Is it possible to make a self-leveling floor on a wooden floor?

Is it possible to make a self-leveling floor on a wooden floor?
Is it possible to make a self-leveling floor on a wooden floor?

Quite often during repairs, systems of self-leveling floors are used recently, which are distinguished by durability, wear resistance and strength. Among their positive qualities are safety and environmental friendliness. Since the creation of such coatings, there have been major technical changes. For example, polyurethane coatings are available in a wide range of colors, which is especially true for 3D self-leveling floors. With their help, you can create real masterpieces of design.

Can I use wood as a base?

screed on wood floor
screed on wood floor

Quite often, masters ask the question of whether it is possible to equip a self-leveling floor on a wooden floor. The answer is yes, but before laying such a coating, it is necessary to analyze the rough base, and also determine whether it requires preparation. It is necessary to carry out installation work on wood only if it is well preserved, and it is recommended to use a thin mixture for arranging a finished surface, which will not be able to increase the height significantly.

Preparatory work

self-leveling floor in a wooden house
self-leveling floor in a wooden house

The self-leveling floor in a wooden house can be equipped not only with the above-described type of rough foundation, but also with concrete. Before pouring, any surface has to be prepared, the first step is to remove the baseboards and remove the fasteners from the walls. Then the master carries out the scraping of the surface, for this you should use the appropriate equipment. If the room has a small area, then it will be possible to cope with the help of a manual cycle. The next step is to hide the cracks using a cipher machine. Such errors during operation in any case appear on the wooden surface. The resulting irregularities and cracks are treated with putty, which, after application, is left to dry completely. The surface should then be sanded with coarse sandpaper to improve adhesion.

Getting ready

screed on wood floor
screed on wood floor

The self-leveling floor on a wooden floor will last a long time if the base is cleaned of dust after sanding. It is best to use an industrial vacuum cleaner for this. Before priming, the base is degreased. The primer is necessary to increase the adhesion strength of the material to the wood. The composition is applied in two layers; before work, sifted quartz sand can be added to it. This will ensure the most reliable adhesion between the polymer coating and the base.

Preparation of tools

is it possible to pour self-leveling floors on a wooden floor
is it possible to pour self-leveling floors on a wooden floor

If you wondered whether it is possible to apply self-leveling floors on a wooden floor, then the answer will be unequivocal. Such work is carried out today quite often. It is important to properly prepare the surface and take care of the availability of the appropriate tool. To dismantle the skirting boards, you will need wooden wedges, a nail puller and a chisel, but for wood processing, you need to prepare a sanding machine and a grinding device. You can finally prepare the surface with coarse-grained sandpaper; an industrial vacuum cleaner will allow you to clean the base. To apply the primer to the surface, you will need a brush or roller. Quite often, these tools are used in tandem, since not all hard-to-reach places can be processed with a roller. To distribute the polymer coating most effectively will allow a roller with a short pile and a flat brush. The master will need a spatula and doctor blade. It will be possible to knead the solution for arranging the self-leveling floor with a construction mixer or a drill. The self-leveling floor on a wooden base is best poured in special clothing, wearing goggles, a respirator and gloves. To move on the surface, you will need special soles with spikes. This will allow the master to move over the freshly laid layer.

Work technology

self-leveling floor on a wooden base
self-leveling floor on a wooden base

Laying a polymer floor on a wooden floor is no different from the procedure, which involves the use of concrete as a base. differentonly the preparatory stage, which was discussed in more detail above. Before pouring the self-leveling floor, prepare the solution using the instructions. The dry mixture must be mixed with water until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting solution is laid out on the base, while moving from the far corner of the room.

The self-leveling floor is poured onto the wooden floor, then leveled with a spatula until the required layer thickness is reached. If we are talking about a wooden coating, then the thickness should be five millimeters or more. The most optimal and convenient tool for leveling and fighting bubbles is a spiked roller. The intervals between pouring batches should not be more than 10 minutes, otherwise the joints will be clearly visible. But even at the same time, the connection of the mortar strips must be carefully rolled with a roller. As soon as the filling is completed, the hardening surface should be covered with a film, this must be done 15 minutes after completion of the work. This will prevent dust from settling. After applying the base layer and its curing, you can start applying the top coat, which can be a varnish or polymer.

Cost of work from specialists

is it possible to pour a self-leveling wooden floor
is it possible to pour a self-leveling wooden floor

Seamed flooring on wood flooring will hold strong enough if you follow the instructions provided. This process can be called quite simple, and you can carry it out yourself. But if financialopportunities, it is recommended to hire a team of specialists who guarantee high quality workmanship, carry out installation according to technology, and also give a guarantee for the work done. As a rule, specialists use expensive construction tools. All this adds up to the cost of preparatory, priming work and manipulations for pouring the mixture. For one square meter of preparation of a wooden base, you will have to pay 400 rubles, while applying a primer costs 200 rubles. per one square meter. Specialists fill the surface with quick-drying bulk compositions for 400 rubles. per square meter.

Recommendations from experts

self-leveling floor wooden surface
self-leveling floor wooden surface

If you want to make repairs in a residential area, it is recommended to choose mixtures based on polymer resins. If there are places of high humidity, then epoxy filler should be used in them, while polyurethane flooring is suitable for the rest of the house. If you are thinking about the question of whether it is possible to pour a self-leveling floor, a wooden floor can be an excellent base. If there is a plank coating, it should be repaired, the peeled floorboards should be replaced. The fasteners are tightened, the gaps are filled with sealant or wood glue. The latter is mixed with an equal volume of sawdust. Waterproofing should be laid on a wooden base. Do not neglect the need to apply a primer, two coats of which will facilitate basic work and increase the strength of the coating.

Secrets of using finishing mixes

Self-leveling flooron a wooden floor it will look very good if the rough base does not have rough relief flaws. It is desirable to exclude them, since the thickness of the laid layer does not exceed 5 millimeters. Even if bumps and depressions can be smoothed out by a leveling compound, there is a strong argument in favor of eliminating defects. Self-leveling floors will harden unevenly, while the strength indicator will vary.

It is also important to choose the right dry composition, the ingredients based on which will determine the purpose of the future floor. For example, if the mixture contains cement as a binder, then this composition is suitable for pouring floors in bathrooms, kitchens, showers and bathrooms. If we are talking about mixtures with gypsum in the composition, then such a floor is best used for rooms with dry and low humidity levels, where the self-leveling floor will demonstrate all its positive qualities. A wooden surface can also be used for a base in which a heating system will be present. In this case, you should choose a leveling mass that has increased elasticity. It will expand and contract during operation without cracking.


Sometimes the self-leveling floor is separated from the wooden surface with oiled paper, which is covered with an overlap. In this case, the layer should be poured with a thickness of one or two centimeters. The boundary between the screed and the self-leveling floor should be formed by surface treatment with waterproofing impregnation.
