Don't know where to find chores - start plastering the walls of the house. This lesson requires accuracy in the approach to calculations and the correct measurement of the surface for finishing. Therefore, before proceeding with the alignment and decoration of the walls, figure out how to calculate the square of the walls for plaster. Knowing the vertical surface area for finishing will help to avoid unnecessary waste on consumables.
Literacy of calculations is the secret of quality repairs
Having made the correct calculation of the walls for plastering, consider that half the battle is done. The main question that is asked during construction: how to calculate the square of the walls in the room, taking into account the window and door openings?
If the construction team is plastering the walls, then the masters will carry out the calculations themselves. Even without doing this, but when planning a construction site, it is better to get knowledge on how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. As a result, you will know the exact quadrature for self-finishing and be able to check the correctness of the data of the working masters.

What is useful during the calculation
The quadrature is calculated using such a tool,like:
- construction tape (from 5 m);
- pen or pencil;
- calculator;
- building level;
- step-ladder or stool;
- notebook or sheet of paper for notes and formulas.
Get the tools you need to measure the walls and get ready to start.
Where to start the calculation
Before you calculate the square of the walls, move the furniture to move freely. This is an important aspect, since the baseline resulting from the calculation of measurements will reflect the volume of the room, the square of the floor and ceiling.
How to measure surface areas
To measure the surface, draw a straight line 4-5 cm above the level of the baseboard, using a level or other straight rail to check.
Then, using a tape measure to the line, measure the length of the walls and write down the figure on paper.
In the next step, get ready to calculate the height of the walls from ceiling to floor, following the same pattern. Having received the necessary values, it remains to figure out how to calculate the quadrature of the walls using the formula.
Calculation rules
To obtain the area of the walls in a rectangular room, the width is multiplied by the length. Consider an example.
Wall length 6 m, width 4. S=64=24 m2. Calculate the area of other surfaces in the same way and add them up. The length of two walls in a rectangular room is 8 m, the other two are 6 m each. As a result of folding: 82 \u003d 16, 62 \u003d 12, 16 + 12 \u003d 28 m - the sum of the lengths of the surfaces of the walls of the room. S=284=112m2. This is the area of all the walls in the room

Calculation of the area of window and door openings
When figuring out how to calculate the squaring of walls correctly, it is worth considering that window and door openings are also measured to calculate the surface being processed. Measurements are taken only from the slopes of the openings. This stage is important when calculating the area of the surface to be trimmed. So, the area of a rectangular window with a width of 1 and a height of 1.2 m is 1.2 m2 (1.001.20=1.2). If there is more than one window in the room, then their dimensions are measured separately. And the areas are summed up to get the final result.

Doorways are measured in the same way. Here it is important to take the parameters not along the canvas, but along the slopes. As a result of measurements, it becomes clear that the area of the window slopes is 1.20 m2, and the area of the doorway, for example, is 4.80 m2. Further, the dimensions are added to one number: 1, 20 + 4, 80=6 m2, and subtracted from the area of the room: 112 - 6=106 m2.
Now you know how to calculate the square of the walls and what formulas to use to get the exact final value. Such knowledge is useful and practical. After all, the owner of an apartment or house will not have to spend extra money on finishing materials, which will eventually remain in excess. By knowing how much coverage you need, you can drastically reduce waste and save money on your renovation budget by spending money on interior design.rooms.