Starting repair work, first stipulate the amount of necessary building materials: glue, wallpaper, paints and varnishes. In order to make such calculations and not to purchase too many or not enough consumables, first determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Such a concept will be required not only for repairs, but also for the sale of real estate. Let's try to understand how to calculate the quadrature of a room, get and put into practice the collected data.
Calculation features
If the question arises of how to correctly calculate the quadrature of a room, start from what types of work will be done.
To find out the necessary data, you will have to apply the formula. The calculation is carried out taking into account the shape of the room and the presence of additional structures in it: loggias, niches, arches, lintels, dressing rooms.

The square of a room is not only the floor area. Therefore, when raising the question of how to calculate the square of a room, you need to build on the upcoming work.
So, when plastering, S walls are calculated andceiling, and for tiling the kitchen with tiles, it will be necessary to calculate the floor area and wall surface to a height of 1.0-1.5 m. During the operation, difficulties may arise if the design of the room is complex: there are beams, niches or alcoves, especially if they are located near window openings.
It would be a mistake to think that Sfloor and Sceiling are equal. In the attic, for example, the roof slopes hang from above the head, forming the so-called hipped ceiling. It is immediately noticeable that the quadrature of the floor covering will be larger. Therefore, when starting repairs in the under-roof room, the area of \u200b\u200beach surface is calculated separately.
Calculating the square of a rectangular room
In a standard room, the floor is always equal to the ceiling and is calculated using the formula for the rectangle S=AxB.
Gypsum boarding, wallpapering, plastering, wall and/or ceiling painting, tiling, and other repairs that involve leveling and finishing wall covering require an area calculation.
All calculations are based on the perimeter and height of the room. After measuring them with a tape measure, substitute in the formula:
S=РхН, where Н is the height of the room, Р is the perimeter. Formula P=2(A+B), where A and B are the lengths of adjacent walls.
Do not forget about window and door openings that are not subject to decoration. Their area must be subtracted from the total number.
Consequently, before calculating the square of the room for wallpaper, all window openings are measured, after whichcalculate the area of each, sum up and subtract from Sroom, resulting in a square for finishing.

Important! Remember that for door and arched structures, the formula for a circle segment or for a semicircle is additionally used.
How to get the measurement result
How to calculate the square of a room? Measure the walls first. To do this, use a regular tape measure. To place a square shape, the formula is suitable:
S rooms=AxB (A is length; B is width).

width is multiplied by height, after which a number is obtained that reflects the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in m2.
Practicing the formula
Problems shouldn't arise if you know how to calculate the square of a room. Try to analyze the features of calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe room for wallpapering in more detail, according to the example.
Often, after the completion of repairs, excess material remains. Or, at the end of pasting, it turned out that there was not enough wallpaper for the canvas. When planning the finish, do not forget about the accurate and correct calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. So you save yourself from uncomfortable situations in the process of wallpapering.
How to determine how much wallpaper is needed?
It all depends on the perimeter of the room and the width of the roll. Having this data in a notebook, it will not be difficult to calculate the cubic capacity. When working with such material, consider its pattern.

The easiest way is to paste over the wall with segments with a simple image: the canvases do not have to be customized. If you purchased rolls with complex geometric patterns, get ready for more material consumption, because the pieces will have to be cut so that the elements of different cuts fit together to form a single whole.
Important! Regardless of the texture and style of the canvas, always add 2-3 centimeters for the allowance under the skirting.
Wallpaper counting: how to figure it out?
Let's look at an example. With a perimeter of 12 m and a standard roll width of 53 cm, 23 strips of wallpaper will be needed for pasting the walls.
Important! When gluing with an overlap, do not forget to allow for allowances.
If the ceiling height in the room is 2.7 m, add an allowance of at least 5 cm. This turns out the length of 1 canvas - 2.75 m. With a standard length of material in a roll - 10.05 m, 3 come out of one package whole stripes. To calculate the number of rolls, divide 23 by 3 and get the number of packages required for finishing - 7, 54, that is, you will have to purchase 8 rolls of wallpaper.
Bathroom tiling: how many tiles do you need
We will analyze the calculation of the required amount of material using an example. Masters use a proven method for calculating the volume of consumables for finishing a bathroom.
To do this, measure the walls and carry out the calculation according to the formula to calculate the square of the bathroom. Here, as in calculating the required number of wallpapers, door and window openings are subtracted from the total area.
Let's look at an example. Yes, having receivednumber of 21 square meters, find the required number of tiles. First, the area of 1 ceramic product is calculated, with a size of 0.3 x 0.2, we get 0.06 m2.
Sbathroom/Sproducts=n, where n is the number of tiles.
21/0, 06=350pcs The stock when laying products is 10% of the required number. For example, 35 pieces. As a result, it turns out that 385 whole tile squares will be needed to cover the bathroom.
Important! The amount of flooring is determined in the same way.

Now you know how to calculate the square footage of a bathroom for tiling, wallpapering or flooring.
Using a simple formula, you can independently determine how much finishing material, adhesive mixture, screed will be required to carry out repairs in any of the rooms of the house. It is convenient and simple, because there is no need to hire specialists to carry out such a simple job.