The lathe is one of the first metalworking machines, which was created mainly for the processing of bodies of revolution with the removal of chips from the workpiece. There is a huge variety of lathes for processing products from any material. They can produce parts of the most complex shape when machining the outer surface, drilling and boring holes, knurling, threading, and so on.

A lathe can be assembled by any craftsman with his own hands. It is easy to manufacture and reliable in operation. On it, you can both grind and make parts, and use it to sharpen cutting tools. In order to make a lathe with your own hands, you can take any low-power engine available, or purchase a previously used engine at an inexpensive price. On the protruding end of the motor shaft, abrasive orgrinding wheels. With their help, a do-it-yourself lathe can freely perform both tool sharpening and grinding or polishing surfaces. If instead of these circles you install a special adapter into which a drill chuck is inserted, then you can use the machine for drilling holes and even milling grooves in parts made of wood. At home, a do-it-yourself lathe will prove to be an indispensable assistant in car repairs, the manufacture of small wooden parts and other household chores that need to be done independently by the owner of the house or summer cottage.

Currently, manufacturers produce a huge variety of lathes for processing metal products, wood, plastic and other materials. But often such machines for homework are too complex, bulky and expensive. An alternative is to make a homemade wood lathe.
It's main unit is a 250-500W electric motor. The rest of the details are selected from the available materials at hand.
First of all, a frame is made from a set of rolled metal - corners, channels, beams and sheet material, on which an electric motor, a tailstock and a handpiece are mounted. In this case, the electric motor replaces the headstock. A faceplate or metal center with threaded threads is attached to it. It is necessary that the axis of the motor shaft and the axis of the tailstock are at the same level. To make such a machine yourself will not be difficult for any craftsman who has the desire and a little experience in working on such a machine.

In home use, it is very convenient to have a homemade woodworking machine. It uses the principle of operation is the same as on metal-cutting equipment. The part is fixed in a fixed headstock, and the tool is fed along the guides by the tailstock.
At home, on a self-made wood machine, you can carve wooden wheels, handles for plumbing tools, holders for household equipment, small parts for furniture and much more.