materials. Their basis is a frame that performs a supporting function. Also, an aluminum profile divides the partition into blocks, which, in turn, can be made of different materials. For these purposes, double and single glass, PVC panels, chipboard, MDF and much more are used. Less commonly used are painted sheets of this metal about half a centimeter thick, between which a polymer sheet is pressed using a special technology. The total thickness of this panel can vary between 3-6 millimeters. Such an aluminum partition is installed in offices located in basements, where high humidity is constantly observed.
Types of partitions
Office partitions may differ in appearance, type of installation and purpose. There are several criteria that influence the choice of a particular design.
- Appearance. The partition aluminum can be both transparent, and deaf. Each of these types has specific advantages. For example, a transparent one transmits light well, while a deaf one allows you to create a completely enclosed space with good sound insulation.
- The type of installation is mobile and stationary. The first allows you to easily move the partition to any place, the second - is carried out using a rigid attachment to the main surfaces. The fixed installation method completely replaces standard interior walls.
- Destination. This criterion is individual. Basically, everything here depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the office and the general stylistic design.

Editing Highlights
Office partitions made of aluminum profiles, as mentioned above, can be installed in two ways. If there is a need to constantly move them, it is recommended to use mobile views. Their installation is made without any fasteners. The design of such a partition allows you to install them without additional fixation. This, in turn, provides many benefits. First of all, the mobile partition is easy to move by yourself. This allows you to change the location of offices and workplaces. And if you need a radical reshuffling without much effort and additional costs, you can transform the overall configuration of the office.

Stationary aluminum partitions, the price of which is practically the same asmobile, fastened to the floor and walls. It is not necessary to fix the structure on the ceiling, since with proper installation, the rigidity will be of sufficient quality without it.
Why are aluminum partitions popular?
Currently, this type of partitions has reached a high level of popularity. And it is well deserved. Let's find out why.
- A wide range of colors allows you to create a multifaceted office interior.
- Large range of components and materials.
- Economy. Mobile partitions made of aluminum profile - the price is from 3 thousand rubles, stationary - from 7 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. meter.
- Easy installation of the structure, which even an unskilled person can handle.
- Aluminum partitions are light in weight, so when installing, you do not need to additionally calculate the optimal load indicator.
- Perfect opportunity to create new work areas without major repairs and additional costs.
- If necessary, you can easily provide access to cable, wiring and other communications.

Advantages of aluminum partitions
The aluminum partition has many advantages. We list the main ones:
- reliability and durability;
- high level of sound insulation;
- no restrictions in room design;
- easy installation of any kind of partition;
- metal has a high level of thermal conductivity;
- light weightdesigns;
- quick redevelopment at no cost;
- wide choice of materials for filling blocks;
- can be easily painted with paint if necessary;
- mounting points with main surfaces are quite tight;
- not afraid of mechanical loads and does not deform from impacts;
- various designs;
- possibility of custom-made aluminum partitions.

What affects the cost of a partition?
For those who are going to buy aluminum partitions, it will be useful to know what exactly affects their pricing policy. Consider the main points.
- Trademark. As you know, popular manufacturers, who have been presenting their products on the market for a long time, somewhat overestimate the cost of the so-called brand. However, this does not mean that other brands (which are much cheaper) have poor technical characteristics.
- The quality of the materials used. The cost regulator is also the type of block filling. For example, a glass aluminum partition will have a price much higher than one made of chipboard, and of the same dimensions.
- Fill option. Single is cheaper than double.
- Using effects. To raise the prestige of the company, aluminum partitions with tinted or frosted glass are often installed in offices. Also for this purpose, built-in blinds are used. Naturally, such an addition will increaseconstruction cost.

Key Points Needing Attention
The aluminum partition is purchased for a specific purpose and has a clear purpose. It is these points that must be considered when choosing. In order for this acquisition to be as useful as possible, it is necessary to determine its functionality in advance. For example:
- sound and heat insulation;
- light transmission;
- required height level;
- isolation of jobs and more.