Rabbite - a flower in your garden

Rabbite - a flower in your garden
Rabbite - a flower in your garden

Hazel grouse is a perennial plant from the lily family. During the flowering period, it is a truly magnificent sight that will decorate any garden. It can grow up to 1 m in height. The hazel grouse (flower) can be of several types: imperial, chess, radde, Russian. The largest species, as you might guess from the majestic name, is the imperial species - its height is about 1 m, the chess one is undersized - no more than 50 cm. A little higher is the Russian hazel grouse - 60 cm, and radde - grows up to 80-90 cm. This plant reproduces vegetatively (using bulbs) or seeds.

Flower hazel grouse

How to identify a hazel grouse (flower)? This is a bulbous plant with an unpleasant repulsive smell, its buds consist of wide fleshy scales, large-flowered, drooping.

grouse flower
grouse flower

May bloom singly or in inflorescences - racemose or umbellate at the top of the stem. They have the shape of a bell or a cylinder, they are also kubariform. The hazel grouse begins to bloom, as a rule, in the spring - from April - and can delight with its blossoming buds until June. The duration and month depend on the climate in which the flower grows.

Garden plant - planting andcare

The hazel grouse is one of the most beautiful garden plants, but it also has its negative sides - it is not its most charming aroma. However, its unpleasant smell is believed to help repel rodents.

Flower grouse care
Flower grouse care

Flowers hazel grouse care requires timely care, but if you lose sight of something, nothing bad will happen to the plant. Since this is not the most whimsical species, it can grow both in the sun and in partial shade. However, for planting it is better to prepare fertile soil. Avoid planting in lowlands where soil moisture is high. It must be remembered that hazel grouse flower care requires careful care - 2 times it is necessary to feed the plant with mineral fertilizer during the growing season. Food is essential for him. The hazel grouse is quite resistant to diseases. If, nevertheless, this exquisite garden plant is attacked by pests or diseases, mandatory treatment with insecticides and fungicides is necessary. By the beginning of July (the first decade), when the hazel grouse (flower) loses its attractiveness, you need to cut off its entire upper part, leaving only the bulbs in the ground. By the end of July, when the leaves die completely, the bulbs must be dug up. They are divided every 3-4 years. They need to be planted only in late August - early September. Until then, they should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated area. When planting, it is recommended to fill the bottom of the dug holes with coarse river sand - this will prevent the bulbs from rotting. Holes need to be dug 15-20 cm deep for tall species and 10-12 cm for short ones. Atwhen planting, it is important to handle the bulbs with care, as they are easily damaged.

Flowers grouse care
Flowers grouse care

Second landing method

Another way to plant hazel grouse is seeds. This option allows you to plant flowers on a larger scale, but you will not be able to enjoy its beauty right away. Seeds, as a rule, are sown immediately after harvest, this happens in the summer. The first shoots will sprout only the next year, and this wonderful flower will bloom in the 4th-5th year after planting. Hazel grouse is planted on lawns, in flower beds and parks. Also, in some areas, the hazel grouse (flower) grows wild on its own.
