After the release of the movie "Iron Man", the whole world exploded with the idea of recreating an exact copy of his costume. Every fan of this hero also dreamed of wearing it at least once and saving the world from the enemies of humanity. Many people had a question: how to make an Iron Man mask without spending a lot of money?
Fans of the film are not only boys, but also adult men who are also not averse to flaunting in such an outfit at a New Year's corporate party. There are known facts when quite rich people spent not only time, but also money to recreate the image of Iron Man, and some even succeeded quite well.
First winners
The first world-famous suit was assembled from plastic and fiberglass. In America, it was made from polyurethane board and sculptural clay. It is clear that the outfit was unfinished without a large variety of rivets, LEDs, servos andother required parts. Many craftsmen are still puzzling over the author's inventions of this costume. In this article, you will learn how to make a mask out of Iron Man's paper and other materials as well.
Any New Year's costume has a mask, it is she who complements the image and hides the face. Working in the papier-mâché technique requires a lot of time, but the result is worth it. A mask for a child under 10 years old can be made in the form of a three-liter jar. We take newspapers and begin to glue the jar with pieces dipped in PVA glue. A small distance should remain free so that later it will be easy to remove the mask form from the jar without cutting it. When everything is dry, remove the product and try it on to understand if the size fits or you need to change something, at this stage everything is still possible. The next day, after the final drying, we outline the area of the eyes and cut them out.

Now you need to draw the main lines. To do this, we look at the sample and simply copy them. The next stage is the creation of a relief, this is done using the same paper and glue. Let it dry completely and see what happens. If the result suits you, you can start coloring. Paints should be thick, it is better to use gouache. After the primary colors have completely dried, draw lines with a very thin brush. The effect of metal can be obtained using golden paint. Now that you know how to make an Iron Man paper mask the easy way, you can start learning more.difficult option.

Take paper
Every year before the New Year holidays, all parents have a question about a children's costume. If earlier it was possible to simply buy a mask of any animal and attach a tail, now children want to look like superheroes only. Therefore, parents begin to search for the most interesting costume. Among moms and dads there are those who want to make it with their own hands. The following information is specifically for them.
The first thing to do is be patient and prepare everything you need. Drawings today are not a problem to find. We give a diagram of how to make an Iron Man mask out of cardboard. It remains only to try to follow it.

Required materials and tools
To make the Iron Man mask you will need:
- 160 g/m paper2 or cardboard;
- cutting mat;
- large stationery knife;
- old awl;
- ruler;
- tweezers;
- PVA building glue, epoxy;
- fiberglass;
- acrylic paint;
- scissors;
- glue gun.
How to make an Iron Man paper mask
Having decided on the model, you need to cut out the parts of the product and start gluing them. When the mask is ready, we will give it rigidity. To do this, cover the product with a two-component epoxy adhesive. To make the mask moreplausible, you need to glue the seams on the end parts with adhesive tape. These are the parts that will come apart in the finished product. Remember that working with epoxy requires care and following the instructions. When everything is completely dry, you can start working with fiberglass. It is glued in small stripes on the inside of the mask in several layers. The next step is to give the product a perfect smooth shape. This is achieved with a primer and sandpaper. When the Iron Man mask is made with your own hands, you can apply paint, and after it dries, varnish.
Another option
Now a lot of people are addicted to handmade. Many people make incredibly beautiful and exclusive things with their own hands. Why not please your child and make him a costume of his favorite hero?! Another option for how to make an Iron Man mask out of paper will be described below. The instruction is very simple and available to anyone.

The first stage of manufacturing is a printout of mask pattern patterns. Cut out the details carefully. The process is quite laborious, although at first glance it may seem simple. Now we connect the parts that will subsequently be immovable. The remaining parts must be connected using openings. Now we make the mask more dense, epoxy glue will help us with this. It can be applied both on the outside and on the inside. Let the product dry completely, then cover with a primer to hide inaccuracies and various flaws. Now let's start coloring- color depends on the chosen model. The main thing is to apply the paint carefully to avoid smudges on other parts of the mask. It is best to use masking tape for this. With the help of a can, we apply one coat of paint, let it dry and repeat the procedure. If you are using acrylic paint, it is best to paint outdoors. If, after everything is dry, you find some imperfections, they can be covered up with a simple color-matched nail polish. The product is ready - enjoy your work.
Now you know how to make an Iron Man paper mask. Go ahead and be sure that everything will work out. A child or you yourself will have a bright, memorable fancy dress.