When another holiday looms on the calendar, you want to give your friends or loved ones something unusual and original. As you know, the best gift is a handmade one. A gift that is suitable for any holiday is flowers. They can be both living and made from various materials, most importantly, they must be beautifully designed and assembled into a single composition. Not everyone knows how to arrange a bouquet with their own hands, and not everyone can succeed the first time. Therefore, in this article, you can choose the most suitable simple bouquet design for yourself.
Wedding bouquet: how to make it quickly and beautifully
Let's look at a small example of how to arrange a bouquet with your own hands if it is intended for the bride. First of all, it is worth deciding whether it will be on a port-handle or simply the flowers will be fixed with a ribbon. Flowers should be chosen in advance, their buds should not be too open or, conversely, still closed.

Most often, for a wedding bouquet, roses are used to match the dress, diluted with other flowers and greenery. They are usually decorated with gypsophila orribbons.
If a port handle is used, but you want to create the effect of living foliage, then the stems of roses with leaves should be cut a little longer than the handle itself. A double-sided adhesive tape is glued to the handle, on the reverse side of which already cut rose stems are attached. They should be on the same level. With the help of a wire for bouquets, we fix the stems from below and from above. We also glue the upper part of the port-handle with double-sided tape and fasten the leaves from the rose in a checkerboard pattern in 2-3 rows. We wrap the resulting design with tape. Place an oasis at the top of the base.
Rose buds should be cut at a distance of 6-7 cm. They will form the top of the bouquet. The first bud is inserted into the center of the oasis, the next - in a circle until the top of the bouquet is ready. After that, gypsophila and greens can be fixed around the edges. A few green leaves among roses will give a bouquet of freshness.
Bouquet of roses: not trite and interesting
Now let's look at how to make a bouquet with your own hands from ordinary roses. Sometimes it is not enough to choose beautiful and fresh flowers, they still need to be skillfully presented and arranged. To make roses look chic and elegant, they can be decorated with organza to match the buds.

For this, fresh flowers are selected, the buds of which are already slightly open. For such a bouquet, at least 15 roses should be used, otherwise it simply will not have the desired effect. Extra leaves and thorns are trimmed from the stems. Flowers are stacked tightly to each other so that all the buds are on the same level. ATtwo places they should be fixed with wire. After that, the stems are cut with a pruner.
Take approximately 1, 2-1, 5 meters of organza, which is wrapped around the base of the bouquet in the direction from bottom to top. Try to keep the fabric tight, while maintaining the resulting folds. You need to wrap the stems only to the line of leaves. The material is secured with a pin. A bow is made from a separate piece of organza, which is fixed on the bouquet.
Bouquet of peonies
Peonies themselves are very interesting and beautiful, they are often used for wedding and holiday bouquets. They have a lot of shades, this allows you to create an unusual and unique composition. It is very easy to make a bouquet of these flowers with your own hands, you do not even need to have any special skills.
It is enough to choose buds that have not yet fully blossomed. In this case, you can use plain flowers or combine several shades. So, the simplest design of a bouquet of peonies.

Take 5-7 flowers you like best. Form a bouquet by applying the buds tightly to each other. Excess leaves should be cut off in advance, the stems should be cut to the depth of the vase. Between the flowers, you can insert additional sprigs of greenery, almost everything is combined with peonies.
When the bouquet is formed, the stems should be fixed with wire or a piece of tape, wrapping it several times and combing the tips. It is better not to decorate peonies with paper or cellophane packages.
CreativeChristmas bouquet
The table on New Year's Eve can be decorated with a magnificent bouquet of red roses. Moreover, red is the symbol of the New Year in all countries. You can even make a bouquet with your own hands from flowers, coniferous twigs, carnations and cones even with a child. Here you can let your imagination run wild.

The most suitable roses for such a bouquet would be Freedom. First of all, decide what your flowers will stand in in order to cut them to the desired size.
To form a bouquet follows from the center, taking one rose, in a circle we add coniferous twigs, carnations in random order. The next circle repeat the same, alternating flowers as you like.
Cones, small Christmas balls, golden ribbon will serve as an additional decoration for the entire bouquet. They can be wired at the base or stapled to rose leaves.
Bouquet for Knowledge Day September 1
Every year, many parents are thinking about whether to buy a ready-made bouquet or assemble it themselves. And from what? I want the child’s flowers to look no worse than others for such a holiday. You can make an original bouquet with your own hands. A master class on its creation can be spied on in any queue near the flower shop. Sellers do it very quickly and deftly.

Flowers for Knowledge Day should be bright, colorful and always memorable. Do not make the bouquet too large, remember that a heavy and voluminous bouquet will be difficult for a childkeep.
You can decorate such flowers with ordinary ribbons or make small school attributes on a long wire that will be inserted among the flowers. It will look original and beautiful. Use lilies, needle chrysanthemums, small daisies, gladioli and other flowers for a bouquet. The main thing is that they look harmoniously with each other.
Bouquet of wild flowers - forgotten romance
In the summer, you can give your loved ones the simplest bunch of wild flowers. Even if there is no reason, you will be able to cheer up with summer colors. It is not difficult to make a bouquet of flowers collected in the vastness of your country with your own hands.

You can just walk outside the city, near summer cottages, and collect items you especially like. Some time after the start of such a walk, you will have a very beautiful and bright bouquet. You just have to tie it with a ribbon and present it to your loved one.
A bouquet of sweets is original
Unusual bouquets can surprise. Try to give your sweetheart a similar bouquet. DIY flowers for him can be made from sweets and paper.
This gift will appeal to those with a sweet tooth, however, in order to eat sweets, you will have to disassemble the buds. Many do not want to destroy such an unusual beauty, so the bouquets stand as a decoration and a reminder of the holiday.
Design rules
Know how to arrange a bouquet with your own hands, that's not all, it's also necessarymaster the basic rules for its design. In order for the small masterpiece you created to look organic, it is very important to consider its shape and content.

Don't make the compositions too smooth and too neat, every bump, protruding leaf or branch of gypsophila will serve as a little zest. The bouquet should look stable and harmonious. All its components must certainly be combined with each other, creating a single picture.
If you are thinking about how to arrange a bouquet with your own hands, you should also think about additional accessories that will serve as a small decoration of the composition.
Before creating a bouquet, it is very important to choose the right not only the color scheme, but also the shape of the composition. After all, the result can be a stunning bouquet or a shapeless bunch of mismatched flowers.